
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

One thing leads to...

It was difficult to escape "Christmas in July" offerings. Even if I did not buy anything, I did look. How could I not? It was everywhere - all online stores, brick-mortar stores, blogland - everyone was talking about getting a head start on Christmas projects. The following few lines (an internal conversation) show how my thought process works...

Christmas - hmm. What are we doing for Christmas this year?
We are traveling.
Oh, so when do we see my sister's family?
Hmm, may be at New Years Day/Weekend.

New Year. New Year 2015.
Oh yeah...
What about New Year Resolutions?
Well, what about Old Year Resolutions?


I came to the realization that I may be seriously lagging behind in fulfilling the resolutions/promises I made in 2014. No, I am not allowed any new resolutions till I deliver on the old ones.

1. Make a Charity Quilt
2. Make Paul's Quilt
3. Make Joyce's Quilt

Step1 - Prioritize. Yes, the charity quilt should be first. But, I have to live with Paul. If he got his quilt first, my life (and the completion of other quilting projects) would get EASIER :-D

Picture this (this actually happened) - I am at my sewing machine, finishing the blocks for the Giraffes quilt. I place the blocks on the design wall, step away and admire. Then I turn to Paul and ask him - what do you think?
Paul - Is that my quilt?
Me - No.
Paul - If it is not mine, I don't have anything to say.
Granted that there was a mischievous hint of a grin there, but I get the point.

Flashback Paul's Quilt - This discussion started as soon as I completed my mother-in-law's quilt.
Paul - I want the same quilt but in shades of blue
Preeti - Not the same design. I want to make something different.
Paul - But it is for me. I should approve it.
Preeti - Yes, I will make sure that you approve of the design.
Paul - And also the fabrics.
Preeti - You want to go fabric shopping with me?
Paul - Not necessarily. As long as you choose blue and navy, I should be fine.

So, here are the fabrics/colors for Paul's Quilt.

The two strips - blue batik and the dark navy batik are his choices + black. Such a DARK quilt!!! I have decided to add the 6 square accent pieces (varying from light turquoise and light grey to midnight blue) so that the eyes have a place to rest in the dark quilt. I know what you are thinking - I have already cut up the fabric without a pattern.

That is not true. I have a pattern - but that I will reveal in the next blogpost :-)

P.S. Joyce's Quilt will be her Christmas gift. Therefore moved it to the bottom of the list. But there is another reason. Paul's Quilt will be a Twin Size and Joyce wants a Queen Size. So, it is perfect to sandwich (get the pun!!!) the smaller Charity Quilt in between of those two projects.

1 comment:

  1. I love those shades of Batiks! I had that EXACT muted green color a few years back! At least, it looks like it to me. Can't wait to see what you've come up with.
