
Friday, October 24, 2014

Baby Shower Gift = UFO Resurrection

Unfinished Objects (lovingly called UFOs) is a much dreaded word in the Quilting World. A Work in Progress (WIP) is much more acceptable.

Do you have UFOs?
Absolutely not. I have several ideas. To be able to see what that idea would like in fabric, I usually try a few blocks. Once I get the concept, I put it away so that I can go back to working on the project at hand.
And that is how a UFO happens.
No, it is not a UFO
It is not finished either.
I agree. When the right opportunity comes, those initial idea blocks will be made into a quilt. I call them practice blocks, idea seeds, or musings...
Uh huh!!!
Not a UFO (to be made into a quilt soon)
Let me give you an example. I put together some blue/green scraps from previous quilts. And here are some pink blocks using leftover fabrics from Keeley.

Pink Blocks (not a UFO)
Fast Forward to three weeks ago...
"We request the pleasure of your company to bless the mom to be....." A baby shower invitation.

I had blue/green blocks top and I had lovely floral pink blocks. It would take me a weekend of dedicated quilting time (ignoring all chores) to whip anyone of those into a quilt. I was ready. I needed to know just one thing - blue or pink.

Here is the "fun" part. The dad to be would not say.

Time for Plan B
Remember "Charmed"
When I made Charmed, I had enough blocks for a twin size bed. But ended up making a baby quilt and the remaining blocks were put away. I could use them now!!!
And therefore, here is Charmed Encore!!! See, those blocks were not UFOs. They were just waiting for the right baby!!!

Quilting Charmed Encore
Close-up of Blocks
I chose the Red/Gold Border


I really love this fabric line - Wee Woodland. It is suitable for both boys and girls. It is kid-appropriate without being too much baby-like, which gives it a few more years of use than the pink teddy bear quilt.

Here are a few more pictures
Thank you, Paul, for modeling!

Backing - Birds and Blocks

Backing - Close-up
I really like this backing fabric and the buntings are the best part. The buntings signify celebration and festivities. And all babies should be celebrated.
It is all gone now, I used it for two quilt backings. All I have left is a 6" strip. Scraps, yay!!!


It was a beautiful shower. The mom-to-be glowed and I wish her all the best.

This is my 14th finish of 2014 and it is not the last one. Can you please refer a good "Quilters Anonymous" De-addiction Center?

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