
Friday, April 8, 2016

Creature Feature etc.

Paul works in the IT industry. It means that he sits at a desk looking at a computer screen (actually three screens) all day.  What do you think he does to relax?
Plays computer games!!!

Fire-Breathing Dragon

What do I do when I get frustrated while I am working on a complicated, treacherous quilt pattern?
I make a simple quilt.

Orange Octopus

Yes, we are so different!!!

Remember Sun City. When I got extremely frustrated working on tiny blocks, I put it away and made this. Meet Creature Feature.

Creature Feature
This darling quilt (42" by 42") came together so quickly, is so bright and cheerful and it lifted me outta my funk. The best part - I completed the top in one afternoon. Hurray for simple and happy quilts. It is the popsicle of quilts.

Smiling Whales

Let me explain what I mean by Popsicle of a Quilt - Imagine, you are slaving over a three-layer chocolate cake with ganache icing (for very special guests).  But what you really want to eat is a popsicle. Get it?  It is simple and low-intensity. It hits the spot and makes you giggle like a kid. 

Puppies - Yay!!!
See this fabric with puppies.  I love this fabric. Here is a fat quarter that keeps on giving.
I used it in Homeful with great success. And also in Playschool as well as Pre-K.

Tropical Turtle

All colored strips are from Connecting Threads. Used some of them in Lickety Split.
And this orange fabric was a gift from dearest quilter buddy in Pennsylvania -  Sylvia.

from Sylvia, with love
Knowing my love for cute fabrics, she saved me two FQs of this adorable fabric.
A bunch of 5" squares and some 2.5" strips + on afternoon = Magic!!!

Jelly Fish :-)

As I was quilting this cutie patootie, I was listening to NPR and this show came up - Creature Feature.
"In this adorable rhyming game, each answer is two words: an animal, and a word that rhymes with that animal. So if we imagined a red crustacean gangster that boiled its enemies alive and served them with butter, it would be called a Lobster Mobster."

That settled it. I found the name for my little adorable quilt - Creature Feature.


Walking foot quilting using a decorative stitch that looks like Cs. Mirrored it looks like clouds.

Bright Stripes Binding

The backing is blue, cream dotty fabric.
The binding is a bright black/colorful striped fabric.  I am really loving stripes for binding. They look lovely!!!

I do not have a recipient in mind for Creature Feature but I am sure that the universe will take care of it.

Remember my last post where I talked about Craftsy kits that were great deals etc.
Guess what? Those very kits are now FURTHER reduced.  Check them out here.

I've had my eye on this Rhoda Ruth FQ Bundle for quite some time now, but I refused to pay more than $2 per FQ. Today it is 30 FQs for just over $60. SOLD!!!

Oh, I also bought this Michael Miller Melodies FQ bundle - how rich are these colors and at $1.625 per FQ, this was impossible resist.

Do you remember the KISS tutorial? It uses 6" strips. I used Kaffe Fassett's Design Strips.  Those are now 55% off at $18.45.  That means you could make two quilt tops for just $18.45.
Pastel Strips

Jewel Strips
And if you'd rather make the KISS quilt using batiks, there is great news.  Each of these Tonga Treats 6" Strips are just $21.

Jupiter 6" Strips

Citrus Mint 6" Strips

City Lights 6" Strips

Speaking of KISS, Kat of Scrapbox Quilts made a baby bargello quilt using my tutorial. I am tickled pink!!!

All addresses have been received from the winners of the Orphan Adoption Event. Packages going out today with the quilt top to Cindy, pens to PK, and template to Shelley.  In your packages, I have also included one small surprise item.  Exact same in each package - because I don't want any fights wherein anyone says - Why is her surprise item better than mine?
Just kidding :-D  Thank you for adopting these orphans and hope you enjoy your surprise :-)

I made another smaller quilt.

Someone had abandoned these triangles at the free table at our Guild Meeting.

I added some green sashing, some striped border and made a small quilt top.

It is only 32" square. It will work for a newborn baby girl.  But I am going to send it to NY Sue for the Stillborn Bereavement Group.

I used this stamp fabric for backing, received with love from Jake in SC.  I am thinking of you Jake and all the wonderful things you do :-)

A muted turquoise binding completes it.

Paul: Ooh, I like that fabric with the stamps.
Preeti: I can make you another coaster from that fabric, if you want.
Paul: Can you make me a little bag?
Preeti: Like with a zipper?
Paul: Yeah.
Preeti: WHAT??? WHY???
Paul: For travel, you know, to keep little things together.
I said fine while I rolled my eyes.
I did not think that my pouch making frenzy would have a negative side effect.  Further, I did not think that guys would want a travel bag in anything other than leather or leather look-alike. Well, I stand corrected.

I guess if I am going to use him as a quilt holder upper, he needs to be compensated!!!
How do you compensate your quilt holders/models?
Here is the fabric audition for the next project.  I need about ten fat quarters.
I am considering these Pashmina batiks from Timeless Treasures.
Pashmina Batik FQs, Grey Background
More in my next post.

I will be linking with my favorite linky parties.
I'd love to hear from you, as usual.



  1. Love your creature quilt! Gives me an idea for some 5 inch squares I have sitting in the scrap bin.

  2. Love the pattern you used for Creature Feature, and how fun it is! Definitely love that "popsicle". Visiting from Confessions of a Fabric Addict.

  3. LOL, "Popsicle of a Quilt" - love that Preeti! Creature Feature is such a fun quilt that I can see exactly what you mean. I love the backing and binding too!
    Great save on the triangles. I hope that little quilt brings a little comfort to grieving parents.
    Yes, quilt holder uppers must receive compensation, hahaha. So then Paul will be receiving a nifty stamped travel bag?

  4. Sometimes when you get frustrated you just have to switch gears to get back on track. I love the popsicle of quilt reference, I totally get it.

  5. Love Creature Feature. You reference of Popsicle totally made me smile.

  6. Aw, this is just such a fun part of my day when a post from you pops up. I love your Popsicle of a Quilt. You are right. We all need those popsicles to keep us going. Your little orphan triangle quilt is so sweet--it will give some family a lot of comfort I'm sure. I never thought of compensating my quilt holder upper/quilt adviser with a quilty little something. How neat that Paul wants a zipper bag.

  7. I love Creature Feature...and it's a great name. Sometimes you do need a quick easy finish.

  8. The last few quilt tops I made were "popsicles" featuring creatures. Definitely fun and a great reprieve from a frustrating quilt. Your batiks here are gorgeous and I'm not usually drawn to them. I don't use human quilt holder-uppers so no compensation required:)

  9. Along with everyone else, I, too, love your turn of phrase, Popsicle of a Quilt--perfect for those almost-instant gratification projects. I have that so pretty blues/pinks/yellows smallest floral fabric! Got it in Oregon in a kit to make an Amy Butler bag! I have leftover...this looks like a great quick way to use it. I could do that. Or I could do your Creature Feature idea too...isn't it just the BEST when someone else makes your pattern? :-)

  10. Creature Feature is a fun quilt, love the name. Taking a break is a good way to re energize.

  11. Thanks Preeti. I am looking forward to getting that orphan top. I always end up making sample free motion quilt pieces, then make into hot pads when I need to sew but my brain is too full of day to day stuff to concentrate on anything complicated. My grandsons would love some creature features. I will look for some fussy cutting fabric.

  12. And I have made tons of little bags for men. They seem to love them for their pockets. Saves me from having to mend those pockets all the time too.

  13. Creature Feature -love the name and featuring the novelty prints like that is great fun!

  14. Creature Feature is way too cute! I love how your Popsicle pattern shows off the darling prints so well. Simple quilts are my favorite. Also, great job taking something someone else didn't want and giving another family comfort.

  15. men, so surprising. I'd like a bag with the stamps fabric if I were traveling too. Going to look for your bargello pattern, as I've wanted to make one but they seem so tedious. Betcha you've made it easier

  16. Creature Feature is soooo cute. Perfect name. I love novelties.

    I work in the IT industry and come home and make quilts - I want to be far, far away from any computers!

  17. Love Creature Feature. It looks terrific and some little person will love it. I used to make lots of quilt with center squares and then surrounded with strips. I always ran out of the neutral fabrics that went around the squares! Maybe I'll haunt the sales like you suggest. On the other hand, I'm trying to use UP fabric rather than buying more!

  18. I might need some of that medicine ! Lucky I have a simple quilt to make. Great use of all those novelty fabrics. Thanks for joining up with us at #scraptastictuesday

  19. You have had an action packed week! Sometimes we need to veer to the right, change speed and go with something easy! Creature Feature fits that bill and its cute as heck too!

  20. Hi Preeti: I got my little green quilt top last night and the surprise. Just wanted to say thank you. I love it and am going to make something special which I will share with you when I get it done (several projects in the works first!). Thanks again.

  21. Love how you came up with the name of the quilt. I giggled at Lobster Mobster.

  22. Lovely little quilt! And I totally think that you should make "Preeti's Bargains" a regular feature, because I've now purchased 2 of those quilt kits. Thanks for doing the shopping for me!

  23. Glad Paul liked the stamp fabric! Youll have to show us the pouch! Use Annas Open wide pouch and make the bottom a solid brown or use some leather for that part...ya know, man it up a you Preeti
