
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Best Gift Ever!!!

Paul: Your mind is so full of fabric thoughts that you cannot pay attention to anything else.
Me: Thank you for that diagnosis. Now you know why I am ignoring you.

Friday - 11/18/2016

Last Friday I received a quilt as a gift.  I knew that a gift was on its way, but nothing could prepare me for what emerged from the neatly wrapped package. Let's take a closer look.

If you are awestruck, can you imagine what happened to me?

A personalized, quilted, wall hanging in rainbow colors!!! See the words are so inadequate to describe this gorgeous, incomparable, piece of quilted art.  Made for ME!!!

The surrounding blocks are improv rail fence. Each rainbow colored letter has trapunto quilting!!! And it is quilted with matching thread.

And it spells my name - PREETI.

Is there a Cloud 999?  Yes there is, because I am looking down on it.

I flipped the picture above, so that the letters were not mirror-images.

This gift is hands down the best gift I have EVER received!!! And it came from Jayne of Twiggy and Opal.  Jayne also included this card and cute little coin purse.

I am so giddy with joy!!!

Saturday 11/19/2016

On my trip to see my sister (delivering Erica's quilt), I stopped by to have lunch with Sylvia in Pennsylvania.  We ate Mexican food, laughed, hugged and chatted. Look what she brought for me.

Sylvia knows that I am sucker for cute fabric. Whenever she finds something adorable, she saves me a fat quarter or more.  I also received chalk pencils, tools (keep together spools and bobbins) and more cute FQs.

Sunday 11/20/2016

On my return trip, I stopped in Delaware to meet Mari of Academic Quilter.  It was like meeting an old friend. There was never a dull moment.  We talked about Theology, Politics and Art.  Mari is a professor and I felt that I got smarter just by being in her presence. Osmosis!!!

Last week when I was despondent, Mari suggested - Go sew something colorful. I heeded her advice and started to put together a love child of Chinese Coins and Rail Fence, using charm squares.

WIP - A Love Child of Chinese Coins & Rail Fence

Of course, I felt better. I am sure we are meeting again soon.  Here is more fabric I received as a gift.  Thank you, Mari.

The camaraderie of my quilter friends and the friendship of fellow bloggers has enriched my life in ways that I could not have foreseen.  It exceeds all my expectations. I may have said it before but I will say it again - My cup runneth over...again!!!

Christmas is next month. But I have already received everything I wished for and so much more!!!

Now, if you have not yet received the fabric of your choice, it is time to take the matter into your own hands. Welcome to Craftsy's Black Friday Sales.  Here are a few things that caught my eye.

Cotton + Steel - 40 FQs for $35

Boundless Batiks - 90 FQs for less than $180

Starlight Sampler Quilt Kit with PDF pattern and 19+ yards of fabric at 65% off

Shooting Stars Quilt Kit - Includes PDF pattern and 9+ yards of fabric at 50% off

Boundless Batiks Rainbow Precuts - 20FQs for $44

Prismatic Star - Paper Pattern(from Quiltworx) and 8+ yards of fabric at 55% off

And if you have no need for more fabric...may be there is a class that you have been eyeing. And it is now on sale!!!

I have a few (ok several) projects in the pipeline. However, my one goal for December is to finish Angel's quilt. Linking with Elm Street Quilts OMG Linky Party.

I know I was supposed to finish it in November...but I am glad I spent the weekend meeting Sylvia and Mari. Stop pushing me now!!! Here is a sneak peek.

Droolworthy Kaffe 

Keeping the blocks in order!!!

Wide Backing - Too cute!!!

What are you working on? Do share and Have a Happy Turkey Day.  I will be linking with all my favorite linky parties.

This blogpost contains affiliate links.


  1. Preeti, Happy Thanksgiving. How blessed you are to have received such a beautiful, personalized gift. It is lovely. You are also blessed to have been able to spend some time with Sylvia. I have not been, and probably will not be, fortunate enough to meet her, though I would love so much to. I SEW admire and respect her and her quilting, as I do you and your beautiful quilting and talents. Enjoy your upcoming holidays.

  2. What an awesome gift from Jayne. It's beautiful.

  3. Preeti, that last anonymous post was from me. I don't know how else to post, but will put my username on this one. By the way, I have the pattern for the Prismatic Star, have had it for 3 years, have picked out the fabrics, but am still a bit intimidated about trying it. Some day! :) cv quilter

  4. Hi Preeti! That is the best gift! Jayne's work is special and this quilt is again so beautiful! Your new fabrics are also beautiful! x Teje

  5. You are one super lucky lady! Happy Thanksgiving

  6. Happy Thanksgiving... LOVE your "Preeti" quilt!!!!!!!! A work of art!

  7. If anyone deserves such a beautiful gift, it's you! Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. Happy Thanksgiving to you and family. Beautiful quilt from Jayne.

  9. Oh, Preeti! How exciting for you! It's truly beautiful. How lucky to have been able to do all that visiting! Happy Thanksgiving! XO

  10. You got to meet Mari!! Cool! That Jayne is a wizard, (as are you to flip the photo of the back; I was like wait what?), well hmm, make that a sorceress with trapunto and improv...whoa and wow what a meaningful quilt she created for you, such a treasure. I like seeing the sneak peek of the Kaffe creation you have going!

  11. I makes me so happy to make someone else happy...that would be you! Secret surprise gifts are the best, but making one for a special person is the icing on the cake. Quiltly friends are the best ever!

  12. Sandra expressed my confusion exactly? Wait, what??? Some letters work like that but not every letter in your name. That was a good joke. Jayne is a sweetheart for making such a gorgeous wall hanging for you.
    I know you enjoyed your visits with the other bloggers. I think it would be fun to have a "quilt blogger convention" so we can all meet and laugh together.

  13. Such a cute and thoughtful gift that Jayne made you. She is a talented lady and you are lucky to get such a wonderful gift. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  14. What a FABULOUS gift that you received!! I too would be giddy. I also checked out the Craftsy sale, and found some great deals, LOL!

  15. What a fun gift to come so unexpectedly. Sounds like you had a great visit with like minds. I'm trying to avoid Craftsy this weekend, but it's so hard!

  16. Wow - spectacular gift :-) I am sure you will love it always.
    I am glad you had fun meeting up with Mari. It is a treat to meet each other in person after all of the blog commenting and communicating!

  17. Wow! What q beautiful personalized gift. Lucky girl!

  18. Oh Pretty, your gift from Jayne is beautiful, I'm not surprised you are so happy. Sounds like you had a great weekend too with Sylvia, Mari, and visiting with your sister, sounds perfect to me. But there again I'm not surprised you have such wonderful friends, as everyone knows, like attracts like.

  19. Nooooooo you and Mari got together without me? First she meets with you, my friend. Then she meets with pugmom, my friend. I wish I'd been there too!
    Jayne too, she should come! I like her too! Great gifts. LeeAnna (thinking I better get in there and sew a rainbow quilt to lift my spirits too)

  20. What a super gift -- it's just wonderful! And nice to catch up on your projects. Glad you got to meet Mari in person.

  21. Lovely gift and love the sneak peak on the fabrics. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal. Please do add a link to the linkup to your post so others can find!

  22. That Kaffe is droolworthy! Good luck getting your blocks pieced!

  23. Jayne's gift to you is amazing Preeti! And I ca totally see why she made it for you. She's so talented. And how wonderful that you got to meet Mari! You are so right about the goodness that quilting and blogging friends add to our lives.
    Love the way your Love Child quilt is looking!
