
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Love and Lust

It is Valentine's Day.  I am thinking about Love. And Lust.

So many times, I have heard Love and Lust being mentioned together as if they belong together, as if one leads to another, as if they are similar items grouped together like "table and chair" or "pen and pencil" or "bread and butter"

In my opinion Love and Lust belong together but more like Night and Day.
Yes, they are opposites.

Lust has reasons. Love has none.

When my heart is full of love, my thoughts are focused on the other - the person I love. Selfless.
When I am lustful, I am focused on me. Self-gratification.

Since I am a lark (morning person) and Paul is a night owl, we agreed to have separate bedrooms.

Sometimes, when I see him sleeping, I will watch him for a bit, mouth open, covers askew, arms and legs all over the bed.
Sometimes, I will plant a gentle kiss on his forehead and let him sleep in peace.
Sometimes, I will jump into his bed and be all over him (hoping to get lucky). 

Sometimes I am in Love and sometimes I am in Lust. You know which one is which.

Love embodies patience.
Lust is hurried, impetuous and intolerant.

Love is a cool breeze, while Lust is a scorching volcano.

Fortunately for me (and Paul) Love and Lust are inextricably intertwined.  Just like the dark and light colors are twisted together in this quilt.

Although this blogpost is titled Love and Lust, that would be such an inappropriate name for this baby quilt.

I am going to call it Tropic Frolic, because of the bright colors playing with each other.

The finished quilt measures about 40 inches by 45 inches.

And I am very happy with it.

And one more picture...just because.


This year, instead of buying a Valentine's Day card, I decided to make one. With fabric.
Chose this bright and spicy hot fabric.

Do you see hearts? Well, I see kissing lips!

I chose Lust over Love. Definitely made him laugh :-D


Whether you love new patterns or lust for gorgeous fabric, Connecting Threads may just be the ticket.

I will be linking with all my favorite linky parties. I'd love to hear from you. How was your Valentine's Day - Loving or Lustful?  Please do not hold back. I did not :-D

This blogpost contains affiliate links.


  1. I suppose mine was loving: we are babysitting so the younger couple can go out for dinner. We've always been more loving, with bouts of lust tossed in.

    I think of you as demure and shy, so this post was a bit of a surprise. lol Nice to see a fun side, or should I say wild side instead?

  2. for us,, ALWAYS a little of both,,, once you reach our age one needs to inclue "laughter"We have been married 49yrs and were HS sweethearts..WOW practically my whole life!!!.. My SIL arrived at my door around 5"30 with a beautiful bouqet and said he was delivering flowers to the women he loved... his Mom and I... my daughter sure knows how to pic them!
    LOVE your quilt and your Valentine... great job as always... Hugs, GB

  3. One of my coworkers said her family celebrates Valentine's Day with a big dinner of crab legs, lobster tails and steak for all of the family. I like this idea and may incorporate this in my life.

    I call it Happy Heart's Day to celebrate the ones that I love. So my day was loving and I shared it with friends.

  4. Mine was loving, nursing a Hubby with a cold. I love to see your feisty side Preeti, it always gives me a smile.

  5. What a lovely, happy quilt! I love all the colors (and perhaps I am lusting after them too!) Our Valentine's was great--we had takeout, watched a movie, and had brownies for dessert. Perfect!

  6. You are just too funny! Love the story, and glad you changed the name for that baby quilt - thank you so much for sharing on Midweek Makers!

  7. Such a cute baby quilt. It was fun seeing it go from sketch to quilt.

  8. Oh, Preeti, this one had me laughing and smiling. Maybe it's because of a little love and lust there needs to be a baby quilt? Congrats on your finish and I love the card you made for Paul :)

  9. Like your fun quilting idea. Looks a lot as if it were for a rawedge applique though its the quilting. Fun little quilt that will hopefully be loved a lot!

  10. You racy girl you! All that sewing on bodacious tatas clearly amped up the temps in your house! Great quilt! Is it your own pattern?

  11. Preeti, There were so many fun Valentine's Day posts that popped up yesterday. Yours wins the prize. It was the best of all of them. I like the thought you put into this - there are huge differences between love and lust and both have a place in life. I loved this!! The Valentine you made for Paul was really cute and the baby quilt is wonderful.

  12. Preeti, this is a beautiful baby quilt. I love the zigzag quilting along the seamlines! And I love what you said about love being a focus on the other, and lust being a focus on satisfying your own desires. I was having a conversation with a teenaged girl after choir rehearsal last night along similar lines, but your words really convey what I was trying to say more clearly than my own words did! happy Valentine's Day!

  13. You are hilarious! Love, Lust...Lust, Love!! You are so full of life in your writings and I love reading all your posts! Cutest card ever!

  14. Preeti, I love your writing! You tell a wonderful story in between peeks at your beautiful quilt. I thoroughly enjoyed every word. Our Valentine's Day gift to each other was the gift of time spent together - always what is most important to me!

  15. This is a a great pattern. The zig zag stitching is a great idea.

  16. Oh I did smile as I read this, great story! Now onto patchwork... cute baby quilt, and a great name for it too!

  17. I love how you write! The quilt is so pretty! I wonder if you'll share this post with the baby when he/she is all grown up? :)

  18. I love the batiks in this quilt! And your writing ... so funny and honest!

  19. A wonderful quilt! Full of color, I love it!
    I did smile as I read your story!

  20. Reading the post and looking at the quilt in progress made me smile, then at the end I saw the 'one more picture just because' pic and WOW, I got the full effect, stunning. I so love the beautiful batiks, you certainly have a way with words Preeti. I'm definitely smiling........

  21. Such a wonderful quilt! I love how the colors play with each other. I had a wonderful Valentine's. That's all I'm sayin'...

  22. I loved reading this post, and I love the baby quilt you made. It's wonderful and colourful.

  23. Sehr sehr schöner Quilt mit wunderbaren Farben!

  24. A very fun post to read. My Guy and I hit the gym on Valentine's Day. Not romantic at all, but it works for us. The baby quilt turned out beautifully. You picked a good name for it.

  25. What a fun post, and a darling quilt!
