
Friday, May 5, 2017

Crazy Daisy May

Last month, I met my local quilty buddy Cynthia for lunch.
She had a surprise for me.

She was at a store closeout sale and bought fabric bolts for $5 each. Saved these four for me.
I was speechless.

According to Cynthia, this fabric had my name written all over it. I am such a lucky duck.

Speaking of fabric, I did buy a little something. This spaceships flannel from Connecting Threads.

Because it is so bright and cheerful and at 60% off it is such a deal. It will be perfect for a baby quilt backing.


May is going to be a Crazy Daisy month.  There is just so much happening.

Bee Blocks - in process

But first the HoneyPotBee for May block.

Blue Green

This is the best (my absolute favorite) block so far in the Honey Pot Bee.
Thanks to the tutorial from Intrepid Thread.

I made more than two. Well, actually, I made more because I made a mistake.

Blue and Yellow - one option

And then I loved how gorgeous they looked. So I made a few more.
Pinning helps

Is it acceptable to dispense advice on making these blocks? 
Well, after making a few, I chose to change a few things.

The tricky part

So, when you finish piecing the 2" strings, you get a block that is about 11" wide.
You are required to trim it to 9.5". That means cutting 3/4" on either sides. Now, this is not a big deal but that would make the end strips much too skinny in comparison with the other strips

Skinny Strips on the end - not good

So, I cut the strips at 1 and 7/8".  Also alternated sewing direction for alternate strips and ironed them in one direction after finished sewing all seven.

Not too skinny purple end strip

Used generous amounts of spray starch and ironed again, before cutting them into triangles.

Snowballing corners

Followed the remaining directions the best I could and here we have the two blocks.

The others are not truly completed in time for this blogpost.

I am saving the corner HSTs for the next scrap vortex quilt.

Other activities in May include the following:

  • I am going to attend a Bonnie Hunter lecture next week.
  • I joined Instagram. Must get more comfortable with it and follow others.
  • I will be meeting with Melanie of Melanie's Kunstraum next week, when she will be here on a visit to Washington DC.  I am so excited :-)

I am sure I am forgetting something. Oh yes, Craftsy has a sale  - all classes are under $20.
I mean all classes including knitting, dressmaking, baking and more.  Here is a picture to go with the promotion.


Here is my OMG for May.  Complete a queen size quilt and deliver it to my sister by Memorial Day so that she can take it with her when she leaves for India this month. How is that for a deadline?

Moda Paradiso

For this quilt, I finally opened the Moda Paradiso FQ Bundle.  Love the pink and turquoise. Added a dark blue background. Here is a sneak peek. I am saving the details for the FINISHED post.


This is the backing and binding.

Wide Backing and Navy Binding

Since it is my OMG for May and it has floral fabrics, I am calling this one Mayflower.
Linking with Elm Street Quilts for May OMG.

I'd love to stay and chat but you know I have a deadline (and so much to do) and I cannot dawdle. 
Please tell me how May is shaping up for you - no matter how dull or how exciting. Of course, I 'd love to hear from you and I will be there at all the linky parties.


  1. I love your leaves and I am happy you have joined instagram and that we have found each other already. Good luck with your goal but the outside deadline will surely speed you along with this goal.

  2. That fabric really did have your name all over it! It's great to have quilty friends. And a Bonnie Hunter lecture? I'm so jealous!

  3. That fabric is so you. Quilty friends are the best!

  4. Great reason to make a quilt. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project!

  5. Lovely quilt in progress. I'm almost done with my May OMG... I know amazing I'm such a procrastinator. I'm awaiting a wide back from Connecting Threads myself.

  6. Oh, my, May is going to be fantastic for you. But it looks like April was super, too. Those fabric bolts--I think your friend knows you very well. Thanks for sharing how you changed the HoneyPotBee blocks. You always have such thoughtful ideas of how to tweak things. I love leaf quilts--and usually make maple leaves--but these little leaves would be so pretty as a whole quilt for spring or fall. Have fun with all your activities. I'm looking forward to a photo essay. (Oh, and welcome to instagram!)

  7. Welcome to Instagram indeed! You'll find it easy to use. The only problem is that I am unable to keep up with all the social media outlets so something gets left out. I know, too many.
    You have some pretty cool things going on. I'll be sure to visit often so I can see your projects develop and read Paul's take on them. He's a bit of a smart-aleck, isn't he? At least he's funny....and you handle it beautifully.

  8. Sewing tips are always welcome, even if it's something you have heard before it can be a reminder, especially if you have a memory like mine. Great bargains with your fabric, you must have been singing and dancing at 50 and 60% off.

  9. I am so excited and looking forward to meeting you, too :)

    Wishing you the best of luck and perseverance with your OMG. What kind of fabrics do you like? (considering why it had your name on it) Seeing these fabrics I think we might (sometimes) be in different fabric clubs :)

    And I love the fabrics you picked for the bee blocks and those feathers are just gorgeous!!!

  10. great fabrics, such a wonderful friend. I love your Paradiso quilt

  11. oh off to hunt you in instagram, but be warned, it is addictive! I love all your new fabrics, not only great bargains but really nice fabrics too.

  12. Very nice fabric haul - wasn't she good to think of you! Saw you pop up on IG over the weekend and followed thinking why have I not followed Preeti before now!

  13. What fun fabrics! You definitely have a great friend. Your Bee blocks turned out beauitfully! Good luck on you May OMG, it's looking to be another gorgeous finish. Happy stitching.

  14. I read this the other day, but my Internet was acting funky, so I gave up trying to comment. I love, love these fabrics! You're a lucky girl to have such a fine friend! Enjoyed reading about your blocks and how they came to be. The end result came out great! Most of my mistakes end up in the trash......I use them to dust my way to the trash bin! Batting scraps work the best, though! Have a wonderful, funderful day! XO, karen

  15. Hi - I just love how the navy sets off the pinks and blues. Beautiful! ~smile~

  16. So much going on! I love the honey pot blocks and congratulations on joining instagram! You can find me there as Kristingumdrop :)
    And - have fun at your Bonnie Hunter workshop. Can't wait to hear all about it.

  17. Mayflower is such a pretty quilt - well done! And your friend knows you too well! Thanks for sharing on Midweek Makers

  18. Wow, it looks like you have your plate full (not that I have much room to talk) This looks like such a fun block, I can see why you did more of them. I just love it when you can put those leftover bits to good use. Give Mell a big hello from back home and have fun helping her fill up her suitcase with lots of sewing goodies.

  19. You're going to have a busy month so I just have to say "May the force be with you". And how awesome is it to have a friend who buys fabric for you; fortunately I have friends who are very kind. Have fun quilting and don't worry about us, we'll be sitting here reading about your quilting adventures.

  20. I love your blocks! And love the fact that you gave advice. Nothing is ever set in stone!!

  21. I love that fabric with the little leaves on it - colorful and whimsical! Your Honeypot Bee block is really neat! I would never have guessed that it was going to turn out the way it did by looking at your first couple of steps. I enjoyed following along with your strps?

  22. I found those honeypot leaves a little difficult but love the overall effect. Your colours are great.

  23. FYI - Since Judy Laquidara at Patchwork Times is no longer doing "Design Wall Mondays", I talked to her and got permission to continue Design Wall Mondays at my blog:

    I hope to see your posts on future Mondays, Judy Hansen
