
Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Playing Footsie

Celebrate a Finish
Once upon a time in India, very long ago a young wife (newly married) went out on a date with her new husband.
(Of course, they did not call it a date - just going to a restaurant for dinner. )


Additionally basting with pins

She had a twinkle in her eyes and a spring in her step, because these alone moments with her husband were few and far in between.
(They lived with his parents.)


Done  - Ready to wash

She was playful.
(He was not.)

Sunny Day

She thought this was so romantic.
(He was nonchalant.)

Ooh the texture!

She wanted to make the most of this occasion.

51" by 68" - Picnic time

After they placed their order and before the food came, the playful young wife, slipped her right foot out of her sandal, to play footsie with her husband.

Ready to cuddle

Gingerly, she extended her foot, her toe touched his ankle.  She closed her eyes. His head shot up.
As she traced a line on his calf with her toe, he pulled back.

What a Hoot!

She had not expected this. Her eyes fluttered open.

June OMG Finished

Don't do that, he admonished. Don't you know that touching your husband with your feet is disrespectful?

Charm Squares Repurposed

She never attempted to play footsie with him again. The year was 1995 and that young wife was me.
The marriage ended in divorce.


Fast forward to 2004. I was now a grad student at FSU and dating an older American man. It was complicated.  He was recently separated, emotionally unavailable and we saw each other just a couple of times in a month, when he did not have his kids.

Binding pops!!!

We would sometimes go to a movie. Sometimes we would go out to eat at a restaurant. And although he never really acknowledged me as his girlfriend, this was definitely a date.

Rolled Finish

The best part - I could play footsie from the beginning to the end of the meal!!!

Navy & Aqua work so well!

He was bemused but never pulled away.  I am sure he must have wondered - what is her obsession with footsie?

Showing off my label

Here is a quilt where the Chinese Coins are playing footsie with the Rail Fence Block.

Selfie :-)

I made this quilt top in November of last year to get out of my funk.

Zig Zag Stitch

I had shared my disappointment about the recent election and my fears for the future with Mari.  She was supportive and understanding as she heard me pour my heart out.

Am I naked behind the quilt?

Mari then told me - Go sew something colorful. I followed her advice, dove into my fabric stash and found several charm squares, languishing in boxes and longing to become something. This quilt is the result of that endeavor - Playing Footsie.

Could be?
This marks the achievement of my June OMG.
Nine quilts in 6 months. What do you think?

With my Quilt Model

You look so happy, Mari commented on my Instagram picture.
It is the weekend, the weather is perfect, Paul is home and most importantly - I can play footsie all day long!!!

How was your weekend? Did you complete your OMG? I'd love to hear from you.


  1. What a fun quilt. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  2. "Am I naked behind this quilt?" Hahaha! Wonderful!

    No big finish to report here, as I had sinus surgery last week. But I have grand plans, and I did manage to cut some squares.

  3. Such a wonderful story... and quilt to go with! You and Paul are a model to all for making life all it can be no matter WHAT to problems be... I turned 70 yesterday and can say i am more in Love with my husband now than when we met in 1963 and have been together ever since... Life is good,,, ALWAYS look for the positive side of things:))) Thank you for your stories... they make me smile:)) GB

  4. A beautiful quilt and a story that made me smile--thanks, Preeti, and congratulations on a wonderful finish!

  5. What a delightful post! I love all these photos!

  6. Hi Preeti,
    What a fun story and a cinderella ending. Just like Cind, we sometimes have to kiss a few frogs before we find our prince . . . I'm happy you found yours. Beautiful footsie quilt. ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. Fun, flirty and happy quilt. Definitely like footsie😁
    Love your story!

  8. Oh Preeti! You are always full of surprises and delight! I love your beautiful Footsie quilt and may you never stop playing footsie! You have a glow on your face in these pictures! I need more of your freespirit-ness in my life!

  9. Another wonderful post, Miss Preeti. And I'm just loving your quilt!

  10. The quilt is lovely and so is your story. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Aw, this makes me smile. I am glad you were able to sew your way out of your funk. Enjoy the footsies - quilt or otherwise!

  12. Preeti, what a creative quilt AND post! Love it!

  13. I love your quilts and enjoyed reading the story in between the photo's :)

  14. What a great quilt...even better story. Glad you found someone to play footsie with.

  15. Lots of pretty colours and happy thoughts!

  16. Very happy quilt and a happy chapter in the story. I love the colors and your smile. :)

  17. What a fun post to read and a very pretty quilt. :)

  18. I always love reading your posts and I love your bright and colourful quilt. Mari gave you great advice I'm glad you followed it.

  19. This post should be called "happy endings." This is such a happy quilt and looks great all quilted up, and the picture at the end is the happy ending to your story. (And if you are naked behind the quilt, your neighbors are getting quite a show!) :) Have a wonderful day!

  20. What a beautiful quilt - so colorful and pretty!

  21. Like all of the other curious bystanders, I love your story and quilt. The quilt is very simple yet perfectly executed and satisfying to the eyes and soul. Glad to see you are staying busy with that sewing machine.

  22. Love this! The smaller components combine to make a really big impact - thank you for sharing on Midweek Makers!

  23. Your story combined with the photos of your quilt is so much fun! I love the color and design, and glad it got you out of your funk!

  24. Preeti, I love a good coin quilt. You are such a great story teller. I always enjoy your husband stories.

  25. What a fun post to go with a fun quilt, naked indeed hehe! You are always so funny. It's a lovely quilt, I love the bright saturated colours and the backing is great, love it.

  26. It looks like making this quilt helped you past your funk. It's a fun, bright quilt. Thanks for sharing.

  27. I like it a lot. No wonder it helped you out of a funk.

    Just wanted to let you know that my mother passed away on June 13th, rather suddenly. Liver failure. She was flown from the local hospital to Johns Hopkins where they put her on maximum life support. After my sisters arrived from out of state the next day, we sang all Mama's favorite songs around her bed, said our goodbyes, and then at 11;57pm, Daddy kissed her a final time, and then her heart stopped.

    I'll never be the same. I am grieving with hope, though, because she is with Jesus, she's out of pain, she's dancing, and we will see her again. My funk has just begun.

  28. The words are sweet--but, oh, the pictures. They really tell the whole story. You are beaming! I see that Mari's wise advise worked wonders. Well, that and the footsie!

  29. Beautiful, happy quilt. She makes me smile too!

  30. Love your narration as you show your fun quilt!

  31. Lovely quilt with a great story to go with it. I love it.

  32. Oh Preeti, I loved this post so much. It is the little things that make or break a relationship aren't they? The acceptance of what is important to your partner even if you don't understand it yourself. All the way on the other side of the ocean I too was perplexed and worried about the recent election, it effects more than just America of America first. The advice to go play with colour is good advice. I love your quilt.

  33. Love the quilt. I will admit to wondering how the story would relate to it. Adroitly, it did. Claire aka knitnkwilt

  34. Your quilt is lovely and so you story about your life!

  35. A very fun and bright quilt! Congrats on the finish and on meeting your June OMG. Thanks for sharing the story with a sad beginning, but a happy ending. Have a great holiday weekend.

  36. What a fun way to share your quilt photos. I like it a lot! It is a happy quilt and you look happy now too.

  37. Love your quilt and your story. You are a delightful person.

  38. I just knew you were the young wife with the playful demeanor. I know that you're grateful to start over with the right guy. Hmm, Paul looks younger in this picture than I've seen in past posts. Is it the smile? Or the story? Or the quilt? Or the naked wife? Are you playing footsie?

  39. Your smiles and the bright colors of the quilt tell it all.

  40. I just love it!! The colors make everyone happy no matter what is going on - and the two of you! Ahh!! Happiness!!

  41. love the idea of combining the coins and rails. great story teller

  42. Beautiful quilt and what a precious story! I love to play footsies too!

  43. Reading your post put a smile on my face. Lovely finish and great story. Your playfulness shines through.

  44. What a wonderful blog post. I love how you weave the back story of your quilt and what it means to you in with the photos of your process. And I just LOVE that photo of you and Paul. I am SO HAPPY for you that you had the courage to leave your first marriage and that you were brave enough to go back out there and find a man who puts that kind of smile on your face. You deserve happiness, and a lifetime of playing footsie!

  45. The quilt is almost as bright as your smile. I love it!

  46. Such a sad and great story in one post. I am glad you are happy now and that you could clear your mood with some colorful charms. The quilt is really fun. Congrats!

    PS: Still thinking about what I will do with yours :)
    PPS: 9 quilts/ 6 month - wow, I am in awe, really need some of that sewing energy.

    xo Melanie

  47. This was a fun visit, thank you. It's a fun quilt as well and would be a great scrappy quilt. I'm all about scrappy. The backing is perfect.

  48. I stopped here because I read your comment on Tonia's blog. I wanted to know more about the person that made the comment. I was compelled to meet you. I cannot tell you how much I love this post. Absolutely. I hardly saw the quilts wanting to know where your commentary was going. I great story. Mari's advice was excellent. Your husband is a gem. Now I'll go back and look at those quilts!

  49. love your story - your quilts and your happy smile

  50. Great story -- and a great quilt! Playing footsie seems to have inspired you.

  51. Enjoyed your story and quilt! Very colorful!

  52. Thank you for sharing your wonderfull story behind that beautiful colorful quilt!

  53. What a journey and a great way to celebrate a happier ending/not ending. Thanks for linking up to #scraptastictuesday we will be picking winners later in the week thanks to Finish-A-Long
