
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

You Belong

Stan Lee passed away on November 12, 2018.

Photo Credit - By Sidrao21 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

He was remembered on NPR in this story, wherein they mentioned the anthem of the Merry Marching Marvel Society.  Since I was clueless, I had to look up the song - You belong.

You belong
(This quilt was made for a newborn baby boy. The theme was aviation and the suggested colors were red, white and blue.  When I saw this backing, it seemed like a perfect match.)

Backing - Transportation

Listen to the clip here. I found the lyrics here.

The only reason I know about Stan Lee and the Marvel universe is Paul.
Paul introduced me to Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, the Hulk and the Black widow.  Of course Thor is my favorite, but I digress.

Scraps from all over

Me: Do you know the song - You belong?
Paul: It was before my time but I am aware of it.
Me: It is a great song.
Paul: Yes it is!!!
Me: Of all the comics, all the movies, all the super heroes, why is Marvel your favorite?
Paul: Because they were mostly ordinary people who overcame personal obstacles and shortcomings to become extraordinary.
Me: Each one of them is so different, like Thor is completely different from Captain America.
Paul: Hulk is completely different from Iron Man. But each one of them brought something unique and valuable to the Marvel universe.  Together, they make the Marvel Universe.
Me: They all belong.


Snoopy takes center stage

Snakes, Frogs and Bugs

Such is this quilt. Every scrap brings something to this quilt and they all belong here. Whether it was abandoned on the free table at the guild meeting, came to me in a scrap bag from Sandra, was a remnant in the scrap bin at Joann's, or a leftover bit from binding another quilt.

Happy Tigers

Transportation theme continues

Me: Oh how I wish that our world today was as welcoming where each one of us could belong and contribute to our fullest potential. That would be perfect.
Paul: If the world was perfect there wouldn't be a need for superheroes.
Me (sighing loudly): Yes. But we can do better.
Paul: Yes, we can.

All sorts of planes


Last finish of 2018
Hope we are better persons in 2019. Hope we can make the world a better place in 2019.
With this wish, I bid farewell to 2018. Have a safe and a happy new year!!!

I will be linking with all my favorite linky parties, see full list on the sidebar.  As usual, I'd love to hear your thoughts.


  1. sure is a cute quilt - I was clueless - I like some of the Marvel stuff but never got into it all that much - my older daughter and husband on the other hand lol

  2. I share your wishes for 2019! How do you have any scraps left at all? Perhaps you need some more? :) This quilt is sure to be loved. Love the binding, too! Happy Christmas to you and Paul!

  3. Great use of all these scrap fabrics to make this great quilt. I am sure it will bring a lots of enjoyment for the baby.

  4. A wonderful way to use all these scraps. The red and white striped binding holds it together with such fun. You chose a great back, too.
    I've said it before but I love the conversations you and your DH share.

  5. Wonderful thoughts to end this year and carry forward into 2019. And what a terrific quilt for that little one.

  6. Love the quilt! I see you did some more circle quilting. I have some scraps for you, and an adorable FQ with teddy bears that can be fussy cut. See you soon!

  7. What a cute quilt, and I love the deeper level of meaning. As 2018 draws to a close, may you enjoy the blessings of family and friends. And best wishes for a warm and wonderful 2019.

  8. Amazing quilt Preeti and such a lovely post to wrap up the year with. Wishing you joy and peace in 2019.

  9. What a great finish for the end of the year, Preeti! You are putting so much thought into your quilts. I always enjoy hearing the story behind each one, not to mention your dialogue with Paul. Here's to more peace and love in 2019!

  10. Beautiful post on Stan Lee and what a delightful quilt for a baby boy. He is going to spend hours finding little surprises in his quilt - the friendly green snake, Tigger with a high-5, the little engine that could and the elephant waving an e! Love the striped binding and the backing too!

  11. Looks like another triangle-spiral :) The "normal" version is still on my todo list. I am way to chicken thinking the quilt will pucker/shift too much...

    But I am digressing, as always a great background story and quilt. I realise it's yours just by the pictures. I think you are finding your scrap quilt style. I hope baby boy loves it! The backing fabric is just genious. Have a merry Christmas season and Happy New Year! See you in 2019 xo

  12. This just made my day and my year! Thank you! :)

  13. You sure have a way of using scraps, I love the quilt, it is sweet. You are spoiling your readers with always including a wonderful story with your quilts. Have a wonderful holiday season and looking forward to next year's quilts with stories.

  14. That is one epic quilt--so many tiny, interesting pieces. Thanks for sharing your conversations. Merry Christmas and a happy, kinder new year!

  15. Today is our 48th anniversary. As usual I am impressed and awed by your writings as well as you exceptional take on quilting AND Life. Your writings and conversations with Paul never cease to amaze and inspire me with hope for the future of all people.
    Thank you for the info about Stan Lee's passing. He will be missed as he had a really wonderful take on life as shown by the above quote and his MARVEL work. I do not keep up with the news due to depression from hearing most of it , so missed this. Bless you. (I am typing this as the tears pour down my fat cheeks.) Have a wonderful Holiday Season and Happy New Year!

  16. Hi Preeti! What a wonderful quilt for a little newborn boy. I just love Snoopy and all the other bits and pieces that do belong together. Wishing you and Paul a very Merry Christmas. I certainly agree that we can do better in 2019, and it starts with one person. I promise to be that one person that is kinder and nicer, and I'm not waiting for January. Happy Happy Wednesday to you. ~smile~ Roseanne

  17. What a fun wonderful quilt full of scrappiness. Have a wonderful holiday season!

  18. What a great quilt to finish 2018. Each fabric is so cute and they all do belong. Wishing you the best for 2019, I'll be following along.

  19. Great use of scraps, as they do all belong!

  20. Yet another darling baby quilt! That little boy is going to love playing "I Spy" with all of the fussy-cut novelty prints. :-)

  21. This is a fantastic quilt for a child. You have taken the scrap vortex concept to a whole new level. I'm in awe of how you make all the pieces fit together. And your wish for the new year is one we should all strive for. Marry Christmas.

  22. I love Snoopy. Here's to an awesome 2019!

  23. Gorgeous quilt! Full of fun! Happy New Year to you and Paul, too. I share in your hopes for 2019.

  24. You write THE best blog posts! That is one very cool quilt. Makes me want to scrounge in the scraps and see what I could do. But I will be strong and continue to make progress on what I have going instead of starting something new! Happy New Year to you both. I'm looking forward to seeing what you will create in 2019.

  25. So fun to look at all the details of this quilt and read your great post! I, too, hope for the world to be a better place in 2019. Happy Holidays to you!

  26. Sweet! Snoopy should always take center stage-he's just so happy. I pray 2019 is kind to us all. Happy New Year! mary

  27. I am not well-versed in superheros, but I think that will change as my grandkids grow. I will have to look up You Belong. Another great quilt, Preeti, and as always, you have something to teach us. Have a beautiful New Year. And remember, quilters have a super power: changing the world for the better, one quilt at a time.

  28. Pretti, you bring out the best in everyone and everything! Who knew? I will now look at Super Heroes in a new light. You are amazing!

  29. Such a cute baby quilt! Every scrap does belong. Maybe if we all strive to be better, 2019 will be a much friendlier year than 2018 was. Enjoy the holiday season.

  30. I love reading your posts. I think I've said this before, but it's true. You have a beautiful perspective and know just how to express your thoughts. Happy New Year and may we all help to make the world better.
