
Saturday, March 30, 2019

Celebrating women

My mom was just 14 when she was married off (nobody asked her). Of course she was not "sent" to her husband's house for another year (she was too young).
My dad encouraged her to continue her education. She completed high school and received a BA in Geography. I was born.
She furthered her education and received an MA in Economics. My sister was born.
My dad encouraged her to get a job.  She refused flatly.
No, she was determined to be a full time mother and a homemaker.
And that was that.

My sister, mom and me

Some 20 years later, when I got married (arranged), my husband expected me to be a homemaker.
No, I said. We (He and I) both went to school for Architecture and got the same degree.
Why should I stay at home, I argued.
He replied that I should be like my mother, who sacrificed her career for the sake of her family.
You miss the point, I retorted.  She had a choice and she chose to be a homemaker.
I should have the same choice.

Of course, he did not see my point. I left.

Mom and me in 2007
Mom approved of Paul (Her looks says it all)

We live in a world where many women have no choices and no voices.
So when I came across this fabric at Joann's, it made me sing and dance with joy. I had to drop everything and make (something with) it.


Me: Look. look, Paul. I love this fabric.
Paul: It is nifty.
Me: It is more than nifty. It is both aspirational and a reflection of our times. It not only shows women in science. It shows diverse women in science.
Paul: Is that so?
Me: See there are five of them and each one has a different hair color.
Paul: What are you going to make with it?
Me: Everything.
Paul: Everything?
Me: Yes. Sheets, bed-covers, pillow-covers, curtains, may be a dress and...
Paul: Start with a pencil case.

Gotta love this man. He knows how to push my buttons and rein me in - all at the same time.
So I started with a pencil case. But made two.

Zippered Pouch

Two Pouches

Loving it :-)

The sliver leftover became part of a mug rug.  I purposely offset the scientist gal to the the side so that even when you place a coffee mug and a cookie on the rug, you can still see her.

Mug Rug

And then inspiration struck...

Fussy cut girls, each in her own place doing what she loves.

Celebrating Women

Small Finish - Big Smile

Love this fabric

Is it still a Dreami if it is a fabric that sparks the process?
I am sure Sandra will agree.

Is it a coincidence that I came across this fabric this month - Women's History Month?
Possibly. But I do believe that the Universe works in magical ways.

I have named each one of these wonder women.

This is Sveta, named after Svitlana Mayoboroda, a mathematician from Ukraine.

I am calling her Taywa, after Taiwo Olayemi Elufioye who is a Nigerian pharmacologist and researcher.

Her name is Eve, after Eva Maria Neher who is a German scientist doing research in biochemistry and microbiology.

And she is named Myla, after Mayly Sanchez who is a Venezuela-born particle physicist.

The names of my quilty gals are inspired by these women in science today.  I have included links to their wikipedia pages because I can use a shot of positivity to conquer whatever obstacle lies in my path today.

So I may not have made everything from key-fob to curtains from this fabric but I can definitely be inspired from here to far and beyond. What will you conquer today?

I will be linking with all my favorite linky parties. See full list on the sidebar.


  1. As always such a great way of storytelling - from your personal side to naming the scientists. And that "discussion" with Paul :) Glad you were so inspired! But I bet he is happy that that is not the new curtain fabric too lol

  2. Love your story I am off to our Joann's to see if I can find some of this fabric for our 8 year old granddaughter who wants to be an inventor!

  3. Kathy R.
    Great stories! Enjoy the personal ones and the fabric ones. It's neat when a fabric draws you to it, that you know you have to make something from it.

  4. Love this post, Preeti. There is much to celebrate, I think. That fabric is perfect!

  5. You are right, that fabric is inspirational and aspirational. Great pencil cases and quilt.

  6. I love the fussy cut woman quilt and the beautiful story you've told!

  7. I love that fabric - I wish I was close to a Joanne's and I would look for it. My daughter is so into women doing what they want and into science and whatever career they want - she would love it. I think you are a very strong willed person and even though your had an arranged marriage when you were young you have a mind of your own and that is great!! I'm glad you were able to leave and do what you wanted to.

  8. Most excellent post -- and great ways to use that fabric. Positivity - yes, we all need it in our lives.

  9. I love this fabric and what you drew from it!

  10. Can't tell you how much I love these projects, being a supporter of women in science. Thanks for introducing me to some names I was not aware of.

  11. What a great find in that fabric but your individual placement and dedication to these lovely women is perfect.

  12. Adored your discussion with Paul!!!

  13. Preeti, you did it again! You made me cry tears of joy by the end of your post. Lively and compassionate story telling along with a cool quilt. Love the way you gave each of the scientists their own lab.

  14. You are all beautiful women. And I love your heartfelt projects.

  15. Oh Preeti, this fabric and your projects out of it are wonderful! I need to hustle to Joann's and get some! And you are so right; it is perfect for Women's History Month!

  16. I saw this fabric at JoAnns, too, and stood there in the aisle for probably a minute or more, racking my brain for a good reason to just buy the whole bolt. Obviously I need either more imagination or a hubby who pushes my hobby more because I left with none. But I love what you've done with it and love even more that you've assigned actual names of actual women scientists to them. And good for you finding a hubby who supports you...I know even for women who get to choose, the level if support is not always the same. (Mine just rolls his eyes at what I do, but wouldn't dare stop me!)

  17. I love your DrEAMi fabric and the wonderful inspiration you found in it! I may just have to drop everything and take a trip to Joann's!

  18. Last year I found some chemistry fabric {minus the scientists} and made a baby quilt. Wish I'd had this fabric. You noticed it, knew what to make, and did it. And then you went the extra mile and named your scientists. Congratulations.
    Super choice to put the scientist on the point of your mug rug. You can have conversations with her when Paul isn't around.

  19. Hi Pretti! I love both of these project so much, and the fabric even more from a store I'm avoiding. I have a great-niece who just turned 13. She is definitely going to be a mathematician or something in the STEM field. I think I need to go into that store and buy some of this fabric and make her everything you shared. The pencil case, the cute wall hanging, mug rug and even a key fob. She would adore them all. Thanks for the inspiration! ~smile~ Roseanne

  20. Wonderful projects, women should do whatever they want to.

  21. Wonderful story and full of such good a positive information!!! I would not have thought of so much positive energy coming from a "fabric"(being one of those lucky gals to have been blessed with a whole lot in many cases.. not until someone shows us, do we stop and think about how lucky we are and that sometimes it's good to stop and think a bit... Your items a wonderful and the quilt says it all! Thank you Preeti for being so inspiring!!.. I've been sick for several days and not sewing (tells you how sick i've been).. but today i quilted the memory quilt i made for a friend.. very proud of it.. would love to share.. will work on how to do it:)) GrammaBabs

  22. You have a great way of telling a story. Good work!

  23. very enjoyable blog post Preeti. My daughter's friend has an arranged marriage, which surprised me in this day and age, even though she suggested to her grandmother that "he" might be a good prospect. So far she seems happy. I love all your projects with the fabric, now, I AM sure you still have enough for a key fob!

  24. forgot to say, I love how you positioned the scientist on the mug rug and gave them all names

  25. Wahoo....You go girl...This is perfect!!!! Let the world learn and

  26. Not only do you make believable beautiful quilts, but you also tell believable beautiful stories. Thank you--Love you

  27. What a great story and wonderful projects! So glad you are still designing, at work and at play, and that you found Paul. He appears to be a soulmate for you, and an inspiration for terrific stories that the rest of us can enjoy.

  28. I love your posts but this one is exceptional! Thank you!

  29. I WANT THAT FABRIC!!! Oh Preeti, of COURSE a fabric can inspire a DrEAMi! It often does for me and for others - Diann's this month too! You actually brought a few tears to my eyes (something I know you'll be happy to hear) as I read through the names and why they're named that (and I'll be visiting their pages). Women are amazing and I'm so glad we are finally saying what we've always known, and saying it loudly and proudly. Get out of our way, right? Thanks so much for linking this quintessential DrEAMi! up!

  30. Your posts always bring emotions - today it is joy! And lots of smiles. I think you should make "everything" from that fabric too!

    Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  31. I'm late to the party, but that's OK. I'm so glad that I accidentally found you on another blog that I follow. I love this post, but I'm drawn to the photos of your mother. I love all of the stories, and I especially love the house blocks with the scientists!

  32. Oh, such a wonderful inspirational fabric! I hope you bought the entire bolt. I'd like to invest in some for AAUW quilts (we support girls and women in stem). [And, re: arranged marriages -- I enjoyed Threading My Prayer Rug by Sabeeha Reman. Pakistani-American Muslims.]

  33. I love what started from a pencil pouch! Paul is just a perfect match for you!. Your story is inspiring - and the care you took with each scientist! lOVE it!

  34. Preeti you are absolutely INSPIRATIONAL. I would never have seen this fabric when looking at Joann's. Your pencil pouches and quilt are adorable. So much so I ordered 2 yds of the fabric!
    For anyone wanting to order on line use item #15567811. Here is a 40% off code when ordering on line: 40APRIL.
    Preeti, thank you for sharing your heart and family; both are marvelous and loving. You have never failed to impress me with your kindness and warmth. Bless you.

    1. Thank you so much!!! The item number is correct and the code works. I just checked :-) So appreciate that you shared this information.

  35. YES YES YESSSS!!!! I was so annoyed last night at our guild meeting; the silver-haired speaker handed out a “cheat sheet” with info like how many HSTs can you get from a width of fabric “because so many of us have trouble with math.” This is addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, not calculus!! So condescending but I know that she and many guild members grew up when even in the U.S. girls were discouraged from studying math and science. Change comes so slowly and just when we think feminism has accomplished its goals, we get #metoo etc. I am so glad you had the courage and imagination to see and pursue a greater future for yourself, Preeti. Your mama raised you well, and Paul is a very lucky man.

  36. Well, I think I lost my first post, so here goes again! I really like this quilt - it follows other quilts of yours with 'house' themes. Love them all. Naming the scientists is the best!

  37. What an inspirational backstory. Thank you for sharing with us. The projects are all pretty, and well display the power of women.

  38. That is an amazing print!! Thanks for sharing your story.

  39. Popped in for a visit after finding the link on Penguin Quilts. Wonderful inspirational post.

  40. Wow! You are an inspiration!❤️
