
Sunday, June 23, 2019


Meet Sonika.
Mom's name + baby daughter's name = Sonika.


It started with sparkly white squares and some jelly roll strips.

half log cabin block

setting triangles

But the magic comes from the on-point setting.


I chose a bright turquoise and purple butterfly backing.
Warm front and cool backing :-) I had a good feeling about this one.

Butterfly Backing

Quilted it simply with my walking foot and a zig-zag stitch, following the piecing.

Zig Zag quilting

For binding I used a dark purple fabric. It is not solid but reads like one.

Purple Binding

And I did not forget the label. Also important because it includes care instructions for the quilt.


Here are some more pictures of Sonika. She finished at 46" square - perfect for the baby and should be good for at least a couple of years.

46" square

Warm and Cool

Brightly yours

Sending hugs

No, I have not seen the baby yet. And I am not sure when we will be able to make the trip.
But that does not mean that the baby should be deprived of quilty hugs.

Sonika has reached her destination and was very well-received. The mom even promised to send me some pictures with the baby on the quilt. But you know how that works - new moms are super busy and promises are like babies - easy to make and difficult to deliver :-D

I will be linking with all my favorite linky parties. See full list on the sidebar. As usual, I'd love to hear from you.


One of my favorite quilt designers is Maryline Collioud-Roberts. I follow her blog, her Etsy shop and her Instagram feed.  Love her work and her daily photograph inspirations.  If I could I would take her class. Alas, she lives in Switzerland :-(
So I did the next best thing.
I bought two of her patterns - Blue Ducks and Carnavale - from her Etsy shop.
To make the Blue Ducks pattern, I would need 40 solid fabrics in warm colors and 30 solid fabrics in cool colors.

Then I saw that Bluprint had 40% off sale on all supplies and this box of Boundless Fat Quarters could be mine. Well, Happy Birthday to me.  It has 90 FQs and I should be able to pick out 40 warm and 30 cool fabrics, after I discard the ones that are too dark or too light.

Boundless Collage Fat Quarter Box

Full Disclosure - Although I am an affiliate, I am not a fan of Bluprint's subscription service because I believe if I had the choice to watch any class at any time, it would be a huge distraction. So I stick to the old model wherein I buy the class I need and have it forever.  However I still like their Boundless and Lily and Loom fabrics.

So some time later this year, after I have petted these beauties to my heart's content, I will cut them up for the Blue Ducks pattern :-)


Thank you for the love you have shown to the International Sister Quilt Block.
Here is a shout out to all my quilty sisters who have made this block.
Little Penguin Quilts

You make me happy :-)

Monday, June 10, 2019

Quilters Unlimited Show 2019

The Quilt show was May 30 through June1, 2019.
I went to the quilt show with two of my non-quilty friends - Patsy and Sandy.  I know them from yoga classes and they are not quilters. This fact is important to the story that follows.

When we got to the "Trees of Life" quilt, I requested Patsy to take a picture of me with the quilt.
You know because a selfie would just not do it.

As I handed off my phone to Patsy, I noticed a couple of women walking towards us.
I went to stand next to the quilt and Patsy turned around and remarked to these women - My friend made this gorgeous quilt.
I blushed. The woman smiled, nodded and moved on.
My color deepened when I realized that Patsy had just addressed Jinny Beyer. It was just another day at the Quilt Show.

There is  something magical about the show.
I have made the quilt, photographed it and blogged about it but when I see it at the show, my heart skips a beat. Does this happen to you?

Here I am beaming with the "Fire Pit" quilt.

Here I am with "Mixed Feelings", happily reporting that all feelings are upbeat now.  The pain has receded into the dim caverns of my memory.

And lastly with Lo and Behold. Princess Bonniebella can be seen just over my shoulder and the Christmas tree plugged into the sunflower is just northeast of the princess.

If you have not, you have to see the full quilt and read the whole story here.

Here are some of my favorites from the show. The credits immediately follow the quilt picture

This looks so Indian to me with red and yellow which are considered auspicious colors and are used to clothe the Goddess, as well as the patchwork design reminiscent of the Rangoli patterns.

I love the bicyclist and the teddy bear in the doorway. Fun details.

Susan is in my guild and her work never fails to impress.

Delicate flowers to depict the mighty elephant - who would have thought?

So cute. Made me smile.

Spectacular. How do they make everything fit?  I am sure it is the magic of paper-piecing. Well-behaved paper-piecing, I guess.

I have seen this pattern before but not in solids.  I believe it is the black/white bands that add extra oomph.

The simplicity and straightforwardness of this quilt was very attractive to me. Fabric choices are important.

This intrigued me. I remember standing and staring it for a while to find all the embellishments she used.

And this small quilt was the show-stopper (in my opinion)

I returned from the show super happy and super exhausted.

Paul: Babe, are you ok?
Me: Yeah, why?
Paul: You seem subdued.
Me: The quilt show was fabulous.
Paul: And that has depressed you?
Me: No. Yes, in a way.
Paul: How so?
Me: Well, there are so many quilts to make and so little time
Paul: Ah OK. Well, are you going to finish this (pointing to the Trinket flimsy) one?
Me: I am not feeling it.
Paul: Whoa, What, Why?
Me: I completed every step, posted on Instagram religiously, sent an email for the finished top...
Paul: And?
Me: And I did not win.
Paul: Nothing?
Me: Absolutely nothing. I got oohs and aahs, nods and appreciation from other quilters but I wish I had also won something.
Paul: Was this like a lottery or a competition?
Me: Both. Well, first it was a weekly lottery and then it was the Grand Prize.
Paul: So who won?
Me: Bunch of people won. Not me.
Paul: Who won the grand prize?
Me: One very spectacular quilt - monochrome of blue and white. And another one had this very special layout where she made a picture or a landscape with these blocks.
Paul: So better quilts won.
Me: Some were better than mine. But mine is up there with the rest of the fancy ones.
Paul: Don't you have to finish this?
Me: Yes, but not this minute. It is not like I will get a prize for finishing it.
Paul: How about I give you a prize for finishing it.
Me: I am listening.
Paul: Gift Card to the Spa.
Me: I promise to complete it before the end of the month. But I want to play with my sisters now. They will cheer me up.
Paul: Good. Because I do not want a grumpy date. 

The rest of the exchange between Paul and me is redacted :-)

The new month had begun. The RSC's color for June is blue and I dived into my blue stash/scrap pile to make my blocks.

Blues for June

in the works

Almost there
 And here they are - International sisters for the month of June

Her face glows and the dress too

Perfectly placed rose in the headdress

Oh yes I will dance

Me too

Did someone say dance?

Princess of Whimsical Seas

Wait for me

Oh yes, I must finish the Trinket quilt so that I can get the gift card to get the massage that I can definitely use :-)

I will be sharing with all my favorite linky parties. See full list on the side bar.
As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts.