
Sunday, June 23, 2019


Meet Sonika.
Mom's name + baby daughter's name = Sonika.


It started with sparkly white squares and some jelly roll strips.

half log cabin block

setting triangles

But the magic comes from the on-point setting.


I chose a bright turquoise and purple butterfly backing.
Warm front and cool backing :-) I had a good feeling about this one.

Butterfly Backing

Quilted it simply with my walking foot and a zig-zag stitch, following the piecing.

Zig Zag quilting

For binding I used a dark purple fabric. It is not solid but reads like one.

Purple Binding

And I did not forget the label. Also important because it includes care instructions for the quilt.


Here are some more pictures of Sonika. She finished at 46" square - perfect for the baby and should be good for at least a couple of years.

46" square

Warm and Cool

Brightly yours

Sending hugs

No, I have not seen the baby yet. And I am not sure when we will be able to make the trip.
But that does not mean that the baby should be deprived of quilty hugs.

Sonika has reached her destination and was very well-received. The mom even promised to send me some pictures with the baby on the quilt. But you know how that works - new moms are super busy and promises are like babies - easy to make and difficult to deliver :-D

I will be linking with all my favorite linky parties. See full list on the sidebar. As usual, I'd love to hear from you.


One of my favorite quilt designers is Maryline Collioud-Roberts. I follow her blog, her Etsy shop and her Instagram feed.  Love her work and her daily photograph inspirations.  If I could I would take her class. Alas, she lives in Switzerland :-(
So I did the next best thing.
I bought two of her patterns - Blue Ducks and Carnavale - from her Etsy shop.
To make the Blue Ducks pattern, I would need 40 solid fabrics in warm colors and 30 solid fabrics in cool colors.

Then I saw that Bluprint had 40% off sale on all supplies and this box of Boundless Fat Quarters could be mine. Well, Happy Birthday to me.  It has 90 FQs and I should be able to pick out 40 warm and 30 cool fabrics, after I discard the ones that are too dark or too light.

Boundless Collage Fat Quarter Box

Full Disclosure - Although I am an affiliate, I am not a fan of Bluprint's subscription service because I believe if I had the choice to watch any class at any time, it would be a huge distraction. So I stick to the old model wherein I buy the class I need and have it forever.  However I still like their Boundless and Lily and Loom fabrics.

So some time later this year, after I have petted these beauties to my heart's content, I will cut them up for the Blue Ducks pattern :-)


Thank you for the love you have shown to the International Sister Quilt Block.
Here is a shout out to all my quilty sisters who have made this block.
Little Penguin Quilts

You make me happy :-)


  1. Love the vibrant colors! And I think you picked the perfect backing. I am glad it is loved and hope it will be used lots - with or without remembering to take the baby on quilt pictures - though for sure your/we would not mind to see them :) xo

  2. Such a happy quilt! Love it.

  3. I really like this quilt - and the colors are definitely you!

  4. Love the warm colors on the front and the contrasting cool on the back (Hey you just can't go wrong with butterflies). Looking forward to seeing your newest project come together.

  5. Not sure when your birthday is, but Happy Birthday. That was a great present you picked for yourself, hehe. Sonika looks like a fun quilt to make and pretty easy to execute perfectly, which is what you did perfectly.

  6. Preeti, this is a very cute quilt. I love the walking foot with zigzag, never thought to use that stitch. Thanks for the idea.

  7. It's the perfect size and those colors are gorgeous together. One of my favorite combinations!! New mom's have a schedule filled with'll get a picture when the stars line up perfectly I'd bet!!

  8. Sonika is a beautiful baby quilt. The colors, backing and quilting all go together to make a great quilt. You found yourself a wonderful birthday gift! Enjoy playing with those fabrics. :)

  9. Clever idea to set Sonika on point and to make the back in opposite colors. She and her family will love this quilt. Clever idea to use the multistitch zig zag for quilting. It looks grand.

  10. Sonika is a great quilt - pretty colors and a fun pattern. Love the zig zag quilting. I haven't done that but now I sure want to give it a try.

    Also, this line, "promises are like babies - easy to make and hard to deliver". That made me smile. When I was walking around and laboring to deliver my first child, I stopped in a hallway to breathe through a contraction. While holding on to my husband, a nurse walked by. She stopped and said, "it's a whole lot more fun making them, then having them." :-)

  11. Another fabulously lovely quilt for a very lucky baby! As usual, your fabrics choices really make it sing. I love the butterfly backing and the zigzag quilting is wonderful, too!

  12. That zig zag quilting adds such great texture to your adorbs baby quilt!!! That was a great touch, Preeti! And that box of fabric--takes my breath away!

  13. Again a winner! I love your Sonika with its beautifully bright colors and simple design which makes them stand out more. Great job!

  14. Well, it’s no secret that I love everything you make! Sonika is such a feast for the eyes, and I love your zig-zag quilting. It really makes those colors pop (as if they weren’t “pop”-y already)! That was an excellent sale Bluprint had, but I managed to resist this time.

  15. Hi Preeti! Oh that box of goodness is just calling to me. Good thing I didn't know about the big sale or I might be joining you in making Blue Ducks with you. Sonika sure turn out nicely, and I'll bet that new baby and her momma are just delighted with it and feel all the love you sewed into it. I have never thought to use a zigzag stitch for quilting but it sure looks nice, doesn't it?! Thanks for sharing the closeup photo - I'll PIN that so that I remember to give it a try sometime soon. ~smile~ Roseanne

  16. Pink and orange! I love it! Love the backing and the zigzag quilting, too. Those fabrics are lovely present to yourself. I'm sure whatever you make from them will be wonderful. And happy birthday! Wish you had told us!

  17. Oh I LOVE those colors!! So summery and warm!! Beautiful!!

  18. This is such a pretty quilt, Preeti! I love the colors and the use of the zig zag stitch makes such a pretty design! Nice finish!

  19. A signature Preeti Quilt indeed with the joyful pinks and oranges as only you can combine them. Love it!! And the name! Have fun with that present to self (after sufficient petting time, of course).

  20. Lovely little quilt Preeti, bright and beautiful, I love the on point setting. Your binding choice was a surprise but it sets it off beautifully, you have such a great eye for colour. Perfect for a baby girl.

  21. Love your warm colors, so Indies !
    Love so promises/babies !!!

  22. It has taken all morning for Safari to allow me to comment. I knew if I kept checking back, sooner or later I could tell you how darling this little quilt turned out. I would never have thought to bind it in purple, but doesn’t it look good!?! Next time I’m selecting binding fabric from my stash, I’ll be sure to channel Preeti and think out of the box. What a great deal on your Bluprint purchase! Have lots of fun picking and choosing! XO

  23. I love this quilt, Preeti! The warm colors of the front and cool colors of the backing are such a fun contrast. I really love that backing fabric! Such a lovely gift for a new baby.

  24. I always love how on point blocks are so fun! Well, what I was thinking was this is so pretty, Preeti! Congratulations on a great quilt and a great plan - those fabrics seem just right!

  25. I'm usually not a fan of pink and orange together, but this is quite lovely - well done!

  26. Ahh, what a darling baby quilt. And at 46" it will make a great lap quilt as the baby grows, something to cuddle under with a good movie or a warm nap. I bet mom was thrilled when she saw it. Awesome finish!

  27. Lovely quilt, so you with those vibrant colours! You know that zigzag-style stitch has the look of hand-quilting at certain angles :-)

  28. Beautiful quult you have made, wonderful colours and the backing fabric is beautiful too. The zigzag stitching looks fantastic too. Wonderful box of fat quarters, I am drooling!!
