
Thursday, October 10, 2019

To the Dark Side

Paul: Are your sisters going to the dark side?
Me: No, they are shining lights in the night. Think Florence Nightingale.

Paul: But their clothes are dark
Me: Yes, it hides their stains

Paul: Stains?
Me: Blood, sweat and tears.
Paul: Whose blood, sweat and tears?
Me: Whomever needs comforting. I just said "think Florence Nightingale". You are not listening.

Paul (changing the topic): How many of these do you have?
Me: Plenty to make two quilts.
Paul: And who gets those quilts?
Me: Well, one will go to the quilt show next year and the other will be a lap quilt for a friend.

Paul: When do you finish?
Me: This year, over the Christmas break.
Paul: Cool.

I so enjoyed the process of making these sister blocks that a part of me is sad that it is over.
But I am thrilled that so many of you are making the blocks, sharing them with your guild members and completing these quilts too.

In writing and sharing the tutorial I invested a drop.
But the love and recognition, I received from you is an ocean.

By Sue of KiwiKid

Sue of KiwiKid
Karen of KaHolly
Diann of Little Penguin Quilts
Raewyn of Stitching Farm Girl
Wendy of Pieceful Thoughts
Cathy of Crazy By Design

If I missed anyone, please add them in your comments. Linking with Angela for ScrapHappy Saturday.

I got my flu shot. You should too.

In other news, I have accepted the fact that I need readers. Of course, Paul is amused.

Speaking of Paul, we celebrated our 12th anniversary by a long overdue visit to the beach at Assateague Island. We were fortunate to see some ponies.

I have finished another quilt and now that it has reached its destination, I am ready to show it to you. That blogpost will be next.

I will be linking with all my favorite linky parties. See full list on the sidebar.
As usual I'd love to hear from you.


  1. Congratulations on your anniversary! What a great place to spend it! Yes, I got my flu shot (and a pneumonia one, too - a birthday present for turning 65, lol!) Thanks for linking up my sisters to your great post! I love your sisters on the dark side - you always find the perfect fabrics for them.

  2. You always have such interesting conversations and stories for your projects! Congrats on 12 years of marriage and I hope you had a wonderful and relaxing beach trip!! Your ladies always bring a smile to my face!

  3. Such pretty fabrics for the Florence Nightingale sisters. I, too, got my flu shot.

  4. My little sisters are on my design wall, waving at me and saying "hello, hello -- we need more sisters!" to which I say -- "soon". They make me smile when I see them. Thanks for sharing the pattern, Preeti!

  5. Oh, the sisters are just wonderful. Drops and oceans....and a visit to Assateague - all make my heart sing. Always wanted to go and see the wild that you were able too. Oh, and happy anniversary, too!

  6. Your 'dark' sisters look so nice all together.

  7. "It hides the stains" had me laughing out loud!

  8. Every grouping of your Sisters blocks is lovelier than the previous ones. I can’t wait to make more of them this month or next as they fit into my rotation. Congrats on your anniversary celebration and trip. Wishing you a lifetime more of good times together! xo

  9. Congratulations on your anniversary, nice to have a day out at the beach. Your dark Sisters are beautiful, I I had a giggle over your hides the stains comment! The Sisters get addictive don't they I want to keep making more 😁.

  10. Congrats on the anniversary! And I love, love, love the sister blocks! (Dena)

  11. These sisters have the most elegant dresses of any ones that you’ve done, I think. Congratulations on your anniversary and wishes for many many more.

  12. This last batch of sisters is so beautiful, I can't pick a favorite. Happy Anniversary. Looking forward to where your inspiration takes you next.

  13. Well, those sisters certainly make the dark side seem attractive! How many do you have now? Happy anniversary to you and Paul! And yes, I did get a flu shot. I hope the sisters did too! :)

  14. I love these sisters and will be sharing them with my quild eventually....maybe next year. As to the flu shot I don't think it is available where I am...there is a shortage.

  15. Just found your blog from a comment you made on Objects of Design - and there I saw my friend Preeti! I love your sisters quilt. Can't wait to see it in person!

  16. Hi Pretti! Needing readers is another type of International Sisters. Join the club, my friend. Maybe you won't progress from those to a stronger version like I have. But I enjoy being able to see too much to ignore my eyes. Plus, I'm o.l.d. HAHA! I love seeing your IS blocks so much. They really are on my short to-do list. So much meaning in those sweet blocks to me. I'm glad to hear they are going to be traveling to quilt show. They deserve a blue ribbon recognition or if those aren't given, then the admiration of all the quilt goers who will certainly do so. ~smile~ Roseanne

  17. I think you have a lot in common with Florence Nightingale. Your International Sisters blocks are spreading a light around the world.

  18. Ponies!!! I love it! Happy Anniversary! and your ladies of the dark side are so beautiful. The gold in their background adds a royalty to them !

  19. Happy anniversary. Your sisters look gorgeous.

  20. Happy 12 year anniversary to you both. And the sisters are something else! I, for one, have enjoyed reading every sister post.

  21. I'm 58. I started needing reading glasses about 10 years ago, maybe more. I'm sorry to tell you that I've needed stronger and stronger ones -- I'm now up to a 3!

    Beautiful ladies!

  22. As soon as I hit 40, I needed reading glasses! My sister blocks are finished and packed for my annual migration south. I’ll sew them together after I get to the states and can shop at my LQS for the fabric I need for completion. You’ve been a great motivator! Happy belated anniversary to you both!

  23. Guessed right then, there are so many sisters they will live in two quilts :)

    And congrats on your 12th anniversary! A small vacation sounds like a blessed way to celebrate. Squishy hugs xo

  24. With those lovely floral prints, there is no way your lovely ladies would be considered as going to the dark side. Congratulations on twelve years together!

  25. These are beautiful sisters, Pretti! I love your conversation with Paul. I have enjoyed seeing these sisters on various blogs around blogland; how lovely to think of all of them as an ocean that came from your pond of a pattern (it's much bigger than a drop, I think of it as a pond!)

  26. Happy anniversary!! Don't let Paul bug you about needing readers. I needed "sewing glasses" since age 40!

  27. These blocks are awesome! And the quilt made from them lovely. Many congrats on your anniversary!

  28. At first I was confused. You need readers? But you have plenty of readers. Then I noticed your specs. Oh. Of course. Well it happens. They look spectacular. And your sisters. I will miss seeing all those gorgeous outfits each month. You have the most wonderful fabric collection, or is it wardrobe? I love how all the sisters look next to each other. I don’t know what your layout is going to be, but I like how the background looks like sashing around them. Finally, how sweet that those ponies showed up for your anniversary. They knew it was a special day for you. Here’s to many more happy years together.

  29. Wow! Lovely ladies! Readers are no big deal -- I've moved up to TRI-focals! Lol!!! Have a good week. Love that you & Paul had a little getaway. Happy Anniversary!

  30. I love your conversations with Paul. You two have such humorist comments to each other. Your ladies are looking wonderful. Do you enter your quilts in Quilter's Unlimited? Maybe I can get up there at the next show. Truth be told I hate I 95 north. Sigh.

  31. You and Paul are so cute-I appreciate your sense of humor. But, those fabric prints are just gorgeous.

  32. These ladies look fabulous to me!

  33. Bonjour Preeti
    J'ai eu mon vaccin
    J'ai aussi cousu quatre sœurs, je vous écrirai lorsque j'aurai des photos. Bonne journée, et heureux anniversaire avec Paul !

  34. You did a fabulous job, your quilt looks wonderful. This block was originally designed by Anne Batiste and the original is called the African Queen, see

  35. I am making these incredible blocks for a quilt and/or table runner. And I am able to use up so many of my scraps. Yeah!
