
Friday, November 15, 2019

Rough & Tumble

In summer I was working on a scrap vortex quilt.  

Scrappy Goodness

Green chair fabric came from Mell

Wonkiness Galore

Finished Flimsy

Pieced Backing

Turquoise Binding

Here is the finished quilt. I named it - "Rough & Tumble"
Bright & Happy

Does it have a story?
Hmmm... it has poem :-)

I dived into my pile of scraps - old and new
long strips, odd shapes and pieces askew
There were some cute scraps from Mell
I chased after them as they tried to escape and fell 
Some fabrics scream and others just mumble
But they all fit happily in this Rough & Tumble

Art Imitates Nature 

Rough & Tumble finished at 43" by 45".  After the photoshoot, the quilt was put away.
Who will get it? Where will it go? I did not know.
Other quilts (Socorro Foundation Quilts) and other blogposts (Kinda Brave) took priority.


Pieced Backing

Time passed.

Welcome Display at the Delhi Airport

Last month I traveled to India to celebrate Diwali (the festival of lights) with my mom and brother.
One day we visited my cousin sister, who lives about an hour away. Her daughter-in-law had recently given birth to an adorable baby boy, named Harsh (meaning happiness). I held him and enjoyed the new baby smell till it was time for us to leave.

My cousin is a grandma and that means I am a grandma too. Yes, the baby will address me by the same title as he does my cousin.

In the car ride back home, I chided (gently) my mom.  Only if she had told me about the new baby, I could have brought a quilt. You know we have an abundance of quilts in my house. May be I should just carry a couple of quilts with me, whenever I travel to India again.

My Henna :-)

Rangoli at a Friend's House

With a Friend = Total Goofiness

Paneer Bhurji (Cooking for Mom)

Once I returned, I sent Rough & Tumble to India on its way to Harsh.
Rough & Tumble makes me very happy and I believe it is perfect gift for a boy whose name means happiness. There is lots of color and interesting things in the quilt which I hope will provide lots of visual stimulation for the baby.

Giraffe & Cat

Ninja Baby!!!

No-Stings Friendly Jellyfish 

And just one last look...
Makes me so Happy
I will be sharing with all of my favorite linky parties (see full list on the sidebar).  But I'd love it if you shared your thoughts.

When Julie mentioned that she was changing her ironing board cover, I asked if I may get the discarded fabric. She agreed to send it to me.
But by the time the package got to me, it had magically acquired an additional 10+ yards of fabric.  Looks like the Christmas season has already begun. Thank you Julie!!!

Pre-Christmas Miracle

This is one of the fabrics in the package I received from Julie.  Oh I cannot cut it up soon enough to include it in the next scrap vortex quilt.

Cute Elephants

There may not be more grand babies in my future but rest assured that there will be plenty of scrap vortex quilts in my future. And if the past is any indication, when I make them (quilts), they (babies) will come!!!


  1. Love the quilt. And the story. There is something about random scraps sewed into a cohesive whole quilt that is just irresistable to me.

  2. I love your scrappy quilt - so very colorful and cheerful! it is so nice that you got to visit your family in India yes it would have been nice if you could have tucked a baby quilt in your luggage shipping is so expensive isn't it. interesting that you receive the title grandma too I always find it so interesting to learn of customs in other countries!

  3. I just love all your scrap vortex quilts! I need to gather my scraps and get busy!

  4. As I was reading, I kept thinking "send it now!!" and then you did. Whew! But travelling with a quilt may not be a bad idea...hmmm...perhaps I need to consider that... The parcel of goodies looks like so much fun, too!

  5. Harsh will love this quilt. It will keep him occupied for hours as he grow up. I've been looking at just your pictures for over 20 mins looking the cute giraffes and jelly fishes.

  6. Love how the scrap vortex came out;)) i just love scrappiness in quilts...that new baby elephant print is to die for!! Hugs, Julierose

  7. The quilt is great - so much for a inquisitive child to look at! And the adition to your stash - WOW! There are many more scrap votex quilts to be made.

  8. Your scrap vortex quilts are magical. I know that Harsh will agree! How sweet of you to send it all the way to India. What a lovely little pile of new-to-you fabrics! Oh, the generosity of friends!

  9. SO glad that the box of fabrics made you so happy -- THAT made my day, too. Your India-bound scrap vortex quilt will be much loved - I just know it.

  10. Your scrappy quilts are so delightful, and I’m sure little Harsh (and his parents) will love it. I’ve been wondering where you were lately! xo

  11. I love scrap vortex quilts and yours are always so fun, Preeti! Definitely perfect for a baby - lots of fun things to look at. You make me want to get out my scrappy bits and sew more of them together!

  12. It is so beautiful! Light and airy, and so balanced. Harsh is a lucky (and Loved) little boy.

  13. I've been working on a scrap vortex in bit and pieces (pun intended) and looking at your latest one, I've figured out my problem. I need to add a lot more lighter colors.

  14. That's such a great quilt using all scraps too.

  15. What a great quilt for a baby! All those bright colours and interesting fabrics to catch his eye.

  16. I love seeing all of the snippets of novelty fabrics scattered throughout the quilt. Harsh will not be able to resist smiling at all of the bright colors. It sounds like you had a lovely trip.

  17. Your gift is SEW wonderful (and the story is, too!!)

  18. What a great quilt. It's so bright and colourful. It sounds like you had a great visit.

  19. Scrap vortex is the new "I Spy!" LOVE this quilt, Pretti. And of course your story telling is great as always. :)

  20. Beautiful happy quilt, and going to the right person. Loved hearing about your going to India, the henna on your hand is beautiful.

  21. You just have the best stories - Little Harsh will love his quilt and it will make him a rough a tumble boy ( ha ha - just playing) But it will be hugs from you forever!! LOVE it!!

  22. I'm all for stashing a quilt in your bag every time you go. You never know when you'll need one! I'm sure he will love this bright, happy quilt. Looks like you had a great trip!

  23. I love your quilt poem! And how wonderful that it has found a home in India. It will be a great quilt for the baby and will keep him looking at it for years.

  24. Preeti, that's a darling little quilt, so happy that already it has a home. And who would guess that Harsh means happiness? I love learning these things from you.
    I'm a retired English teacher, so your poem was a treat. You have rhyme and meter down, which means you should write a few more.

  25. So fun to look for "my" scraps and to imagine the travel they had. First to me in Europe, than to you in the US and now to India. xo

  26. I love a good scrap quilt! They always seem to fund a good home quickly.

  27. My youngest is named Felix, which means "happy", too! He carries the name with pride and joy. His second name is Kasper (Caspar), like the wise man, who brings gifts to the holy child. So we say that his happiness is his gift to us, and the world!

  28. Your scrap vortex is like an "I spy" quilt with all those cute novelty prints scattered about. It's a happy quilt!

  29. It is lovely to see all those scraps come together in a delightful quilt. Great result.

  30. I am feeling like the Emperor's New Clothes -- most of the pictures in this post are not loading for me, yet I don't see anyone else saying in the comments that the pictures aren't there for them. These are magical pictures that only wise women can see... But I did see the joyful, goofy picture of you and your friend, and the lovely henna design, and two of the quilt pictures. It's definitely a happy quilt for a "happy" little boy! Isn't it strange how the same word/sound can have such completely different meanings in different languages? Glad you had such a wonderful trip, Grandma Preeti, and glad you had the perfect quilt waiting for this little boy in your stash when you got home.

  31. Such a fun quilt! Also, love the Rangoli. It be fun to turn that design into a quilt!

  32. Great quilt that's so full of color - well done!

  33. Great poetry! Ok fun poetry for a nifty quilt. I’m sure Harsh will enjoy looking at all the little characters I. The quilt. And, bonus fabric! Wow. Those little elephants are too cute.

  34. Such interesting fabrics in your scrap vortex! Harsh/Happiness will really enjoy it as he grows. BTW, did you do the henna drawing on your hand yourself? Or are there people skilled at it? Or do you do each others hands? Just wondering.

  35. Looks like a fun visit home. Love the poem, the quilt and the story.

  36. Another wonderful vortex quilt! What a wonderful trip you had... love that henna design!
    My favourite linky parties are Slow Sunday Stitching and the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.
    That elephant fabric is adorable!

  37. Such memories. My youngest son is 34, when he was 5 I made him a scrappy quilt and put those same elephants on the back. When I made his 4 year old daughter a quilt earlier this year he suggested an elephant print for the back. He found a wonderful peachy orange one online.
