
Monday, March 30, 2020

Garden Party

I have a new finish - Garden Party.

Garden Party

But first the back story.
In 2015, I made this quilt - Terrace Garden and set it aside.

Terrace Garden

Some time later, Paul asked me for a quilt.
Me: For?
Paul: Chad's wife has a new baby.
Me: Boy or Girl?
Paul: Girl.
I showed him Terrace Garden and he approved.
Chad was appreciative and sent this picture.

Such cuteness!!!

And that is the best thank you for a quilter - send them a picture of the quilt with the recipient!!!

Six years passed. I met Chad and his wife at Paul's Holiday Party last December.
Chad's wife Sara thanked me for the quilt.  I smiled (trying to remember what quilt).
Me: How old is the baby? (in hopes of remembering)
Sara: She is six.
Me: Wow, that is a long time ago.
Sara: We have a younger one now.
Me: How old is the baby? (I am sounding silly now)
Sara: She is three.
Me: And she does not have a quilt?
Sara: They share.

I was horrified!!!  I immediately thought of this scene from the Devil Wears Prada movie.

Me: Share??? American girls don't share. I need to fix that.
We both laughed.

Stir Crazy

That was the beginning of Garden Party.  I chose a jelly roll (bought a while ago) from Bluprint - a jelly roll named Stir Crazy.

Pairing Light & Dark Strips

Stir Crazy???
Is it a coincidence that I am sharing at this time a quilt made with a fabric line called Stir Crazy?
May be, but then again the universe works in mysterious ways.

Blocks trying to escape the design wall

Speaking of Bluprint, did you know that you can watch all classes for free till April 9th?

Other projects and quilts took precedence and life happened. But come March, I had to drop everything and make this quilt. Paul's (and Chad's) job was coming to an end. He and Chad won't be seeing each other. And although we could coordinate a meeting to hand off the quilt, it was just easier to do it before their last day at work.

Oh Pretty

I chose to make a bigger quilt so if they wish to share - like have a picnic in the garden, it would work.

Kristi the model

I used this lovely fabric for the backing and I could picture the girls playing with the houses - limited only by their imaginations.
This is mine and this is grandma's and we can ride the horse and look at that fluffy sheep...

Backing from Hancock's Fabrics

Since the flimsy finished about 57" by 58", I had to piece the backing.  I chose the red print (wide backing) left over from Trees of Life.

Kristi with a touch goofiness :-)

Quilting is a simple zig zag stitch (following the seams), using my walking foot. I was aiming for a rapid finish.  Added a few curvy lines in the middle of blocks.

Quilting Detail

Of course I added the label.
Label added

I chose a bright blue dotted fabric for binding to contrast with all the pinks and yellows.

Brightly Blue

Sunshine :-)

Here are a few more pictures of Garden Party.

My favorite picture

Rock Star :-D


Happy Finish

So inviting...

Chad sent another picture.  Love the Girl Power t-shirt.
It warms my heart!!!  Do you see the teddy bear trying to sneak under the covers?

Cuteness Doubled!!!

Two quilts for two sisters - Terrace Garden and Garden Party.  I will be linking with Sandra's Dreami and all my other favorite linky parties (see full list on the sidebar). But my party is incomplete without your input :-)

Stay busy, stay put and stay safe, my friends!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Teal, Aqua & Turquoise

Honestly, I find these Teal, Aqua and Turquoise names confusing.  Different websites will label fabrics differently. Kona and Bella have additional names like Lake, Bermuda, Lagoon, Pool and Seafoam etc.

For simplicity and clarity I have divided my stash into Greenish Blue and Bluish Green.

Greenish Blue

Bluish Greens

Picture this - Leaving the Blue station, the train will stop first at Greenish-Blue and then at Bluish-Green before coming to a halt at Green station. For all the colors that lie between Blue and Green (but are neither Blue nor Green), March is the month in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2020.

Greenish Blues on the left, Bluish Greens on the right

Paul: So, what is Cerulean?
Me: Simple Answer - It is a blue.
Paul: And what is the complicated answer?
Me: Cerulean is one step away from Blue in the direction of Greenish Blue.  Think of it as an exurban area of the City of Blue, but still much closer to blue than to Greenish-Blue.
Paul: (Huge eye roll)
Me: Here is a ColorWheel. Enjoy!!!

Let's ignore Paul (for now) and focus on my RSC March blocks.
A couple of readers asked for a tutorial on these blocks. Basic Directions follow.

1. Border a 3.5" background square with 3.5" wide strip of focus fabric 1.
Framed Square 9.5"
2. Place RST with 9.5" background square. Make HSTs.
RST with background square
3. Repeat the process with focus fabric 2.
4. Once you have 4 HSTS, snowball the colored corners before making a giant four patch.

Airy and Lovely!!!

Here are the other blocks.
Greenish Blue Blocks
Bluish Green Blocks

And of course RSC Project#2

I have decided to frame some in medium gray so that the overall quilt has a checkerboard look, rather than just colored squares floating in a murky ocean. What do you think?


In other quilty update, I am testing a pattern for Mell Meyer. It is called All the Diagonals.

All blocks are paper-pieced. And I am trudging along slowly.

All the Diagonals, pattern by Mell Meyer

More blocks in process

This yummy fabric is from the line Speckled by Ruby Star Society.

Connecting Threads has this Speckled FQ Bundle with all 32 fabrics and you can get it at 20% off using the promo code QUILTLOVE.  But hurry, the code expires on 3/22/20.

Speckled FQ Bundle, 32 fabrics

As quilters, we sew in happy times to celebrate.
In sadness, we sew to cope. In times of uncertainty we sew to prevent ourselves from going crazy.
If we do not have a sewing machine, we will sew with a needle and thread.
If we don't have new fabric, we will re-purpose old clothes, feed-sacks and tea-towels.
There is never a reason to not sew. In that way, this time is no different.
The sewing just goes on :-)

I'd love to hear your thoughts - be they about color or calamity...
I will be sharing with Angela and all my favorite linky parties. See full list on the sidebar. We are in this together.

This blogpost contains affiliate links.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Pandora's Box

Paul: There is a lot going on here.
Me: Yup. Do you like it?

A new finish

Paul: It kinda works.
Me: Doesn't it?
Paul: What is this one called?
Me: Pandora's Box.

Orphan Blocks

Paul was shocked!!!  He proceeded to relate the story where all the monsters (death and sickness) were unleashed and all that was found at the bottom of the box was Hope.

Gathered and Captured

I tried to (somewhat calmly) explain. I did not open the Pandora's Box. I did not release the monsters. I captured them and put them back in the box.

Flimsy - Before the Skinny Borders were added

Paul: So you are Pandora?
Me: No and this is not a box. It is a concept that all these orphan blocks (bee blocks and audition blocks and orphans too) were floating around and creating chaos. And now that chaos is captured and showcased in a quilt!!!
Paul: You are so full of it.
Me: You totally get me :-)


Diversity :-)

Although these random blocks were captured into a flimsy in August 2018 (Motivated by Mari), other projects took precedence and the flimsy became an UFO.

And festered while other projects/quilts took precedence. But now that it is done...I am thrilled with the finish.

So much is happening...

Skinny Border

A skinny border was required to protect some points.  Pandora's Box flimsy measured 56" by 58".
At this size it made more sense to piece a backing than to cut up precious wide backings.

Pieced Backing

Striped Binding

A spicy striped binding tamed all the naughtiness while keeping things upbeat.

Paul: You did not follow my advice on pieced backing?
Me: Not this time.
Paul: Why not?
Me: I just wanted it done as soon as possible.
Paul: Um Hmmm.
Me: If I make all my pieced backings the same way, won't you call me a one-trick pony?



I proudly added my label.
Time for a happy dance. Another UFO slayed. Monsters captured.
Absolute Joy!!!

Pandora's Box

Speaking of joy, I acquired gorgeous new fabric at Quiltcon.  It is a fat quarter bundle called Viva Mexico from Paintbrush Studios.  The ten fat quarters are printed on a continuous piece of fabric.

Picture from Paintbrush Studios

I went to Quiltcon with a strict policy of "Only Experiences, No Acquisitions"
But when Paintbrush Studios announced the Buy One, Get One Free for all FQ bundles...the firm stitches of my resolve were unraveled by the seam-ripper of temptation.

Gorgeous Colors

Juicy and Bright

I cannot wait to make something with this bundle, especially these bright pinks.

Viva Mexixo

Yummy Pink

March is here and so is the new color for Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2020.
Stick around, browse for a bit and leave a comment (naughty or nice), while I go herd my teals (bluish-greens and greenish-blues).

Bluish Greens

Greenish Blues

Greenish Blues on the left. Bluish Greens on the right

If you have questions about block patterns in Pandora's Box quilt, please go to this previous blogpost, which is laden with links.

Linking with Angela and all my other favorite linky parties. See full list on the sidebar.
As usual I'd love to hear your thoughts on anything, but particularly on Pandora's Box.

One last look!