
Sunday, April 12, 2020

Our daughter Quarantina!!!

Paul: What is the matter babe?
Me: Cramps
Paul: Oh no!!!
Me: What?
Paul: I was going to name our daughter Quarantina.

New Pattern by Mell Meyer

Ten minutes later, when I stopped laughing, I had to ask...

Me: What if it were a boy?
Paul: I hadn't thought about it.
Me: How does Quarantino sound?
Paul: Nah, doesn't have the same ring to it.

Still laughing...

I was one of the pattern testers for Mell Meyer's new pattern - All the Diagonals.
The pattern is released today.  Her blogpost shows all the pattern testers' finished tops  plus a code for 25% off. A few ambitious testers completed their quilts. Not me. Not yet.

Backing for Quarantina

In honor of the superb conversation (with Paul) and the fact that this paper-pieced (not my favorite technique) quilt was made during the quarantine (a difficult time), I have decided that she will be named Quarantina.


As soon as Quarantina is quilted, bound and photographed, I will share all the process pictures from fabric selection to the final finish and a pattern giveaway too.


Rainbow Scrap Challenge's April colors are light and bright blue.

The Blues - Medium and Bright

I purposely stayed away from light blues, because light blue would be a poor contrast with the white background.  Using medium and bright blues instead.

Here are my blocks.

April Blocks

Ombre & Floral

Swirls and Robots

Octopuses that Shimmer

Juice Boxes

Do check out other RSC blocks on Angela's linky party.  I will be sharing with all my other favorite linky parties. See full list on the sidebar.


Of course I made a mask or two. (It would be unpatriotic not to)
Paul, the model

Of course I am wearing a mask. (It is suicidal not to)


I am wearing a mask also to hide my now fully-grown bushy mustache.

Me: Paul, can I use your beard trimmer for my facial hair?
Paul: Babe, you need a lawn mower.

Guess I will keep the mask on.

But don't mask your feelings from me - reveal them in your comments. I am dying to connect with you, even if it is online.  Big Hugs from a safe distance.


  1. I feel the same way about paper piecing. Not my fave by far. The looks interesting, very different. Love your blue blocks.Glad you are staying safe.

  2. Quarantina is beautiful! Paper piecing is something you love or hate. I also like your blue RSC blocks. Keep the mask on girl, stay safe and healthy!

  3. Love your quilt, and I too feel the distance between friends right now. We all need to make connections however we can.

  4. Quarantina is a better name for a quilt than for a child. Your Covid Child is looking very chic from these sneak peeks; I especially love the zing of that striped binding! Also, mustache, really?! And so there you are, looking like every glamorous inch of Jackie Kennedy in your mask and sunglasses, and now all we can do is imagine this furry upper lip that you claim to have... Surely this is the silver lining of the pandemic, this break from the "body project" with all the maintenance we feel like we need to do before venturing out into the world? I missed my hair appointment two weeks ago, my family has discovered that I'm not a natural blonde after all, and now my bob has grown out just enough that I can trap all those annoying hairs in a weird little pony tail to keep it out of my eyes when sewing. Much faster than playing around with sticky hair products and hair dryers after every shower. And no more time wasted painting my face with makeup that just comes off at the end of the day, either. Stopped shaving my legs, too, and might not resume that because I've discovered that the hairs on my legs are so pale and sparse that I can't even see them without my glasses on -- I've been a victim of Gillette advertising all these years, shaving invisible non-existent hairs for nothing!

    My family has FINALLY agreed to wear masks so I need to sew some of those today. Bernie already agreed to help me, but then he was joking around about "moving in" to my sewing room and getting his own machine. Which pattern are you using, Preeti, and did the same size work for both you and Paul or did you need to make any size adjustments?

    1. Rebecca, this is what I used.

      One size fits all :-)

  5. Your blue blocks are so pretty!
    I am very much missing being with family and friends, but not enough to put anyone's health at risk, so absolutely staying home ... even in spite of spring fever.
    I also miss my hairdresser and my hair is going back to my high school style... long and straight and scraggly. UGH!

  6. You laugh now, but in 9 months you will recall planting this seed, Preeti... when you see a bunch of other little Quarantina's being born! Looking forward to the BIG reveal. LOVE those RSC blocks in Bright BLUE!!!

  7. Your quilt is gorgeous! A very unique pattern. Stay safe and healthy!

  8. I never thought about the 'baby boom' that The Joyful Quilter mentions...during this quarantine! Anyway, your Quarantina quilt is going to be gorgeous and I cannot wait to see it finished. I know you are not a paper piecing fan, but you always bring it together.

  9. I'm looking forward to your reveal of Quarantina! The blocks are really unique, and that backing is perfect! The RSC blocks are looking great, too. It's always fun to see other quilters' scraps!

  10. Lol on Quarantina! However she turns out (and it looks gorgeous so far), that backing is awesome.
    I still love those blocks you gave the tutorial on a few posts back. Not sure what they are called! Since my 3 cats are occupying the pressing mat, my sewing chair, and the quilt I was going to quilt today, I think I'll pick fabrics and try one of those blocks instead.
    You look adorable in the mask!

  11. Quarantina looks very pretty! Well, maybe it's a better name for a quilt than for a little girl ;) Lovely blue blocks.

  12. I'm looking forward to seeing all of Quarantina! I really like your background fabric used in your blue blocks. It adds such sparkle and shine. Be safe and be well!

  13. Love those blue blocks--so pretty, Pretti ;)))
    Today I only had 4 apples and 2 pears on hand so I made a fruit pie with them..we'll see how my "Partridge in a Pear Tree" pie comes's never boring here...;000
    ~ ~ ~ waving from still secluded Julierose;)))

  14. Love the fabrics in your blue blocks, particularly the ombre fabric. Of course, I had to check the plural of octopus, as I was taught otopi. Well, there are THREE acceptable plurals! Octopuses - the American English version; Octopi (or octopii) - if you think the word came from Latin; and Octopodes - if you think the word came from Greek!

    I'll be checking out the paper pieced pattern for Quarantina. I've never done a whole paper pieced quilt. It might be my challenge quilt for 2021.

  15. LOL! Thanks for sharing some humor with us! Ohh, it was funny to read this! And I love your test quilt top. I checked out the others, too. That is a fun pattern. Your mask comments made us all laugh!

  16. So Quarantina is playing a little hide and seek with us, eh? (Eh - that's a Minnesota term, in case you weren't aware.) She's a little cutie from what I can see. And that swoony striped binding - yes! I put just a bit of makeup on the other day, just to see if I could remember how. I haven't been out of the house to try out my mask yet, but I have made a few.

  17. Big squishy virtual hugs back at you! And again a big thanks and cudos for pushing through the FPP challenge that was pattern testing :) Fun name for the quilt! Always great to have something fun in the midst of this crazy. Happy Easter to you two! xo Melanie

  18. You always seem to shine a little light during every situation!


  19. Thanks for the laughs, I truly needed them!

  20. Preeti, you always bring a smile to my face, today along with a few laughs. Thanks to Paul for adding to the smile! Quarantina is a beauty. Can't wait to see her all done up.

  21. I really like the blocks. Lovely combinations of fabric :)

  22. Funny, I'm going to work tomorrow for the first time in a week, and was thinking I should deal with my chin hairs, but then thought, nah, I'll be wearing ppe all day anyway. Let them prosper, like your beautiful blocks. As for Quarantina, she's going to be a charmer. You can call her Tina for short. Maybe Rant would work too. Whatever her name, she's beautiful.

  23. Into enjoy the conversations between you and your husband 😁😁.
    Quarantine is beautiful, can't wait to see her in all her glory. No worries about the chin hairs/moustache, they will be hidden 😁. Big hugs from down under.

  24. Such a funny conversation. Made me laugh

  25. Such a great sense of fun you and Paul have! I love the quilt and I think Quarantina is a better name for a quilt than a child (but I bet it wouldn't be the only one). Your RSC blocks are terrific. I am hugging you tightly remembering the joy of meeting you and knowing we will meet again. Good luck slogging through this - some days are better than others - but we will get through it!

  26. Congratulations on the birth of Quarantina! She is a lovely, bouncing baby quilt, and she has good color for being a bit premature. Hahaha! I don’t know about the fuzzy upper lip thing because I’ve never had much hair. Kids used to ask me in school if I shaved my forearms. Really?!? Like I had nothing better to do than that. But I digress. You sure look amazing and stylish in your mask! xo

  27. Quarantina from what you have shown us looks lovely! Thanks for the smiles!

  28. Is that milk carton fabric??! So fun. I love your blue blocks. But your conversation with Paul is THE BEST! Sounds like you two have a fantastic sense of humor together. Quarantina is lovely, look how she sparkles!!

  29. Quarintino sounds like he would be a movie actor or director - haha!and great job on the pattern testing - that quilt looks great!

    1. You are thinking of Quentin Tarantino compressed into Quarantino. He is brilliant but his films are too intense and bloody for me.

  30. omg you're so funny! I used dh's beard trimmer to cut his hair, his whole head of hair. That man can grow hair! Your quilting is as ever brilliant but quarantino... yes... love the name! Very exotic... remember that next time you don't get cramps... how are things there? I heard how progressive and protective your governor is in working with MD's gov. I miss the east... and you're getting rain, but we're getting snow all week. Oy. LeeAnna

  31. Happy Easter Preeti. Thanks for the big laugh at the end of your post (lawnmower indeed!) 😉
    I LOVE your RSC blocks — simply gorgeous. I too am starting to make fabric face masks for loved ones. All the patterns and tutorials springing up on YT were making me dizzy, until I found Donna Jordan’s easy-to-make one posted April10 (except those darned fabric ties, they are a bit of a nuisance). I made one her way, adding in a piece of non-fusible interfacing —a bit tricky/fiddly, but it seems like I made it work. Then I decided to add 1” to her long side so it would be a bit wider on my face. Now by my count, I need to make 95 of them for everyone I want to have them. Sigh. Tomorrow, the factory gets up and running.
    Looking forward to seeing Quarantina’s photo shoot when you finish her (that’s what I now call my friend Tina, for a giggle). Stay safe! ~Diana K.

  32. I, too, am a whiskered woman. Apparently not as much as you claim though. Many of mine when I look at them now are white or very light, but some are very dark. I've pulled out … yes, that is how I cope with them, a couple that have lingered too long in my chin, at 1" each! Most are closer to just sprouting! I have done this for decades. Tried the electrolysis, but did not feel that they were reducing the number by one whit! After a vacation when I did not have my tweezers along, I counted as I removed them... 200! Some are very fine, some long, some just really dark. I keep my tweezers by the computer so when watching tutorials I can feel... yup there is one, and zing it is out!

  33. I agree with you. Quarantina is good but Quaratino sounds too much like Quasimodo and that name's already been taken. Congrats on testing a pattern. You did a great job.
    I'm making masks and gowns. Busy, busy.

  34. I love the pattern. Can't wait to see your finished version.

  35. Enjoyed the laugh, especially after having misread the title as "Daughter Quarantined"! I'm pondering a quilt for the times.

  36. I am so far behind in reading blogs, which is too bad for me because I love Quarantina. What a great-looking quilt. (It doesn't matter what the pattern is called, this must be named Quarantina!) I love the diagonal blocks, and how you split it up between black and white backgrounds. What a great cheerful shot for these not so cheerful times. Hang in there-- we will sew together soon! :)

  37. I love your RSC blocks! And Quarantina is the PERFECT name for your quilt! Beautiful backing fabric too, btw.

  38. The background on your blue blocks is amazing! I love it, and thank you for bringing a smile to my face with your humor!
