
Saturday, December 26, 2020


One week before Christmas

Me: If Dan has no other plans, ask him to join us for dinner on Christmas Eve. 
Paul: Will do.
Me: Do you know what you want to eat?
Paul (excitedly): Let's get in Christmas Story. 
Me (realistically): Are you sure Dan will be OK with it?
Paul: I dunno. 
Me: Let's just do the regular turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes etc.  We can do the Chinese for New Years, when it is just us.
Paul: OK. Then let me pick up the meal from Harris-Teeter.
Me: How much?
Paul: $50 for turkey and sides.
Me: That sounds reasonable.

A New Finish

However when Paul went to order online, the price was $80. The turkey was pre-cooked and would require re-heating as would all the sides.  I put my foot down.

Me: I do not wish to overpay for mediocre food that was prepared in bulk and refrigerated that I will have to re-heat anyways.  
Paul: Then you have to do the cooking. 
Me: Seriously American food is easy to prepare.
Paul: You are awesome.

Can you guess?

Yellow Backing, Striped Binding

The backing is super fun!

The following convo happened about 4:00PM on Christmas Eve.

Me: I put the turkey in the crock-pot around noon. Should be ready by 6:00.
Paul: Cool.
Me: I am done cleaning and tidying up.
Paul: Looks nice here. 
Me: So I am going to take a shower now and do the rest of the cooking later.  Because I can mash the potatoes in front of Dan but I cannot take a shower in front of him...
Paul: But it is Christmas...

For the next few minutes, I forgot the shower and the spuds because I was laughing so hard.  Paul certainly puts the Merry in my Christmas :-)

Meet Leela. The Sanskrit word Leela means Play(noun). The nine colors are playing beautifully in this quilt made of Picket Star Quilt Blocks





Rust Brown



Medium Blue


Green (this was the very first RSC block for 2020)


Happiness is a Rainbow

I added a border to protect the points. I chose to have fun with the backing. Continuing the theme of the rainbow scrap challenge on the back I made a few scrappy log cabins. A focus strip of these log cabins was added to the backing fabric to add sparkle :-)  

Pieced Backing with a Strip of Log Cabin Blocks

I was concerned that this pieced strip may not be completely straight/vertical after quilting.  The truth is that it isn't exactly vertical but almost straight is good enough :-)

Fun Fabrics

Embrace the Wonkiness

Cute Kitty (pink) & Lovely Gal (green)

Did you see the elephant?

Dragonflies make me smile :-)

The mummy and the all seeing eye

Is it Crawfish or Lobster - I'll eat them both

Used a serpentine stitch with my walking foot to go over the seams. Since the seams are pressed open, I feel that a wider stitch pattern like the zig-zag or the serpentine better secures the seams. 

Quilting Detail


I wanted the multicolored diagonal stripe fabric for binding but I did not have enough of it :-( 

So I combined with a white fabric for a faux piped binding. I got the desired overall effect with the ease of piped binding. What seemed like a challenge turned out to be a blessing in disguise. 

Faux Piped Binding

Leela finished at 53" square and I am happy that I completed at least one RSC quilt before the end of the year.  I will be sharing with all my favorite linky parties including Angela's Linky Party

I am in love with the binding!!!


One Last Look

Hope your Christmas was Merry, your Holidays are blessed and your New Year is Joyful. 

Should you have any thoughts about the holiday season or my festive quilt, please let me know.  Your comments enhance my merriment :-)


  1. great quilt. funny Christmas story!

  2. This just might be my favorite Picket Star you've made (but I really do like them all). The yellow backing with the blocks makes me smile! Hope your meal turned out beautifully and you enjoyed a happy and joyous holiday celebration!

  3. Those picket star blocks make a beautiful quilt, Preeti, and I love the back, too! I agree on your cooking the turkey yourself rather than paying a lot to reheat one. Hope everything was delicious!

  4. Leela is beautiful! So bright and happy. The yellow backing with scrappy log cabin blocks just jump for joy!! A “stellar” finish for sure. I’m glad you were able to have a friend over for Christmas. Hugs and best wishes to you and Paul for a wonderful 2021!

  5. Lovely quilt. I think all your quilts show your love of the craft and your joy in creating the quilt. My favorite block on the back - the kitty and fish. Happy holidays my friend.

  6. it is hard to believe the price for a pre-cooked turkey that you have to heat up!! I got a 3 pound frozen turkey breast that is rolled up with twine, you roast for 2-3 hours (I use a roasting bag) it is nice and juicy and serves 3 people easily or more if small appetites they sell them all the time for about $10 here - we have leftovers for today I love your quilt and your conversations :)

  7. I love the conversations between you and Paul! Life is so much better with laughter! You quilt is so joyful - a perfect finish for 2020. Enjoy that Chinese take out on New Years!

  8. Too funny about Dan and showering! And I also giggled about American food being easy. You're right for most of it, but I think many people don't cook that many things or from scratch like they do at Thanksgiving and that stressed them out. Even my mom, who is a good, experienced, scratch cook, gets twitchy about it all! (I did it one year and wondered what the fuss was about, but there are certain members on both sides of the family who are unwilling to pass the torch permanently, so I just roll my eyes at them and bring whatever they ask for...frozen pies for you to bake later? *giant eyeroll" Okay! (And then I bake a real dessert to have at home later...) The quilt is beautiful and I love all your photos. Have a wonderful new year with your Chinese! (I wish there was a good place near me because that sounds like a good way to ring in my new year as well.)

  9. I don't know if I love more the top or the backing... hmmm, they are just so beautiful, both!

  10. What a beautiful finish on Leela--I love the serpentine idea for the open seams (I almost always iron my own open). The little log cabins are inhabited by such cute people, animals, and things...they set off the yellow back perfectly.
    We were just we two here in our "bubble" for Christmas...a quiet and restful day...
    hugs from sunny but cold SE CT Julierose

  11. OK, the beautiful Leela settles my inner debate. I simply MUST make more of your lovely Picket Star blocks to add to my collection, Preeti!

  12. Great way to end the year. This finish is lovely,

  13. Your conversation with Paul made me laugh!!! I hope your turkey dinner was delicious!
    I love the serpentine quilting when you know the seams are pressed open. I have a quilt that I'm working on with seams presssed open and didn't have a clue how I was going to quilt it ... now I know!!! Thank you!!!
    Happy Quilting! :-)

  14. Sparkling conversation, a great quilt and a home-cooked turkey dinner. Sounds like a marvelous occasion. I worry about pieced backings not being straight until I remember they're not been entered in a quilt show for judging, so who cares? You have such wonderful fabric scraps. Happy New Year. Enjoy the Chinese food.

  15. I look forward to your blog and love your quilts and the conversations between you and your Dan. What a fun couple you must be. Thank you for sharing with us and being such a compassionate person to others. Happy 2021!

  16. Love both the story and the quilt! It is Christmas... :) I like how each star block has a calm fabric and one with more energy.

  17. Lovely quilt finish. I'm sure the Turkey dinner was delicious!

  18. Love that binding. I'm glad you got your shower before Dan came over. I always get a chuckle out of your conversations with Paul. Happy New Year to you both, stay safe!

  19. Hi Preeti! Yum - Chinese for New Year! That means you'll get a fortune cookie - a good one will set the tone for 2021 (it will be great either way). I love you're convo and your quilt. A wonderful finish for the end of 2020. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  20. This came out lovely, Preeti! PERFECT binding stripe. I love how the white stripes kind of melt into your border fabric, as though each diamond shaped bit of color was wrapped around the edge of the quilt individually. I am probably doing a terrible job of explaining what I like about your binding fabric, but at least I've tried. I'm glad you put your foot down about a new Christmas tradition of peep show showering for guests -- hah! I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday together.

  21. Love this beautiful colorful quilt! Funny story and I hope dinner was a success and a pleasure for all of you. Happy New Year! Chinese food is a great idea!!

  22. You make such lovely things out of those little leftover pieces. Love the binding and how you made it work. As for American food being easy, it's only easy if you enjoy cooking, and we all know how I feel about that. Chinese food sounds awesome and never a bad idea. I hope you had a lovely holiday! We will get together soon!

  23. Very rainbow-licious! We had sukiyaki for Christmas. Chinese for New Years sounds like a great idea! Happy day-after-Christmas! Merry rest-of-the-year!!!

  24. As always, a delightful read to accompany a very pretty, fun, colorful quilt. Hope your Christmas was memorable (sounds like it had potential 🤭) and that you have a safe and happy New Year. XO

  25. Lovely bright quilt. I’m glad you cooked your meal. It would have been lovely.

  26. That is too funny - Paul is too funny! I love this quilt and the back is perfect. I love the wide serpentine across the pressed open seams - perfect!

  27. Beautiful quilt and fun backing! Thanks for a great story.

  28. Such a beautiful quilt! Love the crumb blocks on the back. The serpentine stitch quilting turned out beautifully.

  29. What a gorgeous quilt! I have enjoyed watching you make these blocks throughout the year and love the quilt they made. Your back really is fun, too. Great finish, Preeti! Happy New Year to you.

  30. Funny conversation, thanks for the laugh! Love your quilt.

  31. Happiness is a rainbow! I agree! And I just love Leela, front and back, quilting and binding. Happy New Year!

  32. Leela, if I had known its definition sooner that is what our kitten would be named! She loves her toys more than any other cat we have had! Such playful fabrics you have in your stash! Fun!

  33. Always enjoy your conversations with a Paul, hope you got your shower on your own 😁😁. Leela is beautiful, love the colours and the binding.

  34. Leela is a stunning quilt. I've seen a few posts with the blocks and kept wondering whether it would be a row quilt, but this works much better. And you're right, the faux binding is a fantastic touch.
    Have a great rest of the Christmas season and a safe, happy 2021!

  35. Great finish. It's a great design. I hope you have had a great holiday. Here's to a wonderful 2021.

  36. Leela is most definitely a playful quilt! I like the log cabins inserted in the back!
    Chinese sounds like a great New Year’s Eve meal!

  37. Great rainbow beauty! Love your log cabin strip on the back. Maybe next time you need to put it in very slanted? ;)And the binding fits well with your quilt and the theme. Glad you found a way to make it work. xo

  38. Oh wow! This is great! And many thanks for the instructions too. How did I miss this earlier? Congrats on actually finishing your 2020 RSC. I’ve still got two to finish for 2019! At least one was done . Here's wishing for a better New Year and lots of quilts fun.

  39. What a great finish - and that binding - love it! Hope your meal was great!! ( and the shower too haha)

  40. Congrats on a gorgeous finish! It definitely sparkles! Have a very happy New Year! Enjoy your Chinese food.

  41. A cute story and another great finish. I love all the novelty prints you add and highlight. Happy New Year.
    PS - I'm glad you got a shower on your own.

  42. Hi Preeti i loved your story,it made me smile. And wow your quilt just amazing,you are very clever,lol,hope you got to have your shower lol,Happy New Year my friend xx

  43. I love Leela! Such pretty blocks--I've been admiring these blocks all year. I love the stripe of rainbow on the back and would never notice if it was straight or not :) I always love reading your conversations with Paul, there is clearly a lot of laughter in your home. Happy New Year, Preeti!

  44. I love Paul. "but it's Christmas". We are approaching our 41st anniversary. When people ask "how"? We both reply "a sense of humor is #1". (we of course, assume the inquirer is in love w/partner :-)

    Happy New Year! 🎉🎉🎉
