
Saturday, January 9, 2021

New Beginnings

Me: I hope this year is a new beginning
Paul: All beginnings are new, by definition
Me: Unless it is old wine in a new bottle
Paul: Wine does not get old
Me: It becomes vintage?
Paul: Absolutely
Me: I am going to add some wine to the beef stew
Paul (with anticipation): You are making beef stew?
Me: After I finish writing this blogpost
Paul (naughtily): I can help you finish.
Me: BRAT.  Just help me take pictures of this big quilt top, will you?

When Via (not her real name) a dear friend/co-worker shared that she was going to be a first time grandma (her first grand baby) it was most definitely a new beginning. The baby is due in February 2021.

Sketch Design & Calculations

Boy or girl, I asked.
They chose to not find out, Via replied.

This reminded me of Peter Sagal on one of the episodes of NPR's Wait Wait Don't Tell Me.

SAGAL: Back in the day, you'd reveal a baby's gender by waiting till it grew up, joined the workforce, and then you see how much it gets paid. But these days, apparently, parents have these gender reveal parties. Some people make a cake that are blue or pink inside. Some people release blue or pink balloons. And one couple used a, quote, "pyrotechnic device" that started a wildfire that is currently burning down most of the forest east of Los Angeles.

Now, what's weird is, after all that, we don't even know what the gender of the baby is. Congratulations, proud parents. It's a disaster.

Although I am glad that Via's son and daughter-in-law avoided fireworks, it would have been helpful (for a quiltmaker) to know whether she should use princess fabric or truck fabric.


All Blocks Done

So I made a very conscious effort to keep the quilt gender-neutral. No trucks, no fairies but cute animals. Personally I believe that babies don't care about specific colors but bright colors are better for stimulation and cognitive development. So here is my first finish of the year - Hop and Skip.

Hop and Skip at 40" by 40"

Is it too Christmassy?

Avoiding all blues and all pinks I stuck to green and red. I found some cute animal prints on light background. Framed in bright red they would form the perfect stimulation for a baby's eyes. Alternated with calming green 16-patch blocks. Does it look Christmassy?

Ester Bunnies

Cute Cows

Puppies and Snoopy

Cats and Dogs

Giraffes and Monkeys

That Frog is so cute!!!

Tiny Bees, Big Cat

Being in a quilt is such an equalizer. The tiny bees have as much say as the mighty tigers. 
This is a democracy and not the jungle :-D

Cool Cats

I have had this cute winter cats fabric in my stash for a while. It was part of a scrap bag (they really are a mixed bag) and although I like it, it didn't really go well with any other fabric line. Not suitable for fussy cutting either :-(

Pieced Backing

Combined with this leftover picnic plaid from Our Property Values it makes the perfect backing.  I may be just a bit more fond of the backing.

Perfectly Matched

Simple walking foot quilting.  Same bright red binding brings it all together.


Cats - Fierce and Cool

Ready to Nap


Ready for a Cuddle

I will mail it to Via by the end of the month. And then I will have to wait patiently for the baby pictures. But please don't make me wait for your reactions :-)


January also marks the beginning of a new Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC).  I have been participating for two years and I am completely hooked to this warm and loving community of scrap happy makers. In the hopes of finding inspiration for 2021 RSC, I started looking and came upon this tutorial by Rachel Hauser of Stitched in Color.  She does gorgeous work and I highly recommend that you check out her blog.

I loved the block for two reasons
1. It does not rely on a background color. The background color can become a challenge when you come to yellow or beige/neutral colors in the RSC. A white background won't work well and using a different/darker background may throw your quilt layout.
2. I could play with values :-) This would be fun.

But something wasn't clicking. I bookmarked the page and went about organizing my scraps and such.
I came across these scraps (came in a scrap bag) and then it clicked.  

Cut from a Panel

Dreami in Process

First Block

Taking Off

I immediately knew what I had to do!!!! This was a huge AHA moment. I dropped everything and made it.
It was a DREAMI!!!  

Blocks on the Design Wall

You can see Leela is languishing by the side while I put these blocks together. 

Leela waits patiently while I chase these animals!!!

Once the flimsy was completed, I quilted and complete Leela.  And then it was time to complete this cute and wild and dreamy quilt.


Fun Green Backing, Striped Binding


I chose a bright, kid-friendly green backing. A striped black/white binding works for both the front and the back. 

The floral animals became the focus of the tunnel blocks.  The tunnel block no longer appears like a dead end or a blind alley. There was light at the end of the tunnel, in a manner of speaking.  

Of course you can get in their face - they won't bite :-D

Toucan in Yellow

Bulldog in Orange



Regal in Purple

Red is Royal

I prefer this side

Golden Yellow is my color

I'll be your pet :-)

Wild and Handsome

Fierce in Purple

Orange make me look good!

So here is my second finish of the year - Mild & Wild, because some of these animals can be pets but others definitely belong in the wild. Mild and Wild finished at 39" by 44".

Here are a few more pictures because I am so wildly happy with it.


Playing with Values

Cool and Warm

Bold and Bright

My favorite way to show off a finish

Rolled Up

What about the RSC?
Oops!!! In chasing this Dreami, I almost forgot about the RSC.

According to Angela, the RSC color for January is pink. Pink is definitely the color of new beginnings, like newborn puppies :-) Yes, I have cute animals on my mind. I wonder why? 

I do have a good selection of pinks. I am still ruminating over what to make. Do you have any suggestions?

January is PINK!!!

Speaking of RSC, the second (2 of 3) flimsy for the Picket Star Quilt blocks is finished. Leela was first.
With 30 blocks, measuring 17" by 17" + borders, it finished at 88" by 102". 

Dwarfed by the Huge Flimsy

IT. IS. HUGE. So I have sent it to Rebecca of Rebecca Grace Quilting for some longarm quilting love!!! 


This blogpost won't be complete without my big news. I was chosen to be an Island Batik Ambassador for 2021. I am thrilled although I have a feeling I am going to get my butt kicked. 

Check out all these 2021 Island Batik Ambassadors.

I have received two boxes full of goodies from Island Batik and I am dying to show you the contents. Do return on January 21, 2021 when I post the Unboxing Video.

January Finishes

Two finishes in one month is not new but my ambassadorship with Island Batik is definitely a new beginning :-) What is your new beginning in 2021? 

I will be sharing will my favorite linky parties (see full list on the sidebar) including Angela's and Sandra's (when it goes live). 


  1. great eye candy! i love the jungle quilt. i, too, stop in to visit Rachel often. i love her style and color sense. and, she's so calm and practical.

  2. well I hope you post again before the 21st - I always enjoy reading your post and enjoy seeing all your photos. congratulations on being an ambassador - you will do a great job I'm sure. I'm sure Rebecca will do a great job on your quilt

  3. Your quilts are brilliant compositions, Preeti. Eveything is choreographed with precision and creativity. Love the tunnel block. Thank you for the link.

  4. Such great quilts Preeti. I love how you used the animal panel. Really creative. The 16 patch and charm square quilt is adorable - It looks a bit like a jungle with the green and then all the various animals. Really fun. Plus I see a few scraps that may have come from me at some point. You did a great job with both of these. Looking forward to seeing your unboxing video soon. :-)

  5. Hop & Skip and Mild & Wild are both oh-SEW-cute!!! It was quite a surprise to see the direction you took with the rainbow strips. Regarding Leela, I'm sure Rebecca will make her beautiful! Island Batik Ambassador for 2021? Congratulations, Preeti!!

    You asked about our new beginnings, Preeti. Mine for 2021 is the TABLE SCRAPS Challenge that I am hosting (monthly) on my blog. Any and all are invited to create quilted table coverings. These can be in a range of sizes (preferably from their scraps!) I'll be hosting a Linky Party on the last weekend of each month.

  6. Congratulations Preeti! For being an IB Ambassador, and for these 2 gorgeous quilts achieved! Plus these cute pink blocks ;)
    I love the name you gave to each one of the animals ;D

  7. Your baby quilt Hop and Skip isn't Christmas-y, it's just happy! And wow on the way you used the tunnel block idea with those great animal prints, too. Love that one! I'll enjoy seeing all you create as an IB ambassador this year.

  8. These quilts are so delightful! What a treat to see cheerful beauties.

  9. Your little flowery wreathed animals are just so adorable...what a great pattern you used, too.

    Other than the punctuation quilt hashtags in pink, I am till searching for a block that will be fun, easy and go well in all the coming colors...I've never really done a "rainbow-ed" top so that is my goal this year.
    Stay safe hugs, Julierose

  10. You are amazing - two quilts already! I love both these quilts and have ideas for cutting my novelty in 5” fun squares to do projects like this. I can’t wait to see what you do as an ambassador. Can’t wait to see what Rebecca does with the quilt!

  11. Preeti, your quilts are always so inspiring! The majority of my quilting is destined for Project Linus, and I am pinning this post as your first quilt is a perfect design for a Project Linus quilt. I love Leela! Gorgeous! If I can find the large animal prints, I’d like to make it too. Your pink RSC blocks are lovely. Great start!


  12. Congrats on being an Island Batik ambassador. I’m sure you will have fun with the experience. I love both of those bright cheerful quilts. Such a clever idea for using those little animal pieces.

  13. Congratulations on being an Island batik ambassador. You have finished a lot, it is so much fun when we do not know the gender. Giving a quilt is a great idea for a new baby. Love all the funky vibrant colours and prints!

  14. Great quilts as always, and I really love the animals in the value tunnels. A really creative way to frame them up! I like your pink blocks too :). So what does an IB ambassador do? I googled it and saw "This group of 25 talented creatives will bring you inspiration, tutorials, and humor in the coming year." But what does that mean exactly? You definitely need to put together some guild lectures and jump into that arena. You are so funny and have a great inspirational message that other quilters want to hear.

  15. Wow, this post is chock full of wonderful things. Congrats on the IBA designation. Lots of work, but a great learning experience to stretch your imagination. Not that your imagination needs stretching. What great kid quilts, but I did start to wonder what happened to RSC pink. I haven't been able to settle on a block, so I've been doing crumbs and strings, but your nine patches are a good idea, too. You're off to a great start.

  16. Congratulations, you will make a wonderful ambassador! Love, love, love the baby quilts you have made.

  17. So many happy things to comment about in this post! Congrats on ambassadorship. I would explain to Paul that you want to be addressed as ambassodor also. LOVE all your quilts.

  18. What a happy, cheerful way to start the new year. We need cheer, for sure. I’m not a fan of gender reveals, except it sure is practical to know. This quilt will be loved by any baby. I always love your RSC quilts— never mind that this one became a squirrel. (You could continue the theme, though, for more tunnel blocks as you go through the year. I wonder what mini tunnels would look like.) I’m looking forward to seeing how Leela gets quilted, and to seeing all your IA projects this year. Congrats again!

  19. Congratulations on becoming an Island Batik Ambassador ! You will do great. I really like the red and green quilt, great design! The tunnel blocks with striped binding is over the top fabulous!

  20. Congratulations on becoming an Island Batik Ambassador, Preeti! You will have so much fun with that; I can't wait to see what you create. The two quilts!! So fun! Mild & Wild - love the animals and the striped binding is swoon-worthy. Love that you had to just stop the presses and make the quilt! Well done.

  21. The two quilts are wonderful!!!
    And congratulations on becoming an Island Batik Ambassador! It's going to be a fun year!
    Happy Quilting! :-)

  22. Congratulations on your Ambassadorship!! Looking forward to the box opening! Love the two quilts you have made this year so far, I don't think the first one is too much like Christmas, bright colours are good! 😄 the animals are just gorgeous and your second flimsy is just beautiful.

  23. Two beauties. Both are really cute. Great job.
    And pretty pink nine patch blocks.
    The Picket Star Quilt blocks is finished and looks great, Congrats!!!

  24. I am soooo in love with your Dreami "Mild and Wild". It is gorgous! And congrats to being an ambassador :) xo

  25. Congrats on being an Island Batik ambassador! I love 'Mild and Wild'!!! The first one isn't Christmassy it is lovely!

  26. Wow, so much in one post! First, congratulations on being an Island Batik ambassador! I know you will have a great time and I can't wait to see what you make!

    Second, love your baby quilt for Via's grandbaby. So may people find out gender before the birth that it's actually hard these days to find gender-neutral baby stuff. Also, people don't believe you when you say you don't know. My own grandmother said I was lying when I said we were waiting to find out when I was pregnant with Fire Monkey :) As for avoiding fairies or trucks, my strategy is both! And my young son likes rainbows and robots, flowers and firetrucks--I like mixing them together!

    And third, I love, love, love those flowered animals and their rainbow blocks!!!!!! Perfect use of those blocks (do you know what the panel is? I try not to buy fabric these days but that might need to be an exception) and such a fabulous rainbow quilt! Absolutely the best kind of dreami!

    1. Thank you Emily. I am looking forward to the year (and to your advice) this year :-)
      The manufacturer is Blend Fabrics, the line for wild animals is Junglemania and for the dogs is Floral Pets. The designer is Mia Charro. Since these collections have been out for a while they may not be easily available. That is why I gave you all the keywords. Mia Charro also has a Spoonflower page.

  27. Oof! this is a chock-full of eye candy post! I just love the DrEAMi quilt - you have the best ones :-) and another quintessential one, as everything fell to the wayside to get that adorable quilt done. Congrats on being an ambassador; can't wait to see what you make!

  28. Wowzer you just whipped up some amazing animal quilts! I love them.... so happy! Congrats on being an ambassador... that will be so fun!

  29. I remember the animals with the flower crowns. What a perfect way to use them. Congrats on your awesome creativity!

  30. What a lovely beginning for the year with a couple of darling baby quilts!

  31. Love the colors in the first quilt and I really like how you used those animal prints

  32. Hi Preeti! Such wonderful finishes and an IBA, too?!! I am just wild about Mild and Wild. The baby quilt will be loved very much by mom and baby, and 110% covered and surrounded in your love. Who could ask for anything more?! I look forward to seeing the unboxing. ~smile~ Roseanne

  33. There's no keeping up with you, Preeti! Now that my novel is published, I hope to visit regularly again. What beautiful quilts and I am excited for you that you've joined the IBA gang. Here's to a new, New Year!

  34. Hi Preeti! I’m still on “Cloud 9” about your UB ambassadorship. Congrats again! Oh my, that Mild and Wild quilt is to die for! Such a darling finish. Hey, you’re rather mild and wild too, eh? LOL xo

  35. Congratulations Preeti! I look forward to seeing what beautiful things you make with your batiks. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  36. I have always heard (read) that babies needed HIGH contrast to see--as in simply black and white--which is why I wait until they are at least 1 year before making a quilt. Congrats on the ambassadorship :-)

  37. Two great quilts and finishing a top. Wow. You are on a roll. The red gingham back makes a fabulous choice. I don't think of the quilt as Christmas. It's Valentine Red {with new grass green.} And this baby will get lots of love and kisses.
    Clever way to use a panel. Some child will be lucky to have it.
    The striped binding looks good on both. I need to try that on more of my quilts but that would mean I'd need to purchase yardage. Sigh.
    And congratulations on becoming an Island Batik Ambassador. They are fortunate to have you working with them.

  38. Wild and Mild is fabulous. The "portraits" really work well with your design. Um, Preeti you realize it is only a little beyond the first week of January don't you? You've gotten 2 quilts done. Here's to many more wonderful quilts this year.

  39. Wow! lots of color and pattern and yummy fabric play. What a great lot of hours of joy. Baby quilts are always such happy things to make. Congrats on your ambassador-ship. Does it come with a crown or badge? :)

  40. It's a great baby quilt. Great colour scheme. Congrats on being selected as an Ambassador.

  41. What a fun quilty post! Congrats on being an ambassador!!! ( I only recognize 3 names on that list..... sigh) I am sure you will be awesome!!

  42. You've been busy and it looks like you are going to be busier still! Congratulations! Can't wait to see your creations.

  43. Oh my gosh, Preeti! I LOVE Wild & Mild. The tunnel effect is perfect and your animals are just darn cute. Via's baby's quilt is adorable. I have some of that black & white dog fabric too! And no, it does not look Christmasy! Congratulations are definitely in order, Miss Island Batik Ambassador or would that be Madam Island Batik Ambassador? hahaha! Either way, you'll be happily busy!

  44. Preeti...congratulations on being an Island Batik ambassador! I'm sure you'll do the company proud! I adore what you did with Wild & Mild! Adorable and perfection. Don't you love when that happens?!! Keep up the creativity this year (as I know you will) and as always I look forward to reading your witty posts!

  45. Looks like you're really off to a great start for 2021. Keep up all the fun work Preeti and congrats on being an ambassador too.

  46. Wow very nice way to get 2 done pretty fast!

  47. Great job and congrats! Your quilts are so fun!

  48. Two quilts from start to finish in less than 2 weeks. Just wow! Both quilts are cute, but I have a thing for RSC quilts, I just love all the mix of colors, so your Mild and Wild is my favorite of the two. Congrats on becoming a Batik Ambassador. Looking forward to seeing your adventures in Batiks this year.
