
Sunday, September 26, 2021

Workshop with Gloria Loughman

More often than not, quilt guild workshops are on weekdays and are not conducive to those of us not yet retired from our day jobs. But when the guild arranged a two-part workshop with Gloria Loughman on two weekends (9/11 and 9/18), I wasted no time and signed up for it.  

I bought the recommended pattern and downloaded the instructions. I watched the videos and read the downloaded pattern sheets. That was in July. 

Come September, I am buried deep in Island Batik October Challenge.  It has been rather all-consuming.

Improvisational Piecing

Iberian Lynx Silhouette

So when the Gloria Loughman workshop started at 3:30 on Saturday afternoon, I joined on Zoom but continued working on the Iberian Lynx project (Island Batik October Challenge). 

The workshop was terrific. Gloria is an excellent teacher with lots of examples from her work. She would explain a few things and then give 30 minutes for sewing, while she was available to answer questions, give feedback and make suggestions.  

Me: I am so torn.
Paul: What's up?
Me: I really want to work on this "Light up your Landscape" project.
Paul: So why don't you?
Me: I am in the middle of something else.
Paul (looking at the class materials): With all those light and dark colors, it is neat. 
Me: That is exactly why I want to dive in. 
Paul: There are so many guns held at your head but the only hand holding them is yours.

He has a point. 

I focused the next few days (Sunday - Wednesday) on completing the top for the Iberian Lynx project (Island Batik October Challenge). Then I dropped it to make the Landscape quilt.  My hope was to have something done before the second part of the workshop on following Saturday, 9/18.

Tiles Cut

Arranging Tiles

Brick by Brick

Completed Sky

From Thursday through Saturday afternoon, I focused on the workshop project.  When it was time for Workshop - Part 2, I was fully focused. No distractions. 

Choosing foreground

I showed my progress to Gloria. She approved. I worked on the different elements of the landscape during the 30 minute sewing sessions.

Completed Sky Sewn!!!

Island Batik for foliage

By the end of the workshop, I was so far along that I had to finish it. 

I have named it Gul Mohar, because the yellow/orange blooms are like those of the Gul Mohar tree, common in India. 

Gul Mohar

Of course, some of you may want to get up close and personal. Here you go :-)

But truly, the effect of light appears best when viewed from a distance. 

I am loving it and I am so glad that I took the plunge. I highly recommend Gloria Loughman's workshop. She is an accomplished artist and a terrific teacher. 

Gul Mohar finished at 13" by 19", and became my Dreami (Drop everything and make it) for September. Sharing with Sandra's Linky Party and all my favorite linky parties. See full list on the sidebar. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Island Batik and ByAnnie Challenge

Me: I am so excited that I can explode!!!
Paul: Surprise that the new bag cannot "contain" your excitement.

Let's ignore Paul for now.  I have been consumed by the bag making process and my excitement sometimes (okay, often) spilled into his area.  

Island Batik teamed with ByAnnie for the September Challenge.  We picked a pattern of our choice from ByAnnie. I chose the backpack Got Your Back 2.1.  All fabric was provided by Island Batik. I chose Moonlight Sky - designed by Kathy Engle for Kate Colleran of Seams Like a Dream Quilt Designs

ByAnnie provided the detailed instructions, a coupon code for online videos, and all other bag making supplies. All this came in a neat package in the second box of goodies.

Fabrics and Pattern

Hardware from byAnnie

There were 11 pages of detailed instructions. 

Staying organized

Managing the curves

Checking and rechecking

It was an intimidating task and I was definitely anxious.  I made a couple of mistakes and eventually corrected them.

Looking good

Looking like a bag

Was overwhelmed and received good advice from other IB ambassadors. Hit a wall and managed to overcome it.

Th end is in sight :-)

And finally, here we are!!!

Got Your Back Bag 2.1

The successful completion of a difficult task is reason for excitement and celebration.  So, I took my newly finished bag out for a lunch date. 

On location

Sideways look

Got Your Back :-)

Inside Peek

I wore my brightest hot pink dress and Paul was kind enough to take our pictures. 

Bold and Bright


Happy me :-)

Loving it!!!

Yes, but that is not all...

During one of the online videos, Annie said "this can be used for another small project" referring to the quilted scraps leftover from cutting the bag front and back etc.

Once the big bad beautiful backpack was completed and I started tidying up, I noticed those quilted parts, too big and too pretty to discard. Hmm... small projects. 

That is when I discovered free patterns on Huge squeal of delight.

I downloaded "A Pencil case for Lola" and "Easy Does It" and made these two additional bags all from the leftover bits. Well, except for the zippers (I have plenty of those). 

Easy Does It

A Pencil Case for Lola

Two additional bags :-)

So now, I have a coordinated set of a pencil case, a vanity bag and a backpack.  Gosh, I am spoiled rotten.

The whole set!!!

Backpack, Vanity Case, and a Pencil Case

I am spoiled!!!

Here is the best part - these two smaller projects came together so quickly, I was absolutely amazed. It was because I now understood how Annie thinks and I understand her process and I could anticipate the next steps. It became so easy and intuitive...that I feel like an expert (somewhat).  Truly I am looking forward to making more of these bags.

I recommend going to the website and register. Download a free pattern and make it. You will love it and then buy one of her patterns. It will be a breeze!

I will be sharing with all  my favorite linky parties as I sing Annie's praises :-)  See full list on the sidebar.

In other news, we received the summer precuts (and matching yardage) from Island Batik. These were delayed but here they are in their yummy goodness.

Constellations from Island Batik - 10" Squares

Free to Fly 2.5" Strips with matching yardage

Disclosure: The fabrics, thread, batting and needles were generously supplied by the following companies: