
Friday, September 30, 2022

Arabella's Garden

I designed Arabella's Garden for the Island Batik's Spring Summer 2022 Catalog using Bee Kind,  a Spring 2022 signature collection designed by Kathy Engle for Swan Sheridan of Swan Amity Studios 

There are 20 gorgeous fabrics in the collection. Arabella's Garden uses 15 of them plus Almond (Island Batik Neutral), as the background.  

Even the Monster is cute :-D

Gorgeous Colors!

Beauty and the Baste!

Quilted, Not Bound

It is a finish!!!

Here are a few close-ups.


Blue Vines


Crushing on You!

I love this collection and it was a joy to design and make this quilt. Did you notice the secondary pattern? 
Finding a secondary pattern is like finding a second layer of chocolates when you think the box is empty.  If you want the secondary pattern to be more prominent, choose a darker background and lighter focus fabrics.

Secondary Pattern!!!

Mari and Emily were kind enough to test drive the pattern, offer suggestions and make their versions of Arabella's Garden.  Make sure to check out their blogposts. They may have a giveaway or two and you don't want to miss that.

And now, finally, Arabella's Garden is available as a pattern in my Etsy Store

  • There are ten pages of detailed instructions with colored pictures for every step. 
  • Fabric requirements are shown for four different sizes. 
  • Strip piecing techniques ensure that cutting and sewing is minimized. 
  • Arabella's Garden is Fat-Quarter friendly and the pattern includes cutting diagrams for fat quarters.
  • A full page coloring sheet is included so that you can audition your fabrics/color choices. 
A recent review :-)

It is also on sale - 30% off till Thursday, October 6, 2022.

But wait there is more. For a chance to win a PDF copy of Arabella's Garden (or any other pattern from my Etsy Store), please tell me in the comments what is your major complaint with quilt patterns. If you don't have any pet peeves, no worries. Any comment will work.

If you are a no-reply blogger, please include your email. If you follow me on Instagram, you can leave me a second comment mentioning your handle. For example - @CrazySew follows you.

There is a second prize. A copy of Merry Quilted Christmas - 11 Festive Projects by Annie's Quilting.

I will announce the winners on Friday, October 7, 2022. 

Winners Update - The random drawing picked Comments #11 and #29. Ivani wins the free pattern for Arabella's Garden and Joy wins the Quilted Christmas magazine. Emails are on their way.

In other news, I have completed my RSC blocks for September. Here they are.  

Fabrics - Medium Blue

Starting Point

In progress

Getting there

Ta Da!!!

So handsome!!!

No idea, how they will come together. Not a clue on how to proceed.  But I know exactly what I have to do to complete the Ultimate Travel Bag 2.0, Island Batik Challenge for October.

Ultimate Travel Bag 2.0 in Sunset Plains Collection - Work in Progress

The question is Can I? Will it? Fingers crossed. That blogpost is next.

I will be linking with all my favorite linky parties, including Angelas's. See full list on the sidebar.


  1. I love your quilt, she's so bright and happy! My main complain about some quilt patterns is poorly written directions. I also don't like patterns that have you cut all your pieces at once. I'm a cut as you go person. Happy stitching with your travel bag!

  2. Great pattern Preeti. I do like when patterns tell you which direction to press.

  3. Those Stars are lovely in those rich colorways!! I love your little squares/rectangles pieces--looks like a great way to use up scraps...
    Have a wonderful weekend--hugs, Julierose ;)))

  4. Oh, you'll finish that bag with a flourish, I have no doubt! Another pretty quilt design, Preeti! My complaint about quilt patterns - poorly written instructions, not enough illustrations. Thanks for sharing this lovely quilt design with us, Preeti!

  5. Really pretty new quilt! Batiks just shine, don't they? I dislike patterns that don't give you the size of the pieces you are making to complete a block. The other day I had one where I finally just oversized the whole thing and then cut to size. Very frustrating!

  6. arabella is SO pretty!!! THose fabrics are just so bright and bold - I love them!!! My Major pet peeve.... there are SO many I want to make and not enough time!!!!!

  7. Such a pretty quilt and I saw the secondary pattern right off. Love two patterns in one! Ha!

  8. This new pattern is awesome! I love your fabric choices for it.

  9. Arabella's Garden is lovely, Preeti! Both the design and the fabric line contribute to a very pretty quilt. Yes you can finish that October project - we know you can!

  10. Arabella's Garden is really pretty! I like how those yellow squares give it a punch of energy that makes the traditional star blocks feel more modern. And I am in absolute awe of you with that bag project... Bags seem so fiddly to me! I feel like I'd be flinging the pieces around the room and blurting out expletives throughout the bag construction process. Can't wait to see that finished!

  11. I do love Arabella's Garden! I get bored more easily than I should, so I am nuts for patterns that have several different blocks.
    My pet peeve is with patterns that claim they are fat quarter friendly, but leave a whole lot of waste. A minor quibble really, as scraps are fun to have.

  12. Arabela's Garden is lovely Preeti, so bright and happy. Be kind is a beautiful collection.

  13. Everything you make is so lovely - enjoy seeing pictures on your blog. My biggest complaint on quilt patterns is when there is an overwhelming number of steps - I like making a block (or 2 ) at a time and it is hard to figure a single block out sometimes. Happy Fall

  14. Congrats on your new pattern and the new publication. Also it looks to me like you have all (most?) parts for the bag prepped. Good luck with assembly. *fingers crossed* xo

  15. Beautiful 😻! My complaint is not enough step by step pictures, I’m a visual learner 😌

  16. I have the bag pattern and can't wait to see your post about yours. It looks lovely!

  17. I enjoy your blog & your quilts. My complaint with some patterns is when they are not clear, which causes me confusion. This is not uncommon in books & printed patterns where they need to conserve space. cknapp3626*at*sbcglobal*dot*net

  18. @cyndy.k follows you. cknapp3626*at*sbcglobal*dot*net

  19. Arabella's Garden is gorgeous! Looking forward to seeing where your light blue squares take you. And seeing the finish on that bag!!!

  20. Arabella's Garden is bright and beautiful! Love your color choices. My complaint with some patterns is poorly written instructions and font too small. I'm sure that has to do with space.

  21. Love your new pattern. It is so versatile and could be used with many fabrics.

  22. Super cute pattern!!! You are truly gifted. My only complaint with patterns is that some presuppose the user is familiar with 'quilt speak', and use too many abbreviations. []

  23. What a lovely pattern, Preeti! I guess my pet peeves with some quilt patterns (not yours!) is if they don’t provide good cutting advice, or maybe even a cutting diagram. The other is requiring far more fabric than is actually needed to make the quilt (fabric is expensive!). Thanks for the chance at a giveaway prize! ~Diana dot Kastelic at hotmail dot com (no spaces). 🙂

  24. Arabella is so pretty! Hmmm…pattern pet peeves…I guess I don’t enjoy when designers far overestimate the amount of fabric I must buy!

  25. Your travel bag is going to be stunning. Love the cactus fabric. And when you take it traveling, don't put it down anywhere. It will be gone in a flash!
    Patterns? Coming from a garment-making background, quilting patterns for garments or bags can sometimes seem "to do things the hard way."

  26. Lovely quit!
    My thing that I hate about quilt patterns is when the sizes of the pieces are wrong. I recently purchased a book, with many quilt patterns in it. When I started to really get into making one of them, I realized that the pieces were not fitting correctly. Double checked my cutting. Then actually checked the pattern, as well as a few other patterns on the book. Wrong. Checked the authors website, and someone had asked about this problem. Her answer, was she’s only human.
    I totally understand the ‘odd’ mistake, but hate it when I have to actually draw the pattern to scale myself, in order to make the quilt. Definitely a turn off for me.

  27. Your new pattern is beautiful! Congratulations on another winner.
    My biggest complaint is when quilt patterns don't include pressing directions. I know that not everyone presses seams to one side, but as someone who does, it really makes things go together easier with those instructions.

  28. Love your Arabella’s quilt. The colours and fabrics are beautiful, the stars really showcase them.

  29. Oooooh, another pretty pattern, this one looks fabulous! I love the secondary pattern too ;) I love to find photos for tricky steps in a pattern instructions. Beautiful RSC blocks also, these are a lot of scraps!
    Thank you for sharing your new beauty, and linking up today!

  30. Gorgeous quilt, Preeti! Best of luck with pattern sales. Tell Paul that I missed seeing what he had to say about this one! :o))

  31. Love that pattern! The secondary pattern too! My comment about pattern directions is -- well, I have two. . .first, I want a full size pattern because I don't want to have to enlarge something. . .I have to go outside my home to enlarge it. Directions-- I'd pay more to have an additional illustration and an extra paragraph or two. If there is an incorrect way to interpret the information, I'll be there first every time!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  32. So pretty! I love those colors. My only complaint with quilt patterns is when I don't read them thoroughly enough before jumping in :-) 99%of the time it's my fault, lol.

  33. That is a beautiful pattern. I love seeing how two block quilts create such interesting designs. Good luck with your bag!

  34. I like patterns that include lots of pictures

  35. Such a gorgeous collection to work with! I love the quilt I designed for it and I love yours too! The colors in Bee Kind are so bright and cheery. Secondary patterns are lovely when they can be built into a quilt design such as yours. Congratulations on a wonderful quilt and pattern! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  36. This quilt is beautiful!! Love the pattern and the fabric collection. My pet peeve... designers that try to reinvent the wheel when there is a faster, easier, less waste way to do something. I really enjoy your blog; I read it all the time.

  37. Your quilt is gorgeous! One of the first things I want to know about a quilt I see a pattern for is: how big is the quilt and how big are the blocks. I find it frustrating if I have to search for the measurements. I want that info to be front and center. Sometimes it is, sometimes not.

  38. I like to look at old-timey published patterns from bygone magazines, and they're so sparse! They assume I know a LOT more than I do. They're like "here's a single unsized hand-drawn square now go make this glorious double-wedding ring using only hand-spun thread from a sheep you are raising in your backyard." Uh, okay 30s housewife, go on with your bad self. I also always want to know how people arrive at their quilt names. Who's this Arabella? Why does she have a garden? That's just because I'm nosy, though.

  39. Very joyful quilt, Preeti! Finding another layer of chocolates after the first is finished--lol! That's the way every quilt should be!

  40. The Arabella quilt is beautiful! What an awesome color palette. And I love the quilt design.

