
Monday, January 15, 2018


Do you remember your first kiss?  I can close my eyes and not just picture it, I can relive it.
The moment when every fiber of my being was fully focused on the kiss. That was a lifetime ago.

Completed KISS

The KISS (Keep it Simply Strippy) Quilt that started two years ago is finally complete. I know I should have waited till Valentine's Day to share it...but I could not keep my lips compressed any longer :-D

Vibrant Kaffe Fassett

The pattern uses 6" strips

Alphabet Soup BAcking

This simple pattern became popular, in part, due to the Craftsy Blog Hop. Kat Scribner of Scrapbox Quilts also played a part in directing readers to the tutorial, every single time she made a quilt/flimsy with this pattern.


I chose a black border and black binding.  Sewing the black binding using back thread really did a number only eyes. I need to get them tested. Maybe I am getting old.

Black Binding+Black Thread

The finished quilt measures 43" by 52". Now that it is finished. I am relieved.


Kid Appropriate


It was time to celebrate my first finish of the year.

And celebrate I did with a piece of good news.
The quilt I made for Paul - Paulitiks - was featured in Top 100 Projects on Fave Quilts website.

Paul with his quilt - Paulitiks

And I am on Cloud Nine that Sew Preeti Quilts also made it to the Top 25 Blogs.

I feel giddy, maybe like the newbie actress who is nominated to the Golden Globes along with the likes of Judi Dench and Meryl Streep.

While I could lovingly linger over the KISS, there is another project that I must pursue passionately. It is a quilt for the victims of the Thomas Fire in California. Here is a sneak peek.

Perkiomen Valley Block

The block was designed by Scott Griffin of Ventura Modern Quilt Guild to make as relief quilts for the Thomas Fire Victims.  I have made 27 so far. 15 to go.

Design Wall
42 blocks will be arranged 6 by 7 to make a quilt measuring 72" by 84".
Here is the backing I have chosen. What do you think?

Backing - Amish Village
The goal is to complete it by the end of the month.  I will be linking with all my favorite linky parties, see sidebar. I'd love to hear from you.


  1. A delightful finish, Miss Preeti! And such a pretty Thomas Fire quilt! You go, girl!

  2. The KISS quilt is sweet. Congrats on being appreciated as we love your work. Your new quilt is so cool. mary in Az. P.S. I have trouble seeing black on black also.

  3. What a pretty, pretty quilt! I love the fabrics (they have always been my favorite kaffe fabric)! First kiss...yikes! I must say I do not remember at all and that is probably for the best! Congrats on the top 25 and top 100 projects!

  4. Speech Speech - ha ha - that is awesome that you were one of the top 25!! GO you! and I LOVE that bright quilt! thanks for the link to the tute!! Enjoy!!

  5. Preeti, I always enjoy your posts. Well deserved to be top 25.

  6. Beautiful work, Preeti! Congratulations on all the recognitions, too. I love the backings for both of your quilts.

  7. Beautiful quilt finish! Kiss kiss.
    Your blog is definitely one I’ve loved discovering.
    Thanks for making blocks for my guild! The Thomas Fire has impacted hundreds of people and will for years. Scott is a great guy, a nurse, very funny and a talented quilter. We are lucky to have him.

  8. I gasped when I pulled up your blog this morning -- your Kiss quilt is made from the exact same Kaffe Fassett prints that I chose to replace the creepy Cat Eyes in my Tabby Mountain quilt! Those are the fabrics that I will be impatiently waiting for all week, because they won't ship until tomorrow due to the holiday. And your lovely quilt is just taunting me with them! :-) Have I ever told you that you have GREAT taste in fabric? Congratulations on all of the recognition you're getting; it's well-deserved. And I ADORE your Amish Village backing fabric. I hope you purchased it recently, because I'm about to scour the Internet until I find it!

  9. The charity quilt is very lovely. I like the blocks and the backing :) Such a nice thing of you to sew! xo

    PS: Congrats on your first finish!
    PPS: I agree with Jayne - I am glad I do not really remember my first kiss :)

  10. Top 25? Congratulations! I would have put you in the top 5, but that's me. . .The Kiss quilt is just lovely. The black binding is perfect and I love, love, love the backing. I must have a thing for backing today because I also love the backing for your charity quilt. Love the greens you chose, too. Now go and treat yourself in honor of your wins! :)

  11. Love your Thomas Fire blocks Preeti - those greens are fabulous! I think the backing you chose is so cool. Congrats on your recognition!

  12. happy V=day my friend. congrats on the accomplishment! Not surprised but happy for you! LeeAnna

  13. What a delightful quilt! Congratulations on your first finish! And And congratulations on your top 25 and your top 100 recognitions! That backing fabric is perfect.

  14. Beautiful Kaffe fabrics. It's a great finish. Congratulations on being featured.

  15. Congrats on being featured! Love all those greens in your fire blocks and the backing is neat.

  16. Congrats on being in the top 25 blogs! Thanks for the reminder for the Kiss tutorial:) How wonderful of you to make a quilt for the CA fire victims.

  17. Hi Preeti,
    Awwww, alas I do not remember my first kiss. :( That's sad! I do love your KISS quilt though, and I will share this tutorial eventually on my blog so more people can see your wonderful blog. I can see why you've made the top 25 blogs list!!! You totally deserve it. Your wit, humor, talent and love for DH are evident in each post, and who wouldn't want to read about that?! Oh yeah, and some pretty quilts are thrown in for good measure too. ~smile~ Roseanne

  18. This fabric is just perfect for this quilt! And congrats on being so quilt-famous!

  19. Your quilt reminds me of a zipper The quilt is super! That's a great pattern for the Fire Victims. I lived through the Tubbs Firestorm in Santa Rosa. We were hard hit, but thankfully our house was in an area that wasn't affected at all. Is there a pattern you can pass on for me to make for the Tubbs Fire Victims?

  20. Congratulations on your blog and quilt recognitions. You must be walking on air. I, too, love the Amish Village fabric you are using for the fire victims' quilt. I made 4 blocks and sent them to Carole in NC.

  21. Kiss - What fun fabrics! And what a pretty quilt! And that blue quilt - how fantastic.

  22. Congratulations Preeti, well deserved recognition, great news. Lovely KISS quilt, pretty pretty, a KISS with style. As for your Amish fabric, I want to shop where you shop!

  23. Congrats on your achievements! I've been told by many that I should have niche blogs instead of one mixed up one, but I barely keep up with my one.

  24. omg, my first kiss. Thank you Preeti, that is something I would really prefer to forget! A holiday romance when I was about 16. Thank goodness it was over in a day or two! Love your quilt though

  25. so taken up with the horrors of my first kiss, aw I suppose it wasn't really that bad, just rather slobbery from memory, Anyhow, I digress .... congratulations on the top 25 quilt. Fantastic.

  26. Such a cute name for a darling quilt. Congratulations on your finish and how delightful that so many others have enjoyed your tutorial, too. They split nine-patch is lovely. What a nice reminder that spring (and growing things) will return. Plus the houses on the back. So kind of you, Preeti.

  27. Heee :) Yes, I remember my very first kiss, but that one preceded my first "real" one by many years. At 9, my best friend and I (a young man) were in the school's pool (private school in the Middle East), and wanted to know what it would be like to kiss underwater. I've never forgotten that, although it was far too wet for fireworks. ;D Your green blocks are PERFECT for the relief quilt, and what a fantastic backing for it.

  28. Great finish Preeti! And yes, I remember my first kiss with hubby.

  29. I have two of the "pebbles" fabrics you used in this quilt, in red and lime green. I have just a few scraps of the red left, but I WILL use them, it's such a gorgeous fabric! A little more remains of the lime. I really like your green blocks! I am thinking of buying a sewing machine with walking foot (going back to the store tomorrow) and I'm taking a three day machine quilting class in March, so I hope to get quilts finished faster, too. And I do remember the magic of my first kiss, and the disenchantment that followed! I also remember the first kiss with my husband, and the magic that followed!

  30. Your KISS quilt is wonderful! The fabric you used is one of my favorite Kaffe fabrics. Your backing for the Thomas fire quilt is perfect. Congrats! on making it on the top 25 bloggers list!

  31. Congratulations... love the kiss quilt!

  32. The KISS quilt is a lovely way to use the vibrant Kaffe Fassett prints. Great finish. I like the block for your Thomas Fire quilt drive too. Now I am off to check out Paulitiks!

  33. Well congratulations on your nominations and yay for a beautiful finish - you'll never tire of looking at that lovely fabric, I'm glad you let it shine!

  34. Congratulations on the top 100 and top 25 honors! Very cool. And congrats on another bright and bold finish. Happy stitching this next week.

  35. Of course you were recognized- your quilts and your block are wonderfully alive. First kiss? I remember the first kiss that wasn't. Went to my senior prom with a great guy on whom I'd had a crush for years. I'd asked him to take me on a day when he was in between girlfriends (no mean feat to find such a day, since he had a troop of admirers) . After a wonderful evening, during which I did no little wondering about whether he'd kiss me good night, he saw me to my door, I unlocked it and automatically flicked on the light. Realized what I'd done and flicked it off again, but figured that was too obvious, and turned it on again. Poor fellow beat a hasty retreat. Sometimes, we're our own worst enemies.

  36. Well, clearly I've been living under a rock, because I missed this post! Congratulations on getting into the top 25! I'm not at all surprised! As to my first kiss, yeah, no. It was awkward. Anyhoo, your quilt colors in First Kiss are so wonderful and bright! Your Thomas Fire quilt blocks are very nice too!
