
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

What a Year!!!

It has been a rollercoaster of a year for me in so many ways.  Paul and I celebrated our 10th anniversary.

As my surprise gift, we went i-flying.

That was an exhilarating experience which I happily repeated.

Quilting wise, if there was an overall theme running through 2017, it had to be scrap vortex.  I completed four of them, including Happy and Lucky.

Lucky and Happy

The Honey Pot Bee blocks were a mixed bag.  Here are a couple of my favorites - the Stripey Stripe Block.

Stripey Stripe Block 
And this leaf block by Intrepid Thread is so striking, I am sure I will revisit and make a whole quilt out of it. 

Feather Leaf Block

I really enjoyed making some of the blocks. Others failed to excite me. It will be a long time before anything can become of those diverse blocks.

I dipped my toes into paper piecing. I definitely prefer the freezer paper method, which I used to make these mushroom blocks.

So cute
Magic Mushrooms

I met quilty buddies from Pennsylvania, Delaware and Germany!!!
with Sylvia in Pennsylvania

with Mari (at the Lancaster Quilt Show)

With Melanie (visiting from Germany)

And I met Bonnie Hunter.

Here are my top five quilt picks of the year.

The most popular quilt was My Twitter Feed.  If I had to describe it in one word it would be Joyful.
My Twitter Feed 
Joyful Birds
It received such rave reviews at the 2017 Quilt Show, I glow with joy every time I think about it.

My entry to the Moda Bake Shop was very well-received. Esmeralda is the most ambitious quilt, I have made so far.

Esmeralda - A queen-size princess of a quilt

A queen-size, kaleidoscope quilt with a thousand pieces, completed in one month (with the tutorial and pictures) is a major accomplishment.

Esmeralda - Close-up
Being published in the Moda Bake Shop was definitely something to dance about.

The Shadow of Light is a small quilt but it packs a punch. The inspiration came from the Honey Pot Bee - the Blended Scraps block. The process included many love hate moments.

Shadow of Light
In the end, I love it so much that I am sure that I will be revisiting this pattern.

The surprise pick of the year is the Playing Footsie Quilt. The quilt design is simple but it is the story of loving and longing that received such an extraordinary response from you.

Playing Footsie
If I had to describe it in one word it would be Soul-soothing or Comforting.

My Parikrama quilt is the last finish of the year. When I was piecing this quilt, it reminded me of spices, Bollywood dance/song numbers, or the hustle and bustle of a busy open air market.

The process was almost effortless, like I was being guided by an external force, where each step just came to me naturally. When it finished it was evocative of the Temple and the Goddess. It was Mystical.

For a year that had no plans, no goals and absolutely no to-do lists, it is remarkable that it brought me Joy, Accomplishment, Love, Comfort, and Mysticism.

Having no deadline/goals allowed me to make fun blocks like these bikini ladies from Sew Fresh Quilts.

Lorna's Lovely Ladies

Made these house blocks for the victims of the Quebec Mosque shooting, requested by the Montreal Modern Quilt Guild.

House Blocks for the Montreal Modern Quilt Guild

And these Doggone Cute blocks for KaHolly.

Love these puppies

I have plenty of deadlines at work, which I consistently meet or exceed every month. Therefore I am going to keep my creative pursuits free-flowing and spontaneous. It worked for 2017. Why not do the same for 2018?
What do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

I will be linking with Meadow Mist Designs Best of 2017 and all my favorite linky parties. See sidebar.


  1. Preeti, it was good to see your review of 2017. I think I need to make a playing footsie quilt, it would use up lots of scraps. Wishing you the best in 2018.

  2. Such fun quilts! That feather leaf block is interesting. The Parikrama quilt is really pretty.

  3. What a wonderful year end review! One thing's for sure! Making beautiful quilts is your 'thing', and your use of color is very inspiring! I make plans for the long term, not goals. I get too distracted. Lol!

  4. You certainly were busy making beautiful creations in 2017, Preeti! I've decided to do the same goal-setting for myself this new year and just freestyle it. I don't want to be strapped down to deadlines and goals....I just want to sew when and what I want! You've given me several great ideas to think about! Happy New Year!

  5. I love the amazing colors you use on your quilts! Thanks for linking up and happy new year!

  6. Playing Footsies and Twitter Feed are probably my favorites - maybe the cheerful color? The simple (r) design? I love them. But man the most awe inspiring is the Moda Bake Shop project - 1000 pcs, the tutorial, all in one month - - and you have a full-time job? Crazy! Paul must have wondered what happened to you as you disappeared into your sewing room each night.
    I so enjoyed getting to know you this year - and was delighted to receive a phone call from you that night when you were working on the block (African Queen, right?) Anyway, here's to 2018 and lots of fun sewing. :-)

  7. I love your Twitter Feed Quilt! What a productive year you have had. I like some spontaneity in my quilting as well. Hope you have a great 2018!

  8. What a great and fun year in review. You accomplished so much during the past year. I think this post speaks volumes about letting your hair down and letting the quilting guide you where it wants you to go. Happy 2018, Preeti! I look forward to seeing what all it has to bring to you!

  9. You've had a great year - it looks like a lot of fun. I wish you the best in 2018!

  10. I think if there was a word of the year for you, it would be JOY. And it would be your word every year. Because that's what each quilt and blog post you make brings. Your designs and fabrics are so inspirational--all those clear, bright colors and happy prints. I'm right there with you about the free-flowing spontaneity in quilting. I know lots of quilters who enjoy and work best with plans and goals, but after a career of restrictive timelines, I have a real aversion to schedules. I'm looking forward to seeing where your spontaneity takes you in 2018. I know we will all love whatever path you take. Now I'm going to cross my fingers and hit publish. I tried three times earlier today and my phone and ipad both ate my comment and gave me an error message so I had to go to my dinosaur laptop. Ugh. Anyway, Happy New Year!!

  11. I look forward to reading your blog and love all the quilts you make. Glad you had such a productive year and very interested to see what you make this coming year!

  12. Meeting you was definitely one of my highlights :) I think you got soooo much done and it is all lovely and inspiring. Your writing style is so unique and exceptional... I always look forward to the "stories". I wish you all the best for 2018 - and as a friend of me says: "Why fix what is not broken?" I might actually join you in the monthly goal thing. Maybe it helps? xo

  13. Happy Anniversary. All great quilts, but I think Shadow of Light is my favourite. Looking forward to seeing what you create in 2018.

  14. Your quilts are always so bright and happy! I can’t wait to see what you make in 2018!

  15. Lots of fun finishes in 2017. I still drool over your Birds every time I see them. If you find a groove that works, then you should stick with it. Looking forward to seeing more inspiring quilts from your sewing room in 2018.

  16. Happy Anniversary! Love all the wonderful finishes!

  17. All your quilts are beautiful, love the Twitter feed, so cute!!

  18. Just visited your blog via Lorna's "let's bee social" :-). I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your quilts and especially your fun Twitter Feed! I'm making birds like this too, but it's in the UFO pile. This will inspire me to get them out and work on them soon LOL. Great work!

  19. So many great projects that I can't pick just one favorite!

  20. What a wonderful year you had! Whatever you're doing, it's working! Here's to a great 2018, my friend.

  21. Hi Preeti,
    Congrats to you and Paul on your 10th anniversary. I am a new reader so I missed several of these quilts. Most notably, the Moda Bake Shop one. How wonderful for you!! And such an ambitious quilt - it sure turned out lovely. Every time I see those cute puppy blocks I know I need to make a quilt of them myself one day. It looks like you had a fabulous 2017. Here's to an equally great or better 2018. ~smile~ Roseanne

  22. I love the movement of Esmerelda.
    I'm retired, so I don't plan anymore. I do what I can (the garden/yard take a lot of time in season) and I try different things as the spirit moves me. I don't feel compelled to finish a project a month so I flit from thing to thing and try to have a good time doing it. Looking forward to what you accomplish in 2018.

  23. A 10th anniversary is a special one--your first decade is behind you! May you have many more decades together.
    I love your free attitude. It's a good way to let go of stress at work and enjoy the process of creating. You're good at quilting and have many years for learning and trying new techniques. You know what is best for you. :) All of your quilts are fabulous. Have I told you that you have a great eye for color and movement? Ah, such a good eye!
    Thanks for the card! It's in a prominent place in our little camper kitchen. I love seeing the pretty quilt front every morning. Eventually it will make its way to the studio, but for now it's a reminder that my little family is supported by people we've never met in person. You can't know how much that means.
    Hugs, Mary

  24. Wow, what an interesting post and I am quite envious if your i-flying, my mind says yes but my body says no. I loved seeing all of your quilts again and I have to say my favorite quilt with an accompanying post is Playing Footsie. It's so great and interesting that you can combine your quilts with a personal story. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to seeing what 2018 brings you.

  25. Shadow of light really caught my eye in the thumbnail and then I was very pleased to come visit and catch more wonderful quilts! I am in love with your birds. I made similar bird blocks for Stashbee one year and loved them. Too bad they were not for me. Esmerelda is to die for as a pattern and the fabrics are scrumptious!

  26. So many fun and beautiful things here. You've had a great year of creating. Happy 2018!

  27. Preeti, I love this post so very much! Your choice of five inspirational theme words for the top-five share is uplifting - what a neat story about the mysticism of your last quilt. Your Twitter Feed is one of my all-time favorite quilts. :)

  28. Happy Anniversary!! and YAY! What a great collection of quilts you have made!!!

  29. Such a lot of achievements this year, you should be very proud of yourself. So many beautiful quilts and so many things that make me smile, like the bikinis and the little paper pieced mushrooms. Flying looks scary, but you are always up for a challenge, that's what makes you so fun.

  30. Oh my, what a great year you've had! So many fun activities, people and quilts! I love the colors of your fabrics in your Parikrama quilt! The bikini quilt just makes me smile.

  31. Wonderful work, love your Kaleidoscope quilt! Here's to another great year!

  32. Fantastic! I have to use some time studying your work.

  33. You have the best names for quilts!! I read this the day after you posted because I get your posts by email (you're one of my special peeps) but either I read it on my phone and didn't comment because sometimes that's a pita, or I commented in my mind....Anhow! Here you are in all your glory in yet another year and the crowning glory IMHO is your Queen, the MBS pattern. :-) Congrats on that; so happy for you and loved being a part of that journey. Congrats on yours and Paul's 10th anniversary. Here's to the future 10th anniversary of your blog!! with many many more bright wonderful quilts along the way! Oh--that FLYING photo? Love!

  34. Ten years and flying high!! What a fun time! You really had a fantastic year of quilting. I cannot pick a favorite...the birds are up at the top. You pushed yourself in 2017, tried new techniques and kept that bubbly personality! Keep going, trying and sharing...we all enjoy your view!

  35. So many wonderful quilts in 2017, and so hard to choose a fav! Keep 'em coming!

  36. What a wonderful and creative year! Happy 10th anniversary!

  37. I enjoyed reading the review of your year. You made so many great quilts! My Twitter Feed is fabulous, with all those many birds. Here's wishing you a wonderful 2018 Preeti!
