
Thursday, January 24, 2019


I promise I have a quilt finish to share, in a minute.  But first I have some good news and some exciting news, in that order.

Good news - My blog was featured in the top 25 blogs of 2018 on Fave Quilts website.
I am honored to be listed along side several of my favorites. Do take a look.
I feel on top of the world, at least the blogging world. However, if I ever get my head in the air, too much, I know I can rely on you to bring me down to earth. Right?

Here is the really exciting news - Remember Aurora.

Aurora, the baby maker
I had made it for a co-worker's wedding in September 2018 and Paul had called it a babymaker. Guess what, it lived up to that designation. YES!!!
She is pregnant. I am so tickled.
So if you are reading this and would like to get pregnant, I may be able to help :-D

And now for the first quilt finish of the year - Neel.
The word Neel (in Hindi) means blue. But more importantly, Neel is also one of the many names of Lord Shiva, a shortened version of Neelkanth (meaning blue-throated).

The blue throat was a result of drinking Halahal - the deadly poison that Lord Shiva drank to protect others.

I made this quilt for my brother.
He is mom's primary caretaker and deserves a special quilt of his own.

For my brother

The finished quilt is about 72" by 88".
The final quilt was well-received, shown off to many, and admired by all.  I asked my nephews and niece to hold it up, dangling from the first floor while I stood below to take the pictures.

"You drop it and I will kill you", I said.
They all laughed, but held firm.

Stars and Smiles

Neel - First Quilt of 2019

Black Binding
 Did you notice the shimmering stars on the black background fabric?


Hope you like Neel - this manly quilt.  
About these news bits, my bragging or simply about Neel.  I am dying to know.

I will be linking with all my favorite linky parties. See full list on the sidebar.


  1. I think its a gorgeous quilt! I love the blue/green combination and the dark background really let's the interlocking stars pop! I'm sure your brother is going to love this quilt for a very long time!

  2. Oh my! Neel is breathtaking! I love the secondary pinwheels that emerge and your varied yet controlled (and perfect!) color scheme. What a great guy quilt, not girly but still vibrant and happy. That seems to be how your family rolls, LOL.

  3. lovely quilt! looks like you had a fun photo shoot too

  4. The colors in those stars against the dark background just pop! I love it, Preeti. Congrats to on the top-rated blog, which came as no surprise to me. :-)

  5. Wow, what a beauty, all those stars, and all that planning !!!!!
    Love it !!

  6. This is so beautiful and I love your photo shoot play-by-play! You make me laugh!

  7. Hi Preeti. I am a new follower, and already I am loving your quilts, and your sense of humour! Neel is gorgeous!

  8. Preeti, Neel is a beauty. That backing is very happy and I would run out and buy that in a wide too. Congratulations on being in the top 25! You deserve it.

  9. Preeti, Congratulations on the fave quilts 25! Neel is awesome. I love the colors and the use of solids and matching prints.

  10. Your quilt is magnificent, Preeti! It encompassed a lot of work and you did a good job seeing it through to completion. Congratulations on making the Fave cut!

  11. Congratulations on the blogging award! Neel is outstanding! The backing is beautiful!

  12. Preeti, what a striking design! I love it! And I am not at all surprised at the honor you received. Your blog posts are always creative, entertaining, or thought provoking, not to mention the beautiful quilts! I'm so glad you made your brother this beautiful quilt. It sounds like he really deserved it.

  13. Neel is a most handsome quilt! What a great way to start 2019. Congratulations on the feature-such a well deserved honor. I so enjoy reading your blog make amazing quilts and have such a joyous and intelligent writing style. I am always happy to see something from you in my mailbox.

  14. Aww Preeti! Those smiling faces beaming over the quilt are the BEST part. You know you think so, too. Neel is wonderful and fabulous and out-of-this-world great, but your peeps being so proud to show it off and be in the picture are priceless. Am I surprised that your blog is at the top for 2018? Nope. Not one bit, not for one second, and I can't think of anyone more deserving. Otherwise those 391 Bloglovin' followers would be following you for no reason, and just like me, they enjoy you and your way with words. And the babymaker?!! That reminds me of the movie The Proposal . . . and well, how cool is that. You need to make another quilt. Yippee skippy! ~smile~ Roseanne

  15. Congrats on being a top blogger! It is well deserved! I love the quilt you made for your brother. Your nieces and nephews are so fun peeking into the photo. Why not give them a moment to shine also, right!? My youngest just left after a 3 1/2 week trip to India and he can't stop talking about it!! He had an amazing time and I'm thrilled, but sooooo jealous! I love your style of writing. You're the breath of fresh air that we all need.

  16. I love that fabric your brother choose for the back of the quilt. Nice quilt in great manly colors.

  17. Congratulations!! I love this quilt. You did an amazing job.

  18. That is a great design, Preeti! I was enjoying the interesting, wonky stars, and didn't even see the pinwheels at first - had to go back and look again after I read Cathy's comment. The colors are gorgeous and that backing fabric is perfect for the quilt. Great finish!

  19. I'm not surprised you're in the top 25 quilting blogs; you're in my top 5 anything blogs, and only 2 of those are quilting!

    I am especially enamored of Neel, from the name and its meaning through the 16 patches, slightly wonky stars, the not-solid black background/pinwheels, and each and every color choice! I'm usually not a lover of the color blue, but you've put together an entrancing combo. If I could purchase a pattern to make this for myself and two more for my blue-loving sons, I'd do so right now, I love this quilt so. Thanks for the joy!

    1. Dear Suzanprincess,
      You are welcome to use the sketch shown in this blogpost to make your own. The 16-patch block finishes at 8" and all the star legs (V blocks) also finish at 8". For a quilt measuring 72" by 88", you will need a total of 99 blocks, out of which 20 are 16-patch blocks. I made 10 blue and 10 green. Here is the list for your use
      1. Ten 16-patch Blue blocks
      2. Forty Star Legs Blue (assuming that each center needs four legs)
      3. Ten 16-patch Green blocks
      4. Forty Star Legs Green.
      You will have one extra leg left over.
      In the sketch, I numbered every 16-patch - 1B, 2G and so on. The stars alternate in color and are arranged on the diagonal. If you can follow the sketch, you can do it.

  20. Congrats on top 25! Love Neel, what a beauty! That backing is indeed a winner.

  21. Congratulations on being in the top 25, that is some feat. I love this quilt for your brother, it is beautiful. It feels so good when our designs come through and we love them. It is gorgeous.

  22. Love it! So pretty, and that backing is perfect! As always, I enjoy your story. You have a gifted way with words.

  23. Well you had me at blue and green and stars! It's a wonderful quilt, Preeti, and perfect for your brother. I love the shot of the flimsy with the sun (setting I think?), and the one of the kids holding it from the second floor. Wonderful start to the year: the quilt and the blog accolades! (and thank you for making a pop-up comment box so that those of us who have been blocked can now comment :-)

  24. Fabulous star quilt. Love the idea of the pieced center for the large stars.

  25. Lovely quilt! Such pretty colors!

  26. I love the colors used with this quilt. It is really striking. I have a bit of that backing fabric and love it - I didn't know it came in a wide back. That is great because so many quilts would work with it. Your brother chose the right one! Looking at the calculations used to create this reminds me of why I like to buy patterns. Yikes!! Anyway, great post as usual. Congrats on all of it - Fave Blog, Baby Making Quilt Success and this gorgeous finish.

  27. Congratulations! It is well deserved and your blog is definitely a favourite with me! :)
    How wonderful that Paul had it right with Aurora!
    It is a gorgeous quilt - Neel is a wonderful name for it too.

  28. This quilt really sparkles! I love your design and the fabrics you chose. The backing just finishes it off perfectly. How nice to make this special quilt for your special brother.

  29. Preeti! Congratulations twice! You certainly deserve to be in the top 25 list of anything, especially quilty blogs. Second, your quilt is beautiful and was a success. Of course he loved it! He must have good taste, just like you!

  30. It is so striking. Thank you for showing us your process.

  31. You are number 1 in my book; you always amaze me with your talent for creating beautiful, meaningful quilts for others, and you amaze me with your talent for telling stories that usually bring a tear to my eye!

  32. Congrats on the recognition-you so deserve it. I'm loving this quilt- and I'm in awe of your designing skills. Very cool backing. You have such a quilting talent, but I enjoy the story as well. mary

  33. Your quilt is gorgeous! I love seeing your design process! The colors are perfect and your story was fun! Thanks for sharing!

  34. Gorgeous! I love your color choices!

  35. I think you picked great colors for the stars. They do "pop" well. And the background reads as almost black from afar but in the close ups you see so much detail. Including the swirls repeated on the back. I am glad it was well received and thus, why should the family hide their faces :)) xo

  36. Mindblowingly Gorgeous !!!!! Preeti, just love your work, the finish is so neat! Congratulations!

  37. Preeti, what a gorgeous quilt! I just recently found your blog and was held breathless when I first saw this quilt. It is exactly what I have been thinking about making for my grandson who although has been struggling with the knowledge that his Mother is fighting with all her might against terminal cancer. Even though he is the baby of the family, he at 25, has pulled up his big boy pants and is helping his sisters come to terms with the trials they are facing. Not to mention or forget that he is also being the support for me, his widowed grandmother as I prepare to bury my daughter. Would you give me permission to use your pattern to make this quilt for him? I would be forever grateful.

    1. Dear Jayne,
      You are a no-reply blogger which means that I do not have your email address to respond to you directly. The short response is - Permission Granted. The long response is as follows:
      I'd like to write a complete tutorial for Neel and I am getting started right now. I promise to have it done in a week's time because I so want to do this for you, your brave grandson and your strong daughter. If there is anything else I can do for your loving and beautiful family, please do not hesitate to ask. Sending lots of love, hugs and best wishes.

  38. Neel is a wonderful quilt. I'm obsessed with your color choices and especially that dark background fabric. What is it? It was the perfect choice to support your stars. Love, love, love this quilt!! Thanks for sharing it on MCM, and congrats on your first 2019 finish!

    1. Thank you Beth. The black background fabric is from Joann Fabrics. Here is the link to the online item -

  39. Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. I want to go make this quilt. Right NOW!!!

  40. I love your manly Neel quilt! Especially the subtle detail of the zigzag quilting just along seamlines, the carefully edited color palette, and explanation of how you adapted the original inspiration pattern to make it your own. I'm glad none of your nephews had to be murdered during the photo shoot, too. ;-) And CONGRATULATIONS on the blog recognition! Yours is definitely one of MY favorite blogs to read, not just to see pictures of your beautiful quilts, but also because I enjoy your process and the way you write about what you do.

  41. Congratulations! What a wonderful quilt!

  42. Neel is perfect. There is not one bit of blue poison sewn into it; it is all joy and warmth. And manly but not dull. And clearly full of love, which is equally clearly reciprocated by the rascal quilt holders. And the blog award? Not one bit surprised. Congratulations! Your blog and quilts are magical. Just look at Aurora! (nudge nudge wink wink).

  43. Gorgeous quilt! Really I love it. And I want to say congrats on all the other stuff, too. Brag for a moment and enjoy it. Why not?
    I read the note above from Jayne and knew your answer before I read it. But still, you shocked me! How sweet and so Preeti of you to offer her a tutorial and help. You are such a giving, loving person. Hugs to YOU, Mary

  44. Gorgeous quilt! Both the front and back have a nice sparkle. Love that you got your nephews to be your quilt holders, that's a fun shot. Congrats on making the top 25 blogs! Your 2019 has gotten off to a great start.

  45. Beautiful quilt!!! And you may have been inspired by Sarah@ConfessionsOfaFabricAddict's Interlocking Stars quilt but this quilt is truly your own design. Well done! Thanks for sharing!

  46. You certainly deserve honors for your blog. Your quilts are so great to look at. The design, color choice, piecing and quilting are amazing. You have a very lucky brother. He will love this quilt forever. Your 'baby maker' did it's job too.

  47. Ooooohhhhh, what a beautiful quilt!! I just love it. Is there a PDF pattern available for sale? I'd love to make this for a dear friend of mine. Peace & joy to you!

  48. Love the quilt! Everything about it. It really caught my eye. The design is awesome and the colors are beautiful!

  49. I LOVE this Quilt!! It is good to take care of caregivers! Beautiful job, and love the colors. It pops!

  50. Pretty star quilt, but I love the story of the other one being a baby maker!
