
Monday, July 20, 2020

Eggs and Bacon

Happy to be Scrappy

Me: Good morning
Paul (groan)
Me: Would you like some breakfast?
Paul: Do we have bacon?
Me: I don't think so.
Paul (Bigger Groan + A Whine)
Me: I can make you an egg sandwich.
Paul: Without bacon??? Why did you wake me up anyway?

How to put these together?

The smaller block needs help

Black floral + orange/yellow stripe is better than just the stripe

Matched size = Success

And so it grows!!!

Eggs without bacon is an least in Paul's opinion.
So when this cute pig ended up next to the eggs sunny side up...I decided to name the quilt - Eggs and Bacon.

Eggs and Bacon

Little did I know that the name would be prophetic...

Making a scrap vortex quilt is not a sprint. It is a marathon.  I work on it between other projects. Make a few slabs and set aside.  Every time I enjoy the memories associated with scrap fabrics from previous quilts and fabric scraps gleefully received from friends.

Color is Joy
The sleeping moon face, the ladybird and the blue sharks came from Bernie.

Can you find the two sheep?
The two tiny sheep fabric was leftover from the Garden Party backing.

Can you see the rippling?

The pink fabric with scissors and notions came from Julia and the pink-orange mini floral came from Mell.

Fussy Cut Bears :-)
 The birds on the left came from Mari.

Happy Memories
The polar bear with a scarf (Flurry by Ruby Star Society) reminds me of Quiltcon 2020 in Austin.  I scored some gorgeous fabric scraps when Ruby Star Society dismantled their booth and invited quilters to take the display fabrics. Instantly there were a dozen women rummaging through boxes of yet unreleased fabric lines.  The fabric scraps were like candy and I was like a kid on Trick & Treat spree on Halloween.

Scraps from Guild's Free Table

The cat and dog at a barbecue fabric is so  much fun. Thank you Julia.

Grey Raccoons and Multicolor Cats

The pink fish and multicolor cats came from Bernie.


Look what the wicked witch did - she made the cat turn blue :-D  You can always tell your own stories. The spinning of yarn continues even after all threads are buried :-D

Scrappy goodness
 The fruit slices were a gift from Mari and the dancing stick figures came from Sylvia.

Splash of Color

The fabric with peachy berries came from Cathy. The orange blob fabric is left over from the border for Rainy Day. The crabs are leftover from the backing of Animal House.

Cat and Crayons
The bright flip-flops and the smiling zoo animals came from Julia, I think.  Sometime I forget how I acquired certain scraps :-)

Let's talk about wool batting. No scratch that. Let me whine about wool batting.
I want to use wool batting for two major reasons
1. It is light, much lighter than cotton and cotton/blend battings.
2. It does not crease.

It has higher loft which can be good news for those of us who want better quilting definition.
It also makes for puffier quilts. No one told me that it creates a whole new problem.

The puffiness comes from multiple layers loosely held. These layers slide over each other during quilting. This is not a problem that can be fixed by basting or pinning.
Because it is not about how the batting sticks to the quilt top or to the backing. It is the fact that the batting is internally not sticking to itself.  I noticed the tucks when I made Eric's quilt.

A few suggestions to decrease that effect included
a. Increase stitch length - DONE
b. Decrease the pressure of the presser foot - DONE
c. Don't quilt too close - OK

Also it is best if the quilting lines do not cross each other. In other words, do not quilt a grid.
Rob Appell of Mansewing in his Quilt Batting Boot Camp (How to Quilt with Different Types of Batting) suggested to quilt from he center out to avoid tucks. In general we do that but I treated it like gospel.

I quilted a spiral. And it went swimmingly well.

Spiral Quilting

Backing Fabric


I had done it. It was awesome and then I tried to square it.


Red Backing, Green Binding

The quilt was warped with wavy edges. It lives up to its name - the bacon bit!!!
Bacon with ripples is sexy (ask Paul).  In a quilt - ripples are undesirable.

I choose Joy

Happily Yours

No. But wait. Quilts of Gee's Bend are rippled and un-squarish.
So I am not going to dwell upon the waves and ripples.

No, it will not win any award.
But it is bright and cheerful and will be perfect for some toddler's tummy time.  Here are a few more pictures cause you can never have enough eggs and bacon (according to Paul).

And here is a plate of Eggs and Bacon for my quilt model/photographer - a salty reward for my sweet man!!!
Eggs and Bacon for Paul

So I have soured on wool batting. I started with such lofty hopes (pun intended).

I am exploring the batting made from recycled water bottles at this time, while I ponder what to do with 30 (minus 3) yards of wool batting on a roll.

If you have any other ideas about wool batting (with the exception of hand quilting) please let me know.

I have completed my dark blue blocks for July. Here they are.

Fussy Cutting :-)

RSC 2020 Project#2

Cacti & Sparkles

Not so Dark Blue

Bright & Dark

Alphabet Soup & Midnight Sky

Picket Star Quilt Blocks for July 2020

Linking with Angela's Linky Party and all my other favorite linky parties. See full list on the sidebar.
How do you reward (or bribe) your quilt models? I'd love to hear from you :-)


  1. All those fun scraps - I'd have a hard time giving that one away, just for the memories. As for laying flat? Overrated. Square? Overrated. If I ever make something that will win awards, I'll be surprised. Because rarely do I set out to even try. And then wonder what I was thinking halfway through and vow never again. Yes, I try to make it flat and square, but I'm neither flat nor square (though I can still buy my bras in the girls department...), so once I'm under the quilt, no one is gonna know. But I love your quilt and all the fun prints you've included. I've never tried wool batting, but have heard some sing its praises. Perhaps they are all longarmers? That could make a huge difference in how the batting behaves and can be handled. No help to you there, though... And your star blocks are looking great. I have the blog post saved and it may become a project I do while on vacation in a few weeks...I plan to stuff a suitcase full of scraps/stash and see what happens. (So many patterns, so little time!)

  2. I've used wool once. I wanted to see the better definition. But I did the quilting on my domestic machine instead of the long arm. My biggest problem was how much fiber was "freed" while quilting it. I have a set of lights on the underside of the harp of the machine and they kept getting fiber stuck on them. Sigh. I just got the quilt back after it hanging at MidAtlantic in Feb. But I don't even remember where I put it. Could it still be in the bag? Loved your stories about the fabrics. It amazes me how well we remember where we get some of our fabrics. I ID'ed several fabric as same as what I had. I can't remember the day of the week but I remember obscure fabric. But I guess it is balanced by "where the heck did this piece come from!"

  3. I was awed by how you kept that spiral going! Great scrappy quilt with lots of fun associations.

  4. I'm amazed at how you can remember who sent you particular scraps. I can barely remember what quilt my own scraps came from. As far as the rippling, I seem to recall that other quilters who have used the spiral design say that it causes rippling and distortion. Also I think some quilters who use wool, pair it with a cotton batting like Quilter's Dream Select. You might check out Wendy Shepherd's blog She uses wool batting a lot and has tutorials on her blog for quilting on a domestic machine. I think your latest quilt vortex is terrific. I have bits and pieces of one started, but never like my color combinations, so it sits in a box.

  5. I've used wool batting a couple times but on my three roller hand quilting frame - but you don't want hand quilting ideas :) maybe you should just send all that batting on to me LOL
    I think your quilt turned out wonderful - I love all the scrappy pieces and a child will love it for sure - my granddaughter always did and still does - love looking at all the bits and pieces of scraps in her quilts even now at the age of almost 18!

  6. I love everything about this quilt, including that its wobbly and uneven. Did you see Barbara Brackman's post today? Your quilt fits right in. I like seeing your quilting method, and your tips. I know now to reserve my wool batt for hand work. Good job, all the way around!

  7. Just a gorgeous scrap vortex quilt--i so enjoyed seeing all those special scraps--i keep saying i will make one of these--and i think i will have to or be totally taken over by my scraps...;000
    Love the backing so perfect and your quilting--well just amazing...
    Great work this will be a cherished memory quilt for you...
    hugs from afar, Julierose

  8. Your scraps are waaaayyy more fun than mine Preeti! I love that little pig next to the eggs. Perfection! And the spiral quilting! I'm one of the people who love wool batting. But I've never tried to quilt with it on my domestic machine. It does present some challenges because of the puffiness, but boy, the definition of the quilting really shows and I love that. I hope you find something to do with your roll of batting! Thanks for linking to MCM!

  9. Gorgeous! Quite an accomplishment. Loving your blocks, too. You could always sell your batting. I think your chair sits too low. No back/shoulder problems?

  10. The combos in each block are so much fun -- busy and bright but not jumbled or mish-mash. It's clear you put a lot of thought into your choices. I've never tried it, but you can buy 100% wool batting that's needle-punched wool with scrim to hold the layers together.

  11. That makes a wonderful "I Spy" quilt! Great job with the spiral quilting. I'm with Paul, just about everything is better with bacon.

  12. That is one beautiful quilt Preeti, a child is going to have hours of fun finding all the different animals and different objects on the Quilt. The only wool batting I have used has been attached to scrim and then a friend quilted it for me 😁😁. The spiral quilting is stunning and your blocks are beautiful. My hubby is like yours, eggs are no good without bacon!!

  13. Perfect isn’t flawless perfect is finished. I think your quilt is perfect. I used Hobbs wool with a layer of 80/20 underneath. (I think the Hobbs is thinner than some other brands.) I quilted it on my sit down quilting machine and didn’t have problems. (Or maybe I just didn’t look very closely). Even using a stiffer 100% cotton batting and quilting in a spiral I had distortion.

  14. So many fun fabrics in this amazing quilt. It looks perfect to me, and I'm sure it will make someone very happy! I haven't ever used wool batting, other than Hobbs 80/20, which I like. I've done some spiral quilting on small quilts, and I have a great deal of respect for anyone who does it on larger quilts!

  15. Well, your newest scrap vortex is gorgeous, as always. I have no idea how you keep track of where all your scraps came from. I just know that your scraps are far more interesting than mine! Your spiral is perfect, and I'm sorry you had such trouble with the batting. I can't tell from the finished quilt! Congratulations on another happy finish!

  16. The quilt is beautiful! No toddler will ever know about any issues with it; she or he will treasure it :)

  17. I love your quilt! I saw the pink fabric with the scissors and thought - I had that fabric! So glad to see you put it to use! I'm amazed you could remember where you got a lot of the fabric, but I do that too. I also remember a lot of which fabrics I used in which quilt, or at least the original quilt. Scrappy quilts have too many pieces to remember. Some child will have the best time looking at all the many different fabrics and Eye Spy. Great job!
    If you're unhappy with the quilt not being flat, you can block it. Most people recommend blocking before putting on the binding, but I've done it both ways and it still helped, even after the binding was done. But since it's a child's quilt, I wouldn't bother. It looks great as is. :)

  18. Another great scrap vortex quilt! I love your little tour of the scraps. Such good fun and love stitched into every block. And as always, your picket stars are to die for. Oh, I was thinking of you today as I cut out and sewed some more Sisters blocks. xo

  19. Lots of fun, friendship, and great scraps in this one, Preeti! I read with interest your research into what's causing the tucks when you quilt. I'm having that problem, too, but I haven't used wool batting yet. A lot of my tucks do happen when I have to cross quilting lines. I do wonder about my presser foot pressure, too. Lots to think about!

  20. A lovely scrappy quilt, so many fabrics to look at from everywhere! Like Diann, I too have a few issues when crossing back over quilting lines, but I seem to be able to gently ease them out. I love using 100% cotton batting, but it's expensive here, so lately I've been using a wool/polyester mix, no issues with either... yet!

  21. For hand quilting the wool batting is my favorite. You could send it to me and I sure would appreciate it! You are just so scrappy using up every little bit... so great!

  22. I enjoyed this post so much! I love your quilt and recognize many fabrics from my own scraps. I just looked up Crazy Mom Quilts tutorial on Scrap Vortex and saved it for "someday". It looks like fun. The spiral quilting is just perfect.
    Seeing your beautiful Picket Stars reminds me of the one I made. It is on the wall above my sewing machine to prompt me to make more!
    The eggs and bacon are cooked just the way I like them. :)

  23. I think its gorgeous!!! Love all the bright,pretty scraps together and it doesnt look wavy to me :)

  24. I'm with Paul, bring on the bacon!!! This quilt is beautiful. I love all the scraps. I tried wool batting on a Christmas Quilt last year and wasn't impressed, luckily I bought a sized batting not a whole roll. Spiral Quilting is on my list for some day!

  25. I love the stories you tell with your quilts. This is such a fun scrap quilt and your quilting is perfect!

  26. This quilt wins an award from me for sure! Fantastic use of scraps, great storytelling and the spiral quilting design is the bomb!

    Enjoy this piece of artwork!

  27. Cheerful is an understatement in describing your scrap vortex. So full of fun fun fabrics and color. The spiral quilting is perfect too.

  28. So cute!!! I could look at this all day! And wow, on that spiral quilting! None of us see the ripples, just the beauty. As for that wool batting, it works great on a longarm. Next time you have a quilt longarmed, send the batting with. Or sell it in chunks of 3 yards to your local quilt friends. I think it's more because you were spiraling that it didn't turn out as you planned. And yes, it might stick better with a layer of cotton on bottom.

  29. WOW. Let me say it again...WOW! Years of enjoyment will be had playing "I Spy" with children and this quilt...or just plain "pick-a-block, tell a story". I was looking online for some inspiration today, and Bam! I just found it. Thank you.

  30. Love the colourful quilt! Thanks for the info about how the wool batting behaved; I have only used wool batting in combination with a layer of 80/20 batting. It is good to know that by itself it can cause nightmares.

  31. Love your scrap vortex quilts and Eggs and Bacon is just beautiful. As always I spend way too much time looking at your interesting fabric. Nice shot of you at the table quilting. Spirals is not as easy as it looks and you did a great job.

  32. So many clever fabrics and I enjoyed that you, too, know where all your fabric comes from. But of course I noticed the spiral quilting first of all! Hooray for us. It's pretty fun, isn't it?
    I had the same issues with wool years ago. I know how to handle the cotton batting I like best and usually stick with that.
    A toddler will really love this bright quilt with so much interest. Like a Where's Waldo.

  33. Well well, it just doesnt get any scrappier than this one !! What a collection of fabrics, an eye spy too. Love your dark blue blocks, such elegant background fabric to show them off. Have a great week, Preeti.

  34. Your scrap vortex quilt is gorgeous! I have had one on my list of quilts to make for a long long time and just haven't gotten around to it yet, but hopefully someday. This is such a happy quilt that will keep someone entertained and warmed at the same time.

  35. Love the name and how you enjoy all your favorite novelty scraps. Maybe I should send you a few more? Or are you done with your scrap vortex quilts? xo Melanie

  36. Eggs and Bacon! So perfect and yes, now I am hungry. It is gorgeous and a really neat idea. I tire of keeping scraps but don't want to get rid of them as I do use for small projects. Hmmm...I will think on your idea of a scrap vortex and see if it sits. I started some scrap blocks with my Island Batiks but never kept up. OH, and wool batting, I was not impressed. It was the first batting that gave me trouble on the longarm. I am going to try a poly-down and see how that goes, for the loft. I am sure you can find a longarmer who loves it and will buy it off of you! I hope. Put the word out. Hope you are well my friend..your smile says you are.

  37. Lovely blocks in Dark BLUE for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge and a FABULOUS quilt finish (ripples and all!!!) FYI... Your quilt is not nearly as ripply as the one I just finished. Embarrassing, but oh SEW true!

  38. Bacon and Eggs - Don't tell Paul but I am eating bacon and zuchinni ( I know I am weird) as I read your post. I love this quilt - it is so happy and just what I needed to see today. Wool Batting is great on a long arm, it doesn't get shifted as much as you do on a domestic. Sorry for your troubles

  39. Aptly named! I love the spiral quilting and feel it's perfect for this quilt. So many memories crammed into one beautiful quilt. I have a quilt that has wool batting and love how warm it keeps me in the winter. I didn't quilt it...Not that brave!

  40. This is a fabulous finish! The quilting looks great, the fabrics are wonderful, the story is fun and the name is eggscellent!
    ps: your picket fence blocks are awesome!

  41. Holy moly, that is an incredible story. Your scrap vortex is awesome, but the story and the memories make it so much more! Love the name, too!

  42. Awesome vortex quilt.. the little one who gets this will see hundreds of pictures. I’m a big fan of spiral quilting too. It’s just so fun to listen to your stories on top of beautiful quilts.

  43. I love your scrappy Eggs and Bacon quilt, ripples and all, and I ADORE the photo of you sitting at your machine, quilting it. I also love all of the little narratives you spun as you were making it, about the wicked witch turning the cat blue... I think the little one who receives this quilt will enjoy making up similar stories about the fabric prints as she or he struggles against the nap time sleep. Your revelations about wool batting are interesting. I only used a wool batting once on a domestic machine quilted quilt and yes, I did have tucks and pleats where my quilting lines intersected from SID along the blocks. I blamed my inferior basting skills and it didn't occur to me that it had anything to do with the batting! I am planning to use wool batting for my gigantic pineapple log cabin quilt, when I get around to that one, and I do love the definition it gives to the quilting stitches. If you really and truly don't think you'll be using wool batting again, why don't you sell that roll to another quilter? How wide is the batting, and is it folded double on the roll? I know shipping can be outrageous for "oversize" packages, but if you don't have the original carton it came in, I think I still have a roll of really thick plastic tubing somewhere leftover from my interior design days, meant for shipping bolts of fabric, that could be used to ship your batting to a new owner without adding any excess weight or bulk. Let me know if you'd like me to send you some!

  44. I love the vortex quilt. I haven't tried one...yet and I have never tried wool batting so I have no advice on that. I would love to know where you get your labels.

  45. Eggs and bacon quilt: WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  46. Wow! Beautiful quilt with fun memories! Thank you so much for making me smile today!

  47. Bacon and Eggs is such fun! A toddler will have lots of fun with I spy looking at those scraps. Love your blue Picket Stars blocks, those are on my list for a someday quilt.
