
Thursday, April 22, 2021

Positivity Plus

April is almost over. Did I forget my RSC blocks? Of course not. Meet my light/bright blues.

Light/Medium Blues

Bright Blues

Sharing with Angela's Linky Party.


I am happy to share my newest finish with you. I have named it - "The Positivity Quilt"

Strangers in a Park - Happily Helped Me :-)

Blues to Beat the Blues

Green Grass - Bright Red Binding

Positivity means Affirmative Willingness. Yes, it is so AND I am willing to do something about it.

Lately positivity and positivity rates have been associated with Covid-19 infections. The overwhelming feelings of loss, sadness, helplessness and negativity abound. 

Step 1 - I accept those circumstances and acknowledge those feelings.
Step 2 - I am going to do something about them.

Positivity Quilt - 60" by 80"

What is Life without Whimsy?

Love in Low Volume

On location

As a quilter, I quilt my feelings. (Some of us eat our feelings but that is a separate blogpost.)

The Positivity Quilt is headed west to Bernie for the Mercyful Quilts initiative. 

Walking Foot Quilting

Ballerinas in pink :-)

As I buried the knots and trimmed the threads, I pictured a family receiving a Mercyful quilt. To a dying person and their family a quilt is such a small thing and yet it can mean so much. I was then reminded of the card I received from them earlier this year.

Three brain clicks later, I had an idea - a quilt along to make Mercyful quilts. Bernie completely supported my recklessness :-) Rebecca, Alycia, Cathy, Joy, Cynthia, and Vasudha have egged me on. 
Mari and Joe in PA heartily agreed to join in the QAL.

Fueled by all this positivity, I am announcing the Mercyful Positivity Quilt Along!!!

What is a Mercyful Quilt?
The Palliative Care Unit in the Mercy Hospital gives quilts to their terminally ill patients to bring some measure of comfort to the person and their family as they go through the difficult process of dying. The family then keeps the quilt in the memory of the person who passed away. The need for such quilts is never ending. With a raging pandemic and limited family visits, these quilts have become even more meaningful for a sense of home and peace.
  • Suggested size - 60" by 80"
  • Suggested Colors - Gender Neutral colors (avoid/limit pink)
  • Quilting - Avoid dense quilting
  • Fabrics - 100% Cotton (avoid/limit juvenile fabrics) 

What is the purpose of the QAL?
To make Mercyful Quilts because the need is ongoing. If you have wanted to make a Mercyful Quilt but life got in the way, here is an opportunity to participate and stitch some love, along with others. 

The Beginning of Mercyful Quilts Initiative

Thank you from Mercy Hospital

Mercyful Quilts Update

Wrapped with Kindness (may need tissues)

A Note from Mercy Hospital

What does it cost?
There is no cost to participate. The simple block pattern and layout options are provided free of charge. 

How much fabric do I need? 
For a simple Plus Quilt, you will need 16 strips (2.5" by WOF) of focus fabric and about 4 yards of background fabric (I used low volume scraps). 

What is the QAL schedule?
The QAL will begin on Sunday, May 30, 2021 (Memorial Day Weekend) and will end on Sunday, September 5, 2021 (Labor Day Weekend). 

Ask away and I will respond in the comments.

In the next couple of weeks, I will be working on the block instructions, layout options and other logistics for the QAL. Bernie and I are also organizing some prizes for the QAL. 

My Favorite Picture - Greasy Hair and Wrinkled Tee notwithstanding :-D

If you are a pattern-designer or a fabric shop and would like to sponsor a prize for the Mercyful Positivity Quilt Along, please reach out to Bernie or me.

I will be sharing with all my favorite linky parties, see full list on the sidebar.  If you have a thought about positivity, do share. If you are burdened by negativity, don't hold it in; let it out. We are in this together. 


  1. I always respond to the beautiful designs of your quilts first, and to depth of your words next and more deeply. Thank you for the light, hope and positivity you put out into the world.

  2. I'm in! (I need another project like a hole in the head, but this is a good one...and I have some time to fit it in before I have to start, right?!) I think the red binding did it. I do love that contrast. The quilt is beautiful, as all of yours end up being, but you also found some nice green to photograph with it. I'm looking forward to things greening up a bit more here...soon?!

  3. that is so sweet and such worthy cause. Can you tell me where your park photos are taken the buildings look so familiar I am wondering if I have been there.

  4. Outstanding idea - hope you get LOTS of participation. Such a worthy destination for comfort quilts.

  5. I really love your positivity quilt! The contrast block and ❤️ the red binding! I’m going to try to join in on this project. My schedule needs to free up a bit 😉

  6. Preeti: Thank you so very much for hosting this QAL. I am so grateful! The staff at Mercy cannot believe the generosity and creativity of the quilting community. The fact that we receive quilts from all over the country is astounding. Your write up is spot on and the pattern could not be better. I look forward to sewing along with everyone! You are such a kind soul.

  7. Your enthusiasm is contagious! I love your positivity quilt and the fact that you got strangers to help you photograph it in the park. I love the binding, too. I already know what colors I'm using for my Mercy quilt. Can't wait to get started with your very kind and generous quilt along.

  8. What a pretty quilt and an awesome gift to that project. I heard an interview yesterday on some program with the person talking about how the concept of positivity has been negatively impacted with Covid. It's time to make it a positive again, and quilts will help. I just this morning mailed 3 quilts to some charity projects, one of them for chemo patients. I may try to join in on your sew-along if I can.

  9. Beautiful quilt, Preeti! Someone will definitely get some solace from this lovely quilt. I’ve discovered I suck at QALs. But I applaud that you are goingg to do one. So far my quilts have been donated to Project Linus, but I’m have the urge to do adult sized quilts and will eventually being looking for a place to donate them. If I don’t find something local, I’ll ship them off to you.


  10. Just another idea because I would love to participate but will sure not send a quilt (top) over the pond... maybe there are international people who could make a few blocks? It might be easier if you commit to 6 or 12 blocks and then bundle these busy bees in a group for one quilt and then they send to their American quilter who is willing to put the project together, quilt and send the group work to Mercy Hospital? It might even help American quilters who can't participate with a full schedule but can do a part? Just a few cents ;)) xo

    1. Dear Mell,
      I would love for you to participate and quilt along. However the mail system is not reliable particularly for international mail. May I suggest that you find a worthy cause locally. I am sure the need for positivity and mercy is global.

  11. Preeti! This quilt and your post, I just... just... I love it all. Mercy, Willingness, Whimsy, Action, and wow. But best of all is YOU, my friend. p.s. I am joining the quilt along.

  12. I'm in Preeti. I have a lot going on but I simply can't resist this super cute design. You do such a great job with low volume composition.

  13. Count me in! I did two very similar quilts in 2018 (which I called Pawsitivity I and Pawsitivity II due to pressure from my cats) and I’m itching to do some more plus blocks. And what a great cause!

  14. Such a beautiful quilt, Preeti!! I have marked my calendar with the dates. I would be pleased to offer a prize for the QAL (even though I'm not a pattern designer nor a fabric shop owner!) Drop me an email or a phone call to discuss.

  15. Well I will make a valiant effort to get one done. I don't quilt as much during the summer because I'm out in the garden and because my house gets to hot, but you're allowing long enough, that I may be able to make it happen.

  16. Another stellar, thought provoking post, Miss Preeti. I’m currently working on a plus quilt that has been a leader/ender project for forever and now I’m bound and determined to finish it. My blocks are only 5” sq. finished, giving me lots of sewing time to also contemplate the power of positive thoughts. I can’t commit to your QAL at this moment in time, but I will definitely try to work it in. Your whisper has turned into a mighty roar with this awesome plan of yours.

  17. What a grand idea for a QAL. I'm going to shop my stash and see if I have something fun to use.

  18. I love this idea. I am a piecer and not a quilter. Any chance you can link those of us who piece up with someone who will quilt? I'm even happy to bind, but the quilting just isn't in my wheelhouse. I even have a great set of strips for this and it would use up some of my jelly roll strips.

    1. Dear Sarah,
      I can assure you that the quilting very simple. It requires no tools or rulers. No marking required. Just simple lines, following the seams of the pieced blocks, using your quilting foot and a zigzag stitch, which is very forgiving. I encourage you to give it a try. However, if you still feel it is not for you, and offer quilting services. You will still be responsible for the batting, backing and binding. Hugs, Preeti.

  19. Positivity is wonderful, Preeti! I love the soothing plus blocks combined with those low volume backgrounds. I hope to sew along with you, just not sure what my mom's needs will be. But a plus block here and there could be doable!

  20. Your quilt "adds up" to a beauty, Preeti. The olive block is such a great pop. Count me in on your QAL.

  21. I want to be involved too! I love this positivity plus block. Marking my calendar!

  22. I will definitely play along....who can resist your positivity. Two positives = more positives in quilt math! Let me know if I can help at all.

  23. Oh what a great quilt for a QAL - these will definitely bring love and comfort to families

  24. I will join the quilt along - I need something to get me back to quilting, and a commitment to a friend will do it!

  25. Wonderful post Preeti and another amazing quilt, you are a very generous person, spreading positivity. I would love to join the QAL but might donate it to a local hospital oncology ward if that is ok, not sure about posting it to the US.

    1. Sue,
      I'd love for you to quilt along. I agree that donating to a local cause is a better option than mailing a completed quilt half way across the globe. The entire world needs Positivity and Mercy.

  26. Beautiful quilt and what a great cause! I'll mark my calendar and join in on making a quilt.

  27. Such a beautiful quilt, Pretti. The Quilt along sounds great. Because I live so far away I will follow the beauties that will be done. Maybe I can make one to donate to an organization here in my country. I am sure your Quilt along will be a sucess. Happy weekend.

    1. Yes, Ivani. Please join the quilt along and donate to a local cause that is dear to your heart. We can all use Positivity and Mercy.

  28. I love that one green background plus block thrown into the mix, just the way that life throws surprises in our path and we must adapt to accommodate them. Perfect for a Positivity Plus quilt! I may be able to join the QAL (if I finish Son the Younger's graduation quilt on time).

  29. Lovely star blocks. The Positivity Quilt is beautiful, made for a very worthy cause. Hope your QAL drive goes well.

  30. What a wonderful idea, Preeti. It came at just the right time (although I do have jury duty during the first month of the QAL, so we’ll see how that goes). I was just finishing a quilt for Mercy, but my husband kept making complimentary noises about it, and finally just came out and said he wants it. Who am I to say no when I have never made him his very own quilt? I did not want to make another of the same pattern to replace my donation, so you are my solution. Funny how that happens!

  31. I love your quilt, and all the positivity that emanates from it. The QAL is a great idea, but as a French I may find a local organization for a donation instead of shipping to US.

    1. Absolutely Frederique. I am sure there are worthy cause all over the world. Play along with us and donate where you can. Big hugs to you.

  32. Of course I am in Preeti! I already have color combinations swirling in my head :)

    Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  33. Your blue ladies blocks rock, Preeti! I'm already quilting quilts for those somber times. . .I'm not fast; but, I've completed a couple and plan to make one more. I loved your positively quilt . . .especially, I appreciated the block with the green background!

  34. Great idea -- and wonderful way to use up some scraps -- I always remember that we paid the same price for scraps as we did for the rest of the fabric! And who better to have a lovely, colorful quilt than someone in a hospital with little chance of going home.

  35. I adore your Positivity, and also your positivity. And I want to play! I hope I am not biting off more than I can chew this summer, but you are inspiring: and compassion is itchy, and sometimes ya gotta scratch.

  36. That Green Block makes the quilt! Will be looking for the block instructions. We all need to pay forward all good vibrations.

  37. Great photos and lovely quilt. I will donate 1 of my paper pieced quilt patterns for your qal.

  38. I would love to participate in the QAL

  39. A beautiful finish for a very good cause. Not sure I'll be able to play along, but I'd like too. I definitely have the strips and the scraps.

  40. Pretty quilt. Love that it stands for something positive. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  41. Preeti, how did I miss this post!! I'm in!

  42. What a wonderful project -- beneficial anywhere in the world.
    I would like to participate, and have seen the fabric requirements your provided above. Do I need to sign up in order to get the pattern when this begins? Or will it simply be available on your blog at that time?
    Thanks much for your caring nature.

    1. Cheryl,
      I have added a page for the Positivity QAL. It will include links for all important information including the pattern, layout options, fabric requirements, linky party deadlines etc. No sign-up required. Check the links and follow along. Love & Hugs.
