
Monday, May 3, 2021

Island Batik - Make it Modern Blog Hop

Welcome to Day One of the Island Batik's May 2021 Blog Hop - Make it Modern.

My assignment was to use the Farm Fresh Half Yard Bundle to make a modern project.  20 gorgeous colors!!! Oh. My. Goodness!!!

The fabrics

The inspiration, perhaps!

I felt like a dog walker with a dozen high energy puppies out for a walk. I was pulled in so many different directions - each more enticing than the other. In the end I made stopped at three quilts. 

1. I had an idea - Effervescence.  

I decided to use a black background to show off the warm and vibrant fabrics.  I chose the yellows/oranges/reds/pinks while setting aside the greens. 

Raw Materials

Once the flimsy was complete, it looked like neither Effervescence nor Sedimentation. 

Ready to Baste

It was a Bonfire.  The quilting pattern was a response to that realization. I quilted flames using my walking foot and the Aurifil Thread.

Walking Foot Quilting

For the binding, I chose the same warm colors and the black but it was placed in such a way so as to merge with the bonfire feel.  The thread colors were coordinated accordingly.

Modern Quilt Finish

36" by 45"

Juicy Pumpkins - Yummy Fabrics

Thread Changed with Binding Color

The warm and bright colors do pop on a black background.  The flames quilting add to the effect, methinks. Since I have Bridgerton on my mind (yes, still) I have named it "Burning for You" :-D  

Here are a few more pictures

Thank you Paul, I Burn for You!!!

Hot Colors

Flames of Passion :-p

On the banks of Potomac...

2. I wanted to use a traditional quilt block in a modern way.  I chose a simple rail fence block to show off the beauty of the fabrics in the collection.

Farm Fresh by Island Batik

May be

Not feeling it

I wanted the effect of changing values from one end to the other but there were many discards before the layout was finalized.


Finished at 45" square

I know that we quilters want to get really close to see the fabric and the quilting details but this one looks magical from a distance.

Ooh baby, yes!

This quilt reminds me of the time right after Paul and I got married. He was working the 12-hour long night shift.  When I got up in the morning, he was at work. When I returned from work, he was home but fast asleep. And when it was time for him to get up and go to work, I was ready to fall asleep.  I kissed him good day (at work) and he kissed me goodnight, promising to make it up to each other over the weekend.

We barely saw each other during the work week, moving in opposite directions. 

On the banks of the Potomac River

Paul is a doll

The breeze was a brat!!!

Inspired by our circadian rhythms at that time, I have named it Cross Currents.  Walking foot quilting and solid grey binding. Cross Currents finished at 45" by 45".

Here are a few more pictures, yes close-ups for you :-)


Walking Foot Quilting

Sunny Yellow & Bright Orange

Pinks too!!!

A perfect day :-)

3. By now I had enough scraps from "Burning for You" and "Cross Currents" that I felt like I could play and I did.  Using the Island Batik solid black and solid white, I framed the leftover squares.  And then added another round of juicy bright fabric. 

Playing with Scraps


Possible Layout?

I could have kept making more blocks and there can be endless possibilities for a fun layout.  But eventually, everyone must grow up, take responsibility and finish.

Basting the Beauty :-)

I did too but in a playful way :-)  Topsy Turvy finished at 46" by 51".

Topsy Turvy, 46" by 51"

The background is Yolk.  I used walking foot for quilting and used Yolk for binding. But randomly added some color to the binding - a nod to my playfulness :-)

Binding detail

Yolk Background, Binding Pop!

Loving it!!!

Squares & Rectangles

Used binding cut-offs :-)

Mixing up lights and darks

And yes, Paul patiently held up each quilt, while battling the breeze.  I may have to promote him from holder-upper to model.

Oh she glows :-)

Thank you Paul :-)

Hello Beautiful!

Three modern quilts showing passion, promise and playfulness.  I'd say mission accomplished. 
But I am dying to hear your thoughts.

Disclosure: The fabrics, thread, batting and needles were generously supplied by the following companies:

I will be sharing with all my favorite linky parties. See full list on the sidebar.  Make sure to visit all the Island Batiks Ambassadors and their respective dates/stops on the Blog Hop.

May 3:

May 4:

May 5:

May 6:

May 7:

Blog Hop Round-Up Week 1 and Giveaway

May 10:

May 11:

May 12:

May 13:

May 14:

Blog Hop Round-Up Week 2 and Giveaway

May 17:

May 18:

May 19:

May 20:

End of Blog Hop and Round-Up

To celebrate the start of Quilt Modern! Blog Hop, Island Batik is giving away a 2.5″ Strip Pack and a 10″ Stack of the complete Island Batik Forecast collection by Ebony Love of Lovebug Studios! Visit the Island Batik blog to enter.


Angela has announced the RSC color for May 2021. It is RED and I am ready to paint the blogland red. Here are my fabric picks. 




Sharing with Angela's linky party.


  1. Oh my!!!! Three modern quilts!!! You keener!!! But you've made it super difficult to pick my favourite! They each have their appealing attributes! Love each of them!

  2. Wowzers! I love all three of your quilts and reading about how you came upon the design. You surely made me laugh when you said 'everyone must grow up, take responsibility and finish.' Love it!

  3. I love all your projects! I never know what to do with batik fabric scraps and love the 3rd quilt most of all for a scrap idea! Thanks as always for the awesome inspiration!

  4. Burning for You worked out beautiful and Topsy Turvey is just lovely

  5. Such a luscious line of batiks! And you made three fantastic modern quilts from it. I think my favorite is Burning for You, but they are all terrific!

  6. Wow, I LOVE your quilts Preeti! They turned out beautiful and I love reading about your thought process as you come up with the final result. Awesome! My favourite is the one with the black background!! So dramatic :-)

  7. They are all so pretty, hard to pick a favorite!

  8. They are all so pretty but I especially love the white background.

  9. WowWowWow, Pretti -- the fabrics could just sit on the shelf and look absolutely delicious but your three quilts make them look just spectacular!!

  10. Wow three super quilts--I especially like No 1 with the black that sets off those gorgeous colors. Beautiful works all..You have been a busy gal...;))) hugs, Julierose

  11. Oh Preeti, I love how you take fabric and just play, play, play - with amazing results! I like all of them!

  12. WOW Preeti! Talk about over achiever! These are all amazing! My initial favorite was Tospy Turvey but after realizing the first one is a bonfire and seeing the brilliant flame quilting, I think that's my favorite. It really does look like a beautiful, warm, friendly fire. Love them all!!!!!!

  13. I'm always amazed at how much you accomplish and how much you put in one post! Each quilt is pretty amazing! The last one is similar to what I've been working on! Just beautiful Preeti!

  14. Preeti, all three quilts are nothing less than beautiful. My favorite is Topsy Turvy and I must thank you again for sharing the precise settings for the wavy walking foot quilting. I am visiting my children right now and almost fell in my tracks with your quilt on the banks of the Potomac. My son & family live in Waldorf MD and my daughter is in Alexandria VA. I can practically high-5 you on your quilts!

  15. You created some amazing quilts with those gorgeous colors. Each one is beautiful but that second quilt really speaks to me. I love that design.

  16. I love the bonfire but I am very inspired by the last quilt of improv stacked blocks... will have to think about it some more... the scraps from my current quilt are calling :) xo

  17. Could you bottle that creative juice and send me a case? Please? Your imagination just never stops, does it? All three of those quilts are delightful, as are your descriptions of the processes of creating them.

  18. Super job on all three quilts. You really showed off the fabric and the designs. Love the outdoor shots.

  19. Have you always been an over-achiever??? Three quilts Preeti?? That is nuts. I keep trying to decide which one I like best. I am torn but would probably say number three, if I were forced to decide. But really, they are all knock-outs! Gorgeous work my friend.

  20. Three new inspiring quilts. How wonderful for me on a grey day.
    I love all three but my favorite is the third one, Topsy Turvey. Very good explanation of your creative process for leftovers.

  21. Wow, Preeti! Not one, or even two, but three amazing quilts in these beautiful colors! You've come up with three really great designs, too. I especially like the very first one - I love what you did with the simple nine patch block by varying the color placement.

  22. you hit a home run - all three look great - I'm afraid if someone said design something modern I would be knocking my head against the wall trying to think of something and here you got 3!

  23. Wow! These are all so different and so pretty! Your stories make me smile as always. Thank you for the Monday perk-up!

  24. Love the modern take on all of these quilts. Great job!!!!

  25. You have nailed it with all three of these quilts. Have you thought of writing patterns? Just sayin' someone (or everybody) might be interested in buying one or so from you. Love your playfulness and how with some of the same fabrics you came up with 3 different, but wonderful, ideas. Hats off to a job well done!

  26. Three such beautiful quilts!

  27. Great projects. I'm impressed you got 3 done.

  28. Wow. Burning for You is amazing. Well done.

  29. Oh Preeti, these are all beautiful! It’s really hard for me to choose a favorite. But if you twisted my arm really hard, I’d say Cross Currents - but only by a hair.


  30. All are wonderful. But #3 Topy Turvey took my breath away. Pattern (?) to come I hope

  31. These are fantastic! All three are great, but I really love the Bonfire quilt. I can see how it seemed like it would turn out one way, then looked different in fabric. I'll bet pink and yellow on a white background would look like effervescence. Great work!

  32. You mystify me, Preeti. Do you ever sleep? All three quilts are fabulous!!

  33. Oh my goodness, I love them all! They are alive and happy and beautiful, just like you. And, most likely, Paul, the quilt holder.

  34. Triple treat here! I, probably erroneously, have usually considered batiks to be on the traditional side of quiltland. So I really wondered how you would make these into a modern quilt. Well, you rocked it, not once, but three times. (And maybe four, because your effervescence concept would have been an awesome quilt, too.) And yes, do promote that quilt holder to model. After that photo session, he deserves it! I can imagine the tired arms in the breeze.

  35. You are such an over-achiever, girlfriend! I love, love, love each and every one of those quilts. Seriously, I couldn’t pick a favorite out of them any more than I could pick a favorite child. Clean, bright quilts are your “wheelhouse”. And such beautiful pics on the banks of the Potomac! 😍

  36. All 3 are fabulous and fun. You definitely met the challenge.

  37. Wow!!! You totally outdid your self!! Beautiful quilts!! and the colors - just stunning!!

  38. Preeti, you are amazing! I absolutely loved seeing your process, your ideas changing and you just went with the flow! Gorgeous quilts (I guess those were in that big parcel at the post office when I saw you last week!). All your pics were fabulous. And kudos to Paul for being such a helper!

    1. Thank you so much. No Debby, I get to keep these quilts :-) When we so happily ran into each other at the post office, I was sending two quilts for the Palliative Care Unit in Mercy Hospital. These are given to those patients who are nearing the end of their life's journey. The family gets to keep the quilt in memory of the person.

  39. You are such an overachiever! Each one of these quilts would have been a fabulous fulfillment of your challenge commitment on its own. It is even better to see how the same maker can use the same collection of fabrics to yield three different projects with such distinct personalities!

  40. Three beautiful colourful quilts Preeti, wonderful.

  41. πολύ όμορφα και τα τρία

  42. Oh la la, a basket full of beauties! I love your quilts, all of them, bright, and so beautiful!

  43. Great quilts Preeti! You're very creative!

  44. What gorgeous fabric and quilts. I love them all.

  45. You amaze me! Three gorgeous quilts...I love the first one and the way it morphed and the comment about Paul. They are all stunning - you are a powerhouse!

  46. I love your quilts, but just as much, I love reading about the process. Thanks for inviting us in.

  47. I like your Bon fire quilt, the flames really enhance it.

  48. Perfect examples of how using the same fabric in three different quilts can change the look. I was torn between the Cross Currents and Topsy Turvey as my favorite.

  49. Each quilt is prettier than the one before. What an example of how you can use the same fabric with different placement and make three completely different quilts! I was torn between Cross Currents and Topsy Turvey as my favorite.

  50. All the quilts are beautiful, and I love the stories to go with them :-) Absolutely stunning - I'm in awe.

  51. You always come up with so many wonderful designs. I love them all! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  52. Wow you were so inspired! I love each of your quilts and it would be hard to pick a favorite but Embers sure is nice. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  53. I read your post on blog day, but I don't think I had the chance to comment! We got a new HVAC this week and it's been crazy at my house. All three of your quilts came out amazing! How do you get so much done? You made beautiful use of this new fabric collection. Love, love, love.

  54. Wow. You've been busy. They're all lovely and such different overall looks coming from the same starting fabric. If you're taking votes, I think topsy turvy is my favorite.

  55. All three stunning! "Topsy Turvy" fiesta hot and playful, cross currents can go east/west or north south, edgy, fun! flame quilting is inspirational! Thanks (and thanks to your model!)

  56. I am trying to contact you about doing a lecture for our quilt guild.

    1. And I would absolutely love that. If I had your email address, we could discuss.
