
Saturday, October 2, 2021

New Pattern Published!!!

So so excited...

1. Island Batik's Fall/Winter 2021catalog is out!!!  AND I am in it, not only as an Ambassador but also as a Pattern Designer. My new pattern Masala Box is featured in the catalog. 

2. Masala Box is now listed in my Etsy Shop :-) It looks like a happy dance of colorful fabrics.


When I made the quilt "Beg, Borrow and Barter" in March 2021 as a part of the Island Batik Scrapbuster Challenge, little did I know what was to come next.  Some of you asked - what pattern did you use, do you have a pattern...

Paul, the model!

I am so grateful to all my pattern testers who made the pattern and shared their completed tops and their generous feedback with me, so I could fine-tune the pattern. 

Thank you to Elizabeth and Shirley, who made the baby size.  

By Elizabeth Moore

By Shirley Fox

Thank you to Jennifer and Charity for making the lap size version. 

By Charity Feit

By Jennifer Odell

And kudos to Kathy and Stevie for making the queen size version. You ladies rock!!!

By Stevie Will

By Kathy Paul

While my sweet and kind pattern testers were busy, I made a baby quilt using a black background.

Baby Size

It looks lovely in all sizes and I am very happy with it. 

The pattern is ideal to use as a signature block, perfect for a wedding or a graduation quilt. 

If you like it, please head to my Etsy Shop, or just click on the image on the top right of the blog. I will be sharing with all my favorite linky parties, see full list on the sidebar.


  1. Congratulations! And your model is stunning, as always!

  2. Congratulations on publishing your pattern, Preeti! I really like that one a lot. Perfect for scraps and all colors of background, too!

  3. What wonderful news to share, Preeti! That is a pretty & versatile pattern. Congratulations to you!

  4. Congratulations, Preeti. Writing directions for others is a huge task. Well done!

  5. Congratulations! I am happy for your success!

  6. Congratulations Preeti, the quilt is beautiful, I especially like your version with the black background. Paul is also a wonderful model!

  7. WOW! WTG Preeti :) Love the quilt, congrats. Hope to see much more of your patterns in the future. :)

  8. Yay! Congratulations on a gorgeous quilt and publication in the catalogue. Very exciting :)

  9. Congratulations on the pattern release and on having it featured in the catalog. Writing patterns is a lot of work!

  10. Wohoo - that is so awesome! Congratulations. xo

  11. Congrats Preeti! I have a pattern in the catalog too.

  12. Hurray! What a wonderful quilt pattern! And it couldn't happen to a nicer person. Congratulations!

  13. Congratulations, Preeti!! Off to purchase my copy of your new pattern...

  14. Oh, my! You deserve your happy dance. I would have lost 5 lbs before I came back to earth!


  15. Congratulations, Preeti! I'm revving up my rotary cutter as we speak :-)

  16. love all the variations of the newest quilt!

  17. Ooo I love both dark and light backgrounds!

  18. Very nice versions of all sizes. Congrats on your new pattern.

  19. What a cute picture of Paul! Love seeing this pattern in so many different color ways. It looks like a great scrap buster, no? And the look is so different depending on the background color selected. You know my favorite part is all of that negative space for quilting! So fun. Congratulations on your pattern release and catalog feature!

  20. Your model definitely shows this gorgeous quilt off beautifully.

  21. Congratulations on the publication of your pattern! Beautiful in all sizes and colors. Especially striking with the black background, but it would be fun in any color! Well done!

  22. Oh look at all those great versions of your pattern! Love it!!

  23. Way to go, I love all the variations! We do love our bright colors don't we! Stay safe and sew on !

  24. Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your pattern on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  25. Congratulations! I love your quilt! Great photo with Paul ;))
