
Friday, December 17, 2021

Goodbye 2021

I have a new finish!!!  Let me show you a few process pictures before the final reveal.


A Grizzly and a Polar Bear walked into a quilt!!! 

Quilting Slowly

And here is the finished quilt. Hanging from Mari's Balcony. We got together for lunch and quilty chitchat last weekend.

We make these RSC blocks a few every month and then set them aside. On one hand it is not a surprise or a grand finale because we have been seeing these blocks come together throughout the year. But (and this is a big one) the visual impact of seeing all those blocks all at once is just Wowzers!!!

Oops - it is sideways

Much Better :-) 

When Mari laughed at something, I had to forget the quilt and take her picture, instead. 

Thank you Mari :-)

Quilt Models - Mari and Larry. Yes it needs two!!!

Treading on Stars

Oh my!!!

Oh those colors sing!!!

Mari's Favorite

Stark Background - Sharp Colors

Floral Backing

Love the Backing, Island Batik Aqua Binding

My former co-worker Maureen has claimed this quilt and I have named it Maureen's Stars. Maureen's Stars finished at about 78" by 93".  This is my last finish of the year and I am thrilled for two reasons.

1. It is a gorgeous finish and has been already claimed.
2. RSC 2021 was successfully completed in 2021. 

I am exploring ideas for 2022 RSC now. Are you in? I will be sharing with all  my favorite linky parties including Angela's Linky Party. See full list on the sidebar.

I leave for India on Sunday, returning early next year. That is why this blogpost is a twofer - RSC finish and Best of 2021.

A large part of my life is made up of quilting and related activities. A very large part of my quilting life this year was dedicated to Island Batik. I made 20 quilts including one tree skirt and two table runners using Island Batik fabrics. I also made a set of placemats, one backpack and several zippered pouches.

Backpack using Island Batik Fabrics. Pattern byAnnie

Playful Placemats, Island Batik Fabrics

Clearly, my Island Batik efforts this year could keep a large household warm (with quilts), organized (with zippered pouches) and ready to entertain (with table runners and placemats). 

Zippered Pouches, Island Batik Fabrics

I can hardly say the same for my own. It is messy (read creative) but cozy, because there are quilts everywhere. Here are  my top five projects this year.

5. Gul Mohar - I am glad I tore myself away (thanks to some scathing comments from Paul) for this workshop with Gloria Loughman. I am thrilled with the results. I recommend Gloria's class. She is an amazing artist and an excellent teacher. I will try my hand at this technique again - just unsure when :-)

4. Konark - Working with a limited number of fabrics I chose to create the gradation from the lightest in the center to the darkest in the corners. The challenge was to make sure that within each block there was sufficient contrast between the star fabric and the background fabric.  The resulting quilt seems to glow. I am glowing too :-)

3. Spring Broken - Spring Broken happened because my plans to see the Cherry Blossoms were dashed and I vented my disappointment on fabric using improvisational piecing. She was my problem child that blossomed (pun intended) into a fine young woman. I love her. According to Kelly, it is the prettiest pout she has ever seen :-) Rebecca gets the credit for the beautiful quilting.  Read her post here, with absolutely gorgeous pictures.

2. Iberian Lynx - This was the toughest challenge of the year. And therefore the most gratifying. Sponsored by Aurifil Threads, we had to create a piece inspired by an endangered animal. Mine was Iberian Lynx - an absolutely majestic cat. We want to belong and we want to stand out. With this project I felt I managed to do both as a member of the Island Batik Ambassadors Group.

1. Remembering RBG - The legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will live forever and no quilt can do justice to her legacy.  I started making this quilt on September 19, 2020, the day after her passing.  If I did not occupy my hands, my heart would've exploded with grief. Justice RBG was the true champion of gender equality in our country. Much work remains. Inequality (racial or gender) hurts everyone. The freedoms we take for granted are hard won and those freedoms are now at stake. Let's remember that when we go to the polls in 11 months.

But wait there is more!!!

My Our (Bernie's and mine) first QAL (for Mercyful Quilts) was a success. It started here

The last time I checked Bernie had received about 22 quilts. This does not include the quilts made in other countries that were donated to local causes. Here is a glimpse.

By Janine

By Mary

By Roseanne

By Sylvia

"Let's do it again, Bernie", I said. "I am in", Bernie said. 

It is official. Positivity 2.0 is coming.  I will provide the free tutorial/pattern with a lazy schedule. Bernie will coordinate sponsors and we hope that you will join in the QAL.


When I was down in the dumps, burning with rage, you soothed me. You restore my faith in humanity again and again. I asked for a hug and I received so much love, kindness, encouragement, affirmation, support and hugs.

Courage (quilted by Rebecca)

This was the longest and tightest squeeze ever!!!  My Personal Favorite Blogpost of 2021. No contest!!! Also notable for maximum number of comments for a post without a giveaway. I am thinking of you, Kate and Kelly


In 2021, I started an Etsy Store. Thank you for your love, likes and supports.  80 sales is nothing to frown upon, I was told. Also sold two quilts. Animal House has found a new home, waiting to bring joy to a new baby boy.  

Wild and Mild traveled across the ocean to reach its new home.


New Patterns are coming!!!


And one last update - 2021 was also the year when I bought EQ8. I have so much to learn but I am enjoying playing with it. Last week I discovered the "Swap Color" feature and I am beside myself with exhilaration. Rebecca and Kathleen - it is all because of you.

Paul: Good morning babe
Me: uh huh
Paul: You ok?
Me: In a zone. Leave me alone.
Paul: EQ?
Me: YES. I am hooked. Look at this.
Paul (viewing my latest attempt): Impressive. 
Me: Sorry, you are not getting any breakfast today.
Paul: I made myself a sandwich...
Me: Love you, bye.
Paul: What will you do in India?
Me: hmm...
Paul: Without your EQ and your machine and your fabric, you will be miserable.
Me: YIKES!!! Guess, I must play some more before I leave.

I heard Paul's laughter as he left me to my devices.


It has been a difficult year beginning with a deadly attack on the very heart of our democracy.  While many Americans resist vaccines, masks and distancing guidelines, the virus continues to evolve with strains that are deadlier and more contagious, resulting in an increasing number of breakthrough infections. The assault on our democracy, our voting rights and our bodies continues. It seems like a helpless situation and I don't have any answers. But we do have choices.

In every situation we have a choice - to speak the truth and do what is right. I promise to do both.

As I put 2021 in the rear view mirror and the road ahead seems unclear, I pray for goodness to overcome evil, wherever it may be.  I hope you will join me.


  1. I love all of these quilts - you did a great job on all of them

  2. A wonderful selection of quilts, so delightful to have another look at them all. Happy Holidays, x

  3. A year full of creative energy and accomplishment is a reason to celebrate. Thank you for sharing. Merry Christmas and Happy New year.

  4. OWO Preeti ! Your are such a great inspiration. You made wonderful quilts. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Have a safe and happy travel to India.

  5. Thank you for this wonderful post! It was such a pleasure to read, with so much beautiful eye candy. Your quilts are amazing. They reflect your joyful spirit and kind heart. I can't wait to see what you do next. Safe travels!

  6. You did a great job meeting your challenges this year, Preeti. Have a safe trip. I have been an EQ user since version 4. I'd hate to be without it. It's the best !

  7. Just wonderful quilts--and I am in total agreement with your views on this unprecedented assault on our democracy...(my Grand-mere believed in the force of "evil" and I have to agree with her-the ancient ones knew)
    I hope during your travels you stay healthy and careful...hugs for a wonderful Holiday--Godspeed-- hugs, Julierose

  8. Spring Broke and Wild and Mild - such gorgeous quilts that would rank one and two if I had to vote ;) Your new quilt is also gorgeous. It is amazing how bright and colorful it looks even agains all the plain scrub. Sending you lots of squishy hugs and warm Christmas wishes. Have safe travels and an awesome time in India! xo

  9. Hi Preeti! Safe travels to you. Enjoy the holidays with your peeps. Thank you for the short recap of your year in quilts. All of them are lovely and I had forgotten about some. RBG. ~sigh~ I'm so glad that Positivity 2.0 for 2022 is back. We are definitely in and thank you for the shout out. And how can I forget to comment on your RSC finish?!! I love the photo of Mari - she is delighted by something! I have never met a star that I didn't like and these wonderful nine-patch centers are just a delight. Be safe and don't forget to back home. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  10. Safe travels to you, Preeti. I hope you enjoy a lovely holiday with your family and friends. You've had a great year of quilting, fun to see your lovely quilts once again!

  11. A gorgeous finish. Stars of any kind are my favorite so I can understand why your coworker claimed it. :-) Enjoy your travels!

  12. WOWzer that is a lot of beauty you brought into the world in 2021!
    I love the photos of Maureen's stars and can tell you had a lot of fun with the photo shoot!
    Have a safe and fun trip!

  13. You've had a very productive year on the quilt front and met your IB challenges with spunk and vitality. Safe travels and enjoy your visit with family and friends. While our current situation in so many ways continues to be gloomy, we must move forward and work for positive outcomes. I know that you will be fearlessly leading the charge.

  14. An all-around beautiful post! So many gorgeous creations! Enjoy your time in India with family. We’ll see you in the new year! xo

  15. What a fabulous post! Needs to be reread several times. Your latest Star quilt finish is beautiful, no wonder your friend Maureen lost no time in claiming it. You are one talented quilter! Happy Christmas.🎄🌟

  16. It’s a wonderful RSC finish and 2021 round up! I think I will try to do a similar post! My RSC is ready to be quilted, but will have to wait til after the new year and our return home! Have a wonderful visit with your family! Hugs to you!

  17. Ok, you have had a really good year! Loving your RSC finish and so many of the other wonderful projects you show. Enjoy the trip to India and safe and Happy New Year to you!!

  18. the last paragraph sums up my nearly constant fear and depression the last year. It is powerful and beautifully written. I'd like to see it in newspapers around the country. If I was on FB I'd love to see it there or in IG which I don't do either but it is heartfelt and might get the attention of thinking people. I love you and hope you have a good trip to visit family, be safe. LeeAnna

  19. Such a wonderful summary of the year. It has been a hard year and we can only hope and pray for a better next year. I hope you trip to India (home) brings joy and love. I'm sure there will be something to do over there, fabric to look at and pet in the market, and hugs a plenty from family. I look forward to more of your posts in 2022.

  20. What a year! You did a wonderful job with these beautiful quilts, and you are a great source of inspiration for me.
    I'm ready for Positivity 2.0 ;)
    Enjoy your trip and days off in India. Have fun with family, and Merry Christmas and happy new year! Hugs and kisses
    Thanks for linking up!

  21. I like your year in retrospect. I hope you have a good time revisiting India. My daughter lives near Pondicherry (SP?) and lived for 6 years or so in Rishikesh. She loves India. She is a writer.

  22. You are indeed wonderful and inspiring, both with your quilty talent and your kind words. Have a wonderful trip back to India and return safely back home.

  23. love your blog, love your quilts, love you, love you and Paul... have a wonderful visit to family....

  24. I always enjoy your thought provoking posts and your beautiful quilts. Have a fabulous time in India. I look forward to your posts in 2022.

  25. I also pray for goodness in the year ahead. Safe travels to India, and I so look forward to seeing your quilting journey continue to progress in 2022!

  26. Maureen's Stars is bright and beautiful, just like it's maker! The perfect quilt to wrap up a beautiful year. Can't wait to see what's next. Have a safe and happy trip!

  27. Ooh, this post is such a visual treat, Preeti. A perfect way to end the quilting year. I love Maureen's quilt in Mari's landscape (Hi, Mari)--even the dark green parts. :) They make all the other colors sparkle. You have had such a productive year. I think you have made the most luscious lemonade out of a lemony year. And all of your quilts and other projects show the breadth and depth of your creativity and your giving heart. I wish you safe travels, a lovely time in India and hope for the new year.

  28. Happy Holidays and safe travels! It was nice to revisit your projects from this year. Before I read your post I thought your newest quilt would be great as a RSC project! It really is a very pretty quilt.

  29. Such an amazing recap of such a mixed bag of a year. (the mixed bag being the state of the world and country, not you and your quilts!!) Your work is so lovely, Preeti, and I think ALL of them glow, just like you do. I have you have a fabulous trip to India and come back refreshed and brimming with ideas to put into EQ! Happy New Year! Hugs!

  30. Your posts are always so speak from your heart and you're always saying what so many of us feel. Love your quilts, you really rocked the year with your stitching. Enjoy your travels. Praying 2022 will be a beautiful year.

  31. Wow, you had quite a productive year! Love your RSC stars.

  32. Fabulous photo shoot at Mari's! That binding selection made for a beautiful finish, Preeti. May your friend truly enjoy your colorful quilty hug!

  33. So much to look at all in the one post, such a visual party! Great work Preeti. Happy Holidays and safe travels.

  34. Safe travels, my friend. India is waiting for you with open arms.

  35. You've had a colorful and productive year, Preeti! Like all your readers, I love your quilt designs, the amazing way you put color and print together, and your beautiful quilt finishes. I especially enjoy reading your blog because you inspire me and make me think. Maureen's Stars is the perfect finish for the end of the year. Have an amazing holiday!

  36. Ohh Love this RSC project. and how fun to get together with Mari !! what fun. Enjoy your trip!!!!

  37. You had a very productive year Preeti. Congrats on all of your accomplishments and have a safe and fun trip!

  38. What a great year! It is funny but when you see all this quilty goodness, it makes my heart brighter in spite of the strange strange year it was. Have a wonderful time in India! I am glad you are enjoying EQ8, but do remember, if you need help with EQ, I am here!

  39. You have had such a productive year Preeti, so many beautiful creations. Hopefully next year people in general are kinder and more considerate.
    Enjoy your trip away. Happy Christmas.

  40. Congratulation on all the wonderful finishes. I recently discovered the Symmetry button in EQ8. You can't believe how happy it made me. I used to rotate blocks by hand, individually. LOL

  41. Loved looking at all your quilts, you are always inspiration for me! Happy 2021 and enjoy all the colors of India, you won't need your fabric or EQ, the country is a colorful quilt in itself.

  42. What an amazing collection of quilt finishes. Well done.

  43. Lovely post - great to see this amazing collection of quilts all together in one post. EQ8 is pretty cool isn't it?!

  44. Wow! You had a prolific year in quilting!! Congrats on so many fun and meaningful finishes.

  45. Wow, what a variety of quilts. All very lovely, particularly like the brown and yellow star quilt

  46. Such a productive year, congrats on all of the wonderful finishes! Thanks for linking up and Happy New Year!
