
Monday, December 6, 2021

Island Batik December Challenge

 The guidelines for the Island Batik December Challenge were simple

  • Project Type: Any

  • Size: Minimum size 12” x12”

  • Any fabric 

  • Technique: English Paper Piecing

And here is my simple response. This cutesy little table runner finished at 12" by 52".

Paul, the model

I used Island Batik Neutral Yolk for background (and binding) and various Island Batik fabrics to create the hexie flowers. Neither too big nor too small, I was going to name it Goldilocks but then...Paul suggested that it was "Too Hexie for My Table" and the name stuck.

Did you notice the touch of whimsy? It is in the binding :-)

Too Hexie for My Table

Disclosure: The fabrics, thread, batting and needles were generously supplied by the following companies:

I will be sharing with all my favorite linky parties. See full list on the sidebar.

Speaking of sharing, the winners of the giveaway are Comments #31 and #67. That is Mari and Nann. They will each receive five fat quarters of Island Batik fabrics from the Bellingham Bay collection by Deb Tucker's Studio 180 Design. The winners have been informed.

Mari's Winnings

Nann's Loot

Speaking of Island Batik fabrics, I bought some from Hancock's.

Paul: Didn't they send you two large boxes?
Me: Yes, they did.
Paul: And they also sent you fabrics to make your Masala Box?
Me: Yes, they did.
Paul: So?
Me: I bought other collections. They were on sale :-)

Melody FQ Bundle

Summer Fields FQ Bundle

Melody and Summer Fields are two yummy collections from Island Batik. At discounted prices, I'd be silly to not get them.

Paul: Was that your Christmas present?
Me: Yes. From me and from you :-p
Paul: How much did you buy?
Me: Two FQ bundles, one pack of 10" squares and some yardage.

Island Batik Mystery -  10" Squares

Island Batik Forecast - Sunshine Ravine

Speaking of Christmas presents, I received an overstuffed package from Bernie. It was so stuffed that it looked like a small travel pillow.

And here is what spilled out...

Yummy Scrappy Goodness!!!

I don't have to be rich when I am blessed with generous friends. Thank you Bernie. You know I will put these scraps to work right away :-)

Speaking of scraps, I completed my RSC2021 quilt.  No, I did not choose pink binding.
It is turquoise but none of the initial choices. You see, the light was too light and the dark was too dark.  

Too light

Too dark

I found the perfect Goldilocks color in my Island Batik box.  It is 
Marble Aqua.  

Island Batik Marble Aqua - Just right :-)

I will be taking pictures of my newest finish this weekend. That blogpost is next. I am so excited!!! 

But enough about me. How are you feeling? Overwhelmed with the pressure of impending holidays or relieved that the year is over? Do let me know. Your comments are your Christmas present to me :-)


  1. I'm. Too Hexie for my plate. Too Hexie for my plate...I'm giggling so much! Tell Paul I love his title! (he needed a one syllable word, though :) ) Super fun, and I'll be singing a variation of I'm too Hexie all morning!

  2. I don't feel stress or pressure at the holidays since I gave up Christmas shopping. I think (my opinion) that a lot of stress with the holidays is shopping - as the grandchildren got older I asked them would you rather have a surprise present or money - they chose money and then I thought just send an amazon gift card to all and have fun with Christmas decorating and baking and it became a no stress holiday season. Christmas has become too commercialized. I have empty pretty boxes under the tree to make it look festive.

  3. Your whole post made me smile! The hexie runner, with it's touch of whimsy, is very pretty. I enjoy making hexies. Perfect choice with that binding color. And what a FUN package to receive! There are endless possibilities in that squishy package.

  4. Too Hexie for my table - cracked me up. Of course your table runner is just awesome. I have an ongoing EPP project. When I have a few more, I am just going to applique them to a background. I don't think I have what it takes to make a full epp quilt! Looking forward to the RSC quilt.

  5. Too Hexie for my Table is a great way to try some EPP and it turned out happy and Spring-like! I love the new IB fabrics you got from Hancock's, too - so pretty. Looking forward to seeing your RSC finish!

  6. Can't do EPP. But I really love the Island Batiks. I have a jelly roll from them I am planning to use soon.

  7. Your table runner is so pretty and the name is perfect! I've never done EPP and am not sure I will, but I love seeing what others create with it. We are doing some home renovations, so my house is torn up right now, making my Christmas season a bit stressful. No decorating yet.

  8. Paul - you are hysterical.

    You're very welcome - I am happy to share with you and have to say, your scrappy quilts are some of the best.

    You bought more IB fabric. That is a sign of true love. Sunshine Ravine looks like a great choice though.

  9. I like your table runner... bigger than required but not too big.... and the whimsey adds a touch of ... fun. I've been prepping for this season by buying presents over the last 6 weeks or so. Still have a few more to go but I'm not stressing over it. I enjoyed chatting with you Saturday. And happy to report that several other bloggers mentioned they couldn't post photos... blaming it all on Blogger.

  10. And now I'm imagining Paul dancing around your home singing "I'm to hexie for my shirt, too hexy for my table, so hexie it hurts!" :-). Adorable table runner, and you are inspiring me because now I'm imagining swapping out the machine appliqué stars in my American Jane Under the Stars quilt kit for little EPP stars or flowers! Perfect choice on that binding by the way, as usual.

  11. Too hexie for my table is a great name! I love that touch of whimsy...perfect. Love your Christmas gift to yourself - always room for more fabric!

  12. Holidays nearly always overwhelm me! I tend to dread them, then enjoy them, then need to take a week to recover from them. It's worse when I have to produce something handmade for the holiday. This year it's 2 stockings for little ones. One will be basic, but the other will be a Mary Jane shoe and stocking. I'm not a designer, so this is a particularly stressful task. So of course, I'm procrastinating! I'm in awe of your productivity, Preeti. So inspiring!

  13. Very nice indeed. I've never tried hexies.

  14. Too hexi for my Table is very pretty!!!
    Great purchases! How fun! :-)

  15. As I already said, I love this and that splash of color in the binding is a nice touch. Glad to see someone else got lucky on the sales.

  16. Love your "Too Hexie" quilt! It's cute, and what a terrific picture of your husband! That Marble Aqua fabric is so versatile and gorgeous. I've used it in a lot of different projects. Have a great day!

  17. I really enjoy your posts and of course all the pics and stories. Thank you. Merry Christmas

  18. I like the "just right" binding you ended up with, Preeti! Those pink and gold batiks are so pretty! Sweet table runner, too!!!

  19. LOVE Paul's choice of name - its perfect! I just finished my 80th block, just like yours, hand stitched each one together over various car trips, TV time, etc & have one more to do. I'll be using 4 different low volume charm blocks sewn together and I'll hand stitch the block in the center of each. Thinking about possibly adding a tiny bit of batting behind each to make those stand out & hand quilting those flowers down before putting the blocks together. The quilt will be 9x9 layout, with borders, and possibly sashing -- I'll have to look at it and lay out some choices. Just got our gift for our granddaughter (12), and when my son comes down next week I'll ask him to go shopping with me so I can find a gift for our grandson (14). That's it - we all decided to just buy gifts for the kids from now on at Christmas. Putting up the Christmas tree this afternoon & will be playing Christmas music as I do that & sipping my cup of tea.

  20. Has a year gone by already? And the lovely things you have made as Ambassador for Island Batiks.
    You and that 'model' of yours; obviously never a dull moment at your house.
    Holidays will be quiet, but I do need to shop for my fur kids.
    Happy Holidays to you and Paul, however you celebrate.

  21. Haha a great name for your runner, which by the way, looks lovely - nice and cheerful and the cute touch of whimsy is fun! Nice fabric goodness too. I'm still at that relaxed stage about what I want to achieve before husband is dreading when the panic sets in....!

  22. I would have been tempted by the Melody FQ bundle, too. And I'm sure Bernie's selections will make appearances in future scrap vortex creations. I bought some of the multi-colored little flowers in extra wide and have used it often. Not much decorating this year for me and I switched to Amazon gift cards for all the grands who all live out of state. The Christmas season has always been stressful for me and it's time to just let it go.

  23. I adore the backing fabric you used on your RSC2021 quilt, and you were right (as always): that binding colour choice is perfection. Your friend Bernie IS a generous one! Aren’t you lucky?!

  24. Hope you enjoy your early Christmas presents :) The table runner looks like a good idea for a first time EPP project. And that name... xo

  25. Too Hexie for My Table? Clever, Paul!! Nice binding choice, too, Preeti.

    1. For your RSC quilt, I mean. Looking forward to the big reveal.

  26. Oh your hexie piece is just perfect! I love the new collections that Paul got you (ha ha) you will put those to amazing use!!
    and COngrats to Nann and Mari - beautiful fabrics heading their way!

  27. Hoooo, lovely flowers, and the name is just perfect for the table runner! Love the little scrap into the binding ;)
    My, my, my, beautiful new fabrics, excellent Christmas gifts! Paul can not be disapointed by his present to you ;D

    I'm feeling like the end of the year is never ending, and can't wait to be in holidays! Hope next year it would be less busy at work.

    Thank you for sharing your beauties, and linking up with Patchwork & Quilts link party! Hugs

  28. Lovely table runner! That name is perfect. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  29. Great job on the runner. It's wonderful. I hope you've enjoyed being an Ambassador this year.
