
Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Works in Progress

I don't have a finish, but should that stop me for sharing?

According to Angela, February shall be devoted to teal, aqua and turquoise scraps. Here is what I did.

Teal/Aqua Scraps

Fish :-)

Scrappy Improv 

Block in the works

15 blocks in two days!!!

My Island Batik Row by Row quilt (for the February Challenge and BlogHop) is complete.  I received the collection Lace and Grace, designed by Kathy Engle for Chris Hoover of Whirligig Designs. This signature collection should be in stores now. 

Lace and Grace :-)

 Although I will share on February 16, here is a sneak peek of my Row by Row quilt. 

Sneak Peek :-)

Floral Backing

I have been enjoying the Row by Row quilts created by other Island Batik ambassadors. Check out these posts by fellow Island Batik ambassadors, Emily Leachman and Connie Kauffman.  Not only these are super cute and absolutely adorable quilts, they both have giveaways. 

While I was anxiously waiting (darn the supply chain issues) for the Aurifil Thread and Schmetz Needles to arrive, I needed to do something to minimize the anxiety level.  Playing with leftover Island Batik scraps and Island Batik Solid White has been therapeutic.  

Therapeutic Piecing

The colorful fabric in the foreground sparkles as the colorful Christmas lights twinkle in the room behind. No, it is not an old picture. The Christmas lights will stay up till Valentine's Day (my house my rules).

Finally, this week I received the Aurifil Thread Color Builder for the March challenge.  I love orange :-)

Aurifil Color Builder - Tuscany Orange 

Here is the Island Batik fabric to match. I am so excited about this project.

Fabric Pull for the March Island Batik Project

I also received the pack of Schmetz needles, I have come to rely upon. I don't use anything else. Is there anything else?

Sewing, Quilting and Topstitch Needles by Schmetz

I will be sharing with Angela's Linky Party and all my other favorites (se full list on the sidebar). 

If you are suffering from the effects of the supply chain doldrums, I recommend ignoring the dishes, getting takeout and playing with scraps. It has worked for me :-)


  1. You have some fun projects in the works! Ohhhh - orange! Can't wait to see what you create with that fabric and thread!

  2. lovely projects! so many pretty colors and patterns

  3. Those teal fish are fabulous. I've been playing with aqua, but got out some teal scraps this morning for a little switch up. Can't wait to see what you do with that luscious orange fabric and thread.

  4. Wow, you've made a lot of progress with your scraps already! I hear you on supply chain issues. I've taken to ordering things well in advance of when I need them (if I know far enough in advance). I'm glad it all worked out and you were able to get what you needed. And I also only use Schmetz needles!

  5. Love your fish blocks you are doing well with the scrappy blocks. The orange colours are beautiful.

  6. Such fun projects! Love your fish blocks. Supply chain woes are no joke. They've not hit me in the sewing room, but it has caused some issues at work.

  7. Thanks for a peek at your Row by Row, Preeti! Playing with scraps? Yes. Definitely a reason to call for take out food!

  8. What a wonderful way to inspire all of us with colour on all the cold and snowy days!

  9. Hi Preeti! One thing is better than the next as I scroll through your pretty eye candy this morning. OOOOOH - those March fabrics are so gorgeous. Drooling. Feb 16th is less than a week to see your row-by-row project but it certainly is fab from the little we can see. You're a tease - and I can picture you smiling over being caught. Yes, you are. JK! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  10. So many fun projects! Loved that your lights are still up. I used to leave mine up until the first of Feb. I say used to as I couldn't find them this year. Found the empty boxes but no lights. I guess I put them in a safe place (safe around my house means never to be found again.) Looking forward to your reveal. Your sneak peek is cute!

  11. These are all great but I love that scrappy improv. There's the uniform section and then the blocks that are different...keeps my eyes moving and smiling with surprises popping up. Thanks as always for sharing your gorgeous works. You inspire me each and every time!

  12. I love your scrappy aqua improv blocks. Just might add that one to my to do list.

  13. Love your way of dealing with supply chain issues, Preeti!! Works for me. Looking forward to your March project. Mine is currently just an idea, but I have gathered lots of photos and will proceed from there! So happy you finally received your thread and needles. I know you are too, right?! ;)

  14. Pretty aqua/teal happening in your studio, Preeti! I've been working on mine, too. Love the Lace & Grace colorways and I'm looking forward to your big reveal! Thanks for the sneak peek!!!

  15. If I tried to post only finished quilts, I wouldn't have anything to post! I actually like writing and reading about the process and seeing how people work - how many projects they work on, what joys and frustrations they go through in making each quilt.

  16. I love teal and aqua and all your blocks. The fish! I love those fish! Can't wait to see your row by row quilt! Have a great day!

  17. Those fish are great! love all the aquas

  18. I'm really interested in your improv blocks. Seems like a puzzle to put together. But so cool!

  19. Love the fish blocks and that orange is yummy!

  20. What bright and happy orange fabrics. The supply chain is causing lots of anxiety. Glad you finally got your threads and needles. Looks like you are all set for a while.

  21. I love your cheery checkerboard blocks! That orange/raspberry color combo is to die for. I have been pinning things in those colors and I cannot wait to see what gorgeousness you have in store for us!

  22. The fish blocks are so fun in any color! Love those beautiful oranges, too, and the thread is really scrumptious. I agree - playing with our scraps is the best way to tune out all the problems out there and relax!

  23. I love your yummy turquoise blocks. Every last one! I never tire of looking at the variety of prints in your projects. I can't wait to see your Row by Row--a long-forgotten (by me) but much enjoyed style of quilt-making. And those oranges. I know you'll do something awesome with them. I had to sew while waiting this month, too. Isn't it wonderful that we can take so much pleasure in our scraps instead of twiddling our thumbs impatiently?

  24. It is always a delight to visit you whether you have a finish to show or not! Why, this post is spilling over with happy colour and pattern. Love the backing fabric on your Row by Row scrummy! I look forward to this pretty quilt's reveal.

  25. Your teal blocks are beautiful. Quite sneaky of you to just give us a glimpse of your Row by Row quilt. Very vibrant fabrics to work with. Orange is one of my favorite colors also! March is going to be FUN!

  26. Your teal blocks are awesome. The batic scrap play looks as fun and excited to see more of your row quilt and the orange ;) Big squishy hug xo

  27. Gosh you sure went to town on those scraps! Love what you're doing with the leftover Island Batik scraps. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  28. I loved all the bright and cheerful blocks you had in this post -- such a range of scrap possibilities!
