
Thursday, January 27, 2022

Island Batik Step by Step Challenge

 The Island Batik challenge for January 2022 reads as follows: 

Island Batik has developed ten colorways of gradations with 20 steps in each. There are so many quilt projects that make use of gradations in color and value. Your challenge is to create a project that demonstrates this step by step change in color value!

I love this challenge. I absolutely do. I love creating quilts with gradations, where color (or value) gradually changes from one to the other. I made a Gradations quilt in Konark, even though it wasn't a requirement. Cross Currents was based on the same theme. Even the Iberian Lynx Project relies on gradually darkening values to convey the message of strengthening populations.

Tantalizing Teals :-)

I received the letter for the 2022 Ambassador Program in December 2021. I had recently completed my Synergy Quilt for the Make Modern magazine. As I read the requirements of the first challenge, I wondered - how would Synergy look with changing values of blue and green (instead of rainbow colors in the original)? Absolutely snazzy, said EQ8!

I wasted little time in cutting fabric but when I started cutting the grey background fabric, it did not feel right. Neither white nor black were giving me the warm fuzzy feeling I was looking for. Back to EQ8. Yellow it was!!! Although I had plenty of solid neutrals (Black, White and Grey). I had very little yellow solid. Within minutes, I ordered solid yellow. Now I had to sit tight and wait. So many gorgeous teals and I had to wait??? UNACCEPTABLE.

So, while I was waiting for the yellow solid fabric to arrive, I made this other quilt with the step by step gradations theme.  I am calling this one Supernova :-)


I know I am crazy. But look at these tantalizing teals. Do you really blame me? I was hungry and Gradations is my favorite food group :-D

Frozen Pond = Poor Reflections :-(

I used Hobbs Thermore batting. This is my favorite batting because it is really light and so easy to work with. I used Schmetz Microtex 80/12 needles for both piecing and quilting. I used Aurifil Thread (40 wt) #2600 Dove for quilting.
Here are a few more pictures.

Supernova on Snow

Thank you Paul!

Yummy Fabrics - Step by Step

Once yellow solid arrived (thanks to a rapid response from Maryellen), I made Synergy in Tantalizing Teals with a Solid Yellow background.  I used Hobbs Premium 80/20 Cotton batting and quilted with Aurifil thread (40 wt) using the Schmetz Microtex 80/12 needle.

The Yellow sings and the Teals dance on the hot surface. And I am thrilled with this song and dance quilt!!!

Jubilant Quilt - Dull Reflection

I wanted a reflection of this simmering yellow in a cool pool, but alas all ponds are frozen resulting in blah reflections. May be in a couple of months, I will try again.

Against a red brick wall will do nicely

Winter is cold, Quilt is Hot

Snow does make a great setting

Dreary Urban Backdrop = Perfect for a Bright Quilt

Supernova finished at 52" square and Synergy (in Tantalizing Teals) finished at 56" by 70". Quilted using my walking foot. Used background fabrics for both bindings. Overall, I am very happy with my January, except the frozen bit. But enough about me. I'd love to hear from you. I will be sharing with all my favorite linky parties. See full list on the sidebar.

The Island Batik February Challenge and Blog Hop begins on January 31. I will be posting on February 16. You don't want to miss it. 

The other Island Batik Ambassadors are busy posting their “Step by Step” challenge quilts.
Do check them out. 

Disclosure: The fabrics, batting, thread and needles were generously supplied by the following companies: Island Batik   Aurifil Thread   Hobbs Batting & Schmetz Needles !!


  1. Synergy is beautiful! I love it on the snow too. It makes the light corner blocks look like they're glowing. Great job, Preeti!

  2. Synergy is a bright spot for these deep winter days.

  3. Supernova just glows! It is so pretty, and you know I love the yellow synergy quilt. Wonderful shots of color for a gray winter!

  4. Beautiful quilts they just glow!

  5. Both are absolutely stunning! Gradations are a favorite food group for me, too. :)

  6. You are a master of gradations in your quilting, Preeti! Supernova is beautiful!

  7. supernova is totally perfect. any chance of a pattern?

  8. Both quilts, absolutely beautiful! Synergy in Teal and Yellow! Inspired!

  9. Both of your quilts are stunning, but we always expect stunning from you;) no pressure, hehe.

  10. Just gorgeous! I made a Supernova, different from yours, for an Island Batik challenge, too. I love yours and the black is stunning as a background. The yellow background was worth waiting for and I think the quilt needs to go to Bermuda for a photo shoot!

  11. Look at you go - you are just a creating monster... or wait - Creating Whiz!! that sounds better. Love your quilts!!!

  12. Both quilts really do highlight the gradated teals - beautiful choice of backgrounds and of course lovely, and interesting, photography.

  13. Wow, Supernova is amazing. I love how the teal gradations make it look 3D.

  14. Lol, favorite food group - I would vote for chocolate ;) But your two quilts are absolutely eatable! The teals on yellow - stunning. I am glad you ordered the perfect background, even though it meant waiting. It was so worth it! xo

  15. The Supernova quilt positively glows!! And the Synergy quilt is a dose of happy in a winter landscape. It may be fun for you to retake the quilts with the reflections in the pools later, but I quite like the soft reflection in the ice.

  16. Synergy in teals on yellow for the win, Preeti!! It made for an absolutely radiant quilt. LOVE!!!

  17. I loved both of these when I saw them on Instagram; finally had a chance to pop over to read the nitty gritty behind the making of them. I am loving how you are using these batiks, Preeti -- the quilts have the bold geometry and dramatic impact of solid fabrics, but with an extra something special from the batik textures that makes them sizzle and shimmer with energy!

  18. I love how you know how to play with gradations, your quilts are always so wow! Of course I LOVE Supernova, as I love Synergy too ;)
    Thank you for sharing your pretty frozen photos, and linking up ;)

  19. Supernova! Yum. Love the boldness of the quilting thread. I assume a gray maybe? Synergy just pops with wonderful color. Both are bold wonderfulness in color!

  20. Those gradations of blue on the black background are stunning! Stunning quilting, too. Another amazing finish, Preeti!

  21. I LOVE supernova, just beautiful! Synergy is lovely too but supernova is my favorite, just love those colors. Happy stitching!

  22. Two amazing gradated quilts, Preeti!!! Super Nova is so stunning with the black background! Love the effect of the photo reflected on the frozen pond!!!

  23. That yellow background sure brightens up a dreary day! Great quilts

  24. I love gradients too! Looks like you're having fun. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
