Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Mixed Feelings

A Colorwash quilt is one in which the placement of colored squares mimics the color wheel with the lightest area near the center and darkest areas in the corners.

On a cloudy morning

One thing is obvious - The gradual transition from almost white (in or near the center) to almost black (at the edges/corners) is the essence of making such a quilt.

But everything else is subjective.

Colorwash Layout (almost)

The Colorwash 360 class taught by Wanda Hanson of Exuberant Color came with many organizing tips and lots of guidelines were provided but most of the actual design process is Trial and Error.

This was the first time (I think) this class was offered.  So there were no previous reviews to help me decide whether I should sign up for this class.

At $297, it is the most expensive class I have ever taken.
And that was just the beginning. I also needed at least 300 different fabrics.
A kit was priced at $175. I decided against it.

Organizing (not all my stash)

When I finished organizing my fabric in preparation for the class, I realized I needed more fabric. I bought about 20 different charm packs (from MSQC, FQS, Craftsy, and Hancocks) for a wide range of colors and values. That was about $150.

I begged Jennifer for browns and Mari helped me with dark greens.

At the design wall

Lots more cutting and organizing and preparing.
Lots of time at the design wall.
Lots of trial and error. Place a few squares, step away, notice the issue, come back to the wall and fix it, step away, notice another issue at another place. Repeat.
Lots of do-overs.
Lots of frustration.


One of the problems with such a quilt is that it is never really done because you can always improve it. Swap out that one square, or move that other one so that it flows better, so that there is not a sharp jump from one value to the next.

Are we there yet?

Eventually I decided to call it done. And the final layout met with universal approval.
Breathtakingly beautiful, one of my non-quilty friends remarked.
A co-worker, who has artistic leanings and used to paint (before the mind-numbing number crunching destroyed his soul) said - Don't change a thing.

Almost Flimsy

The sewing together of the squares was not without issues either. Wanda had suggested we make a 5 by 5 square block to practice the webbing. I made one and knew that I needed more practice keeping seams straight and uniform. So I made another and another and one more to get the hang of it.

5 by 5 layout for webbing practice

Clipped and Numbered

No slippage

Begin practice sewing

Continue practice sewing

Webbed but wonky
One thing became abundantly clear to me - This class was out of my league.

Not one but four practice pieces

Generally speaking, I sew two pieces together with a scant 1/4" seam, iron it open, square and move to the next piece. THAT is how my points match and seams stay straight.  But in the webbing process, there is no room for correction. From start to finish you rely on sewing accurate and straight seams. Yeah, not for the (relative) newbie like me. And although I followed the webbing process the best I could, the seams do not match in many places.

Begin actual sewing

Halfway done

Finished Top - So Crooked

Once the top was completed, mismatched seams notwithstanding, I made the binding. Layered the batting and the backing and waited for the invisible thread to arrive in the mail, while I read up on how to quilt with invisible thread.  After reading all the stories about tension and rapid unspooling, I decided against it. I worked on other projects.

The inspiration for the quilting pattern came from Pat Graham, another student in the Colorwash360 class. Wanda had shared some of the completed quilts.  Pat's quilt had a circle in the middle with rays radiating to the edges.

Begin quilting
I chose to quilt an octagon in the center and spiral it out. I marked the top on Friday evening and
quilted on Saturday. I used Aurifil 40 weight thread, color 2600 for the quilting.

Octagon in the middle

The hand binding was completed on Sunday.  I then pinned it to my design wall to admire it.

The Blue/Purple corner

Yellow Green Orange Brown

Red to Red Orange to Orange

The Red Corner

The Blue, Blue-Green, Green Corner

Paul: This may be the best quilt you've ever made.
Preeti: It does have great visual appeal.
Paul: Does it have a name?
Preeti: Mixed Feelings.
Paul: Mixed, how?
Preeti: Because it was a frustrating process with a spectacular outcome. Also, this was an excellent class at an exorbitant price.

Dragonfly caught in the Spiderweb

Paul: Was it worth it?
Preeti: I don't know.
Paul: Oh come on.
Preeti: OK, if I made a dozen colorwash quilts and I could sell at least 3 or 4 of them, then it would be worth the investment.
Paul: Are you going to make more of these colorburst quilts?
Preeti: Not sure. If someone offered me a boatload of money for a commissioned piece, I may be inclined to make another one.

Octagonal Spiral Quilting
Paul: So no?
Preeti (agitated) : Geez, thanks for the vote of confidence, Paul. Occasionally, I HAVE received money for my quilts.
Paul (calmly): Was it a boatload?
Preeti (subdued): Not really.
Paul: So the answer is that it was NOT worth it.
Preeti: The answer is may be it was worth it. May be in 10 years. I can't say.

Bound and Labelled

Paul: Forget the expenses part. Did you learn a lot?
Preeti: Yes, a LOT. May be too much too soon.
Paul: What does that mean?
Preeti: Like a middle school kid taking a college course. I struggled with it.
Paul: Then why did you sign up for it?
Preeti: I wanted to take the class because Wanda Hanson is an accomplished quilter. Her body of work is very impressive. I just did not know what it would entail. I saw no reviews.
Paul: But why not wait a few years?
Preeti: Wanda is 78 years old. She may stop teaching by the time I am actually ready to take the class.

The Tiger lurks in the shadows
Paul: So you had to do it and now.
Preeti: It had to be now and I was ill-equipped.
Paul: You? Ill-equipped? Not possible.
Preeti: If you have been quilting for longer, you have a bigger stash to work from. I did not. More importantly, there are things about color and value that you learn over the course of time. These come naturally to more experienced quilters, but I had to learn in a compressed time frame.  Hence the struggle and the frustration. It was hard work.
Paul (mockingly): And you are not used to hard work, my American princess!!!
Preeti (mockingly as well): Not any more. I am a spoiled American now. When I spend $500, all the work should be done for me, automatically.
Paul: Well, I love Mixed Feelings.
Preeti: Of course you do. You are enjoying the outcome without having to endure the painful process.

The quilt looks back at you

Paul: What process?
Preeti: The process of making this quilt was like a long, painful, and difficult labor with a huge hospital bill. The baby is absolutely beautiful, angelic and everyone instantly falls in love with her.  Only the mother knows the pain.
Paul: Actual physical pain?
Preeti: Yes. My back hurt from standing too long at the design wall - arranging and re-arranging the squares in the upper half.
My butt hurt from sitting too long on a foot stool (placed a cushion on day two) while working on the lower section of the design wall.
And then I was afraid like a new mom, (it took forever to come up with an appropriate quilting design) to not mess up the beautiful baby.
And just like a pregnancy, I am sure the next one will be easier.  It may be a while (or a very long time) before I contemplate a second Colorwash baby.
Paul (walked menacingly towards the quilt): Well, if the quilt reminds you so much of the painful process...
Preeti: Get out. Nobody touches my baby!

Mixed Feelings

I have shared my process, my frustration, my true feelings and the final outcome so that you can make an informed decision. And I ask for the same in return - your honest opinion.
Don't try to be nice, just be true. I will be sharing with all my favorite linky parties, see full list on the sidebar.


  1. You have created an absolutely gorgeous “baby” and I love the spiderweb quilting you chose too. I would not call you a beginner quilter at all!

  2. It is gorgeous! There's never a perfect layout for these and you've done a fabulous job.

  3. I've always admired these quilts, but couldn't even imagine figuring out where to start. I've been quilting for more than 20 years and just the idea has kept me from trying. I never thought of taking a class...but you did. You embraced the challenge and (unlike too many of my quilting friends) saw it through to completion. Sure, not all your seams match and maybe your quilting isn't what you initially envisioned (so what if you chickened out with the invisible thread - you have it for next time), but you have learned a skill. A big one. I don't think color theory comes naturally just because you've been quilting longer, I think it comes from careful study, and this is a huge leap for you. Not everything can be a masterpiece. But I think, based on what you've told us here, this class was worth every penny. You'll use the knowledge over and over, whether you realize you're doing it or not. And you'll have the memories, too...the good and the bad. So hang that quilt proudly and think "I can do anything" every time you see it. Because you can.

  4. What a gorgeous quilt--looks just as good as Wanda's in terms of the colour wash! My feedback--perhaps put one more octagon of quilting in the centre so the quilting lines are even throughout. And I don't view you as a beginning quilter considering some of the quilts you've made--you're at least intermediate if not advanced.

    I don't quite know what you mean by the webbing process, do you just mean the process of sewing the billion tiny squares together? Webbing makes me think of the quilters who use fusible stuff with pre-printed grids, but it doesn't look like you've used that here. Actually, I think that pre-printed grid fusible stuff would work well for a quilt like this, if you can get it in a large enough size. You'd be guaranteed straight seams and even points, assuming you placed each square correctly.

    As for the price, to be blunt I think that Craftsy etc severely undercut what it really is worth to take an online class. I know of a few other independent quilters who offer online classes, and the cost is very similar to Wanda's.

    1. Webbing is essentially chain-piecing but you don't snip the threads in between. Moda Bake Shop has a tutorial (http://www.modabakeshop.com/2016/07/bake-shop-basics-webbing-and-candy-sack-tutorial.html) and there is a youtube video describing the process - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBcHBR_FLJ0. You can skip the first four minutes of the video.

  5. it turned out great - Wanda does lovely quilts doesn't she. I was tempted to take the class as I have corresponded with Wanda for years but then decided no - we both have different styles of quilting and this was not something I wanted to learn even though I admire her work greatly - really you did a good job on this and it is very pretty

  6. Truthfully, I love the quilt, Preeti. I considered taking that class, but honestly, the price stopped me. I'm pretty sure I would've struggled with the precise seam in the web step. In the end, though, you have done an amazing quilt that will always have a story and memory. The quilting is just so cool. I may try the idea on a quilt top that's waiting for me.

  7. It is absolutely beautiful - as you are. I appreciate all the work in placing the squares. This is not something I would attempt. I disagree that the course was beyond you. I think the challenge was just right for your continued growth in quilting. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  8. its amazing, Preeti! How impressed I am!

  9. The quilt is a success. Congratulations! I teach anesthesiology residents. Because of scheduling, some will do a challenging rotation much earlier in their program than others. They struggle more initially than those who are almost finished, but by the time the block is over, they are skilled and have a better base for the rest of their training. I'm thinking this quilt is a bit like that. You may have done it early, but you certainly conquered it, and now have skills for the rest of your quilting journey. Well done.

    1. This is such a great analogy - very helpful for Preeti and also for those of us reading it. :-)

  10. You make beautiful babies! This quilt is absolutely gorgeous! Love it!

  11. I love it!! You are correct when you say it is like giving birth. Placing all those squares and then what starts with moving just one little square can lead to moving a few more then a few more. I think you have the perfect blend of colour.

  12. It's gorgeous! And my bet is you'll find that the learning was so worth it in a few months. AND, when you decide to do another, let me know. I've got scraps and some precut squares that look like the size you used, and I will be very happy to share with you! (and stuff them in your mailbox on a random Thursday.)

  13. Preeti, you did a marvelous job of capturing this class experience - but you are wrong about not being ready to take it. YES, you were ready and you were right to take Wanda's initial offering of Colorwash 360 NOW for ever so many reasons. This investment in yourself will pay off every time you sit down to sew, whether you know it or not. I've been making quilts for 18 years now and I learned more in this class as I did in the very first class I took at my LQS. And yes, I struggled like you did even thought I bought one of the KF kits of squares to jump start my project. The physical pains you describe so beautifully were indeed real - arm and shoulders from reaching up, butts from sitting and pondering (or sewing), and brain pain from thinking and tweaking, and trying to make it perfect - but like childbirth (what a GREAT analogy), it was definitely worth the struggle. Congrats to you for stepping up and going for it! (and what a cool quilting design and terrific quilt name)

  14. I've taken many classes after which I wondered whether the cost was worth the experience. Oftentimes, what I learned was something I could have easily learned from a book or a friend. Wanda's class seems like one whose lessons will stay with you for a while, and like you said: this may have been your only chance to take it. One way or another, your finished project is *beautiful*. I say, enjoy it!

  15. I cannot imagine all you went through for this quilt. Personally I wouldn't do it(my brain would hurt too much, LOL). BUT you did an awesome job, it looks wonderful!! Kudos to you for sticking with it:)

  16. This is absolutely gorgeous and I totally understand why you would call it "Mixed Feelings"! Ultimately, I do think you'll end up being happy that you took the class (despite the cost!) -- there's a great many foundational techniques that are used here and even if you don't *recognize* that you're using the techniques, you'll use them in future quilts when picking colors, working on layouts, and constructing tops. The quilting on this is just perfect for it and reminds me of the color wheels we had in art class in high school. :D

  17. Rest assured Preeti that this is gorgeous! I admire how you stuck to it and didn't give up. A quilt like this could drive a person insane...moving pieces around, accuracy, getting just the right colors. Be proud! It's stunning! I'm a real cheapy when it comes to classes. I honestly don't understand how or why they have to be so expensive! I'm not sure what this web technique is that you talk about!

  18. Like Jayne, I don't know what you are referring to with the webbing process?

    I totally get your frustration Preeti but this is an incredible piece of art. I feel badly you didn't enjoy the process but wow! I am so glad you stuck with it and actually finished it. Think of how many projects languish in a dark closet because a quilter became frustrated and just grew weary of trying. You are a tenacious gal and finished it!! It is spectacular. Please don't give it away. It is your baby and I hope you will enjoy it. I would put a sleeve on it and hang it on a wall. It deserves to be looked at from a bit of a distance to really get the feel of it all.
    So smart to use Kaffe in this - those fabrics are perfect for this sort of quilt.
    Finally, next time you start something requiring so many fabrics, put out a call for charms. People will gladly mail you some and then after receiving extras from everyone, you can inventory and see what you have to purchase. I have 3 billion and would be very happy to share some with you (or anyone reading this that is in need of various colors)

    Be proud of your baby Preeti. She is beautiful. (I don't think this is a he, do you?)

    1. Yes, she is beautiful and you are generous in every way possible.

  19. Preeti,
    This is surely a masterpiece. The colorwash adds so much movement. Love your thoughts on your trial and error process. But that fabric stash - surely you don't keep it so organized? Please tell me it's usually a mess and you cleaned it up for the photo shoot. Otherwise I may have to hate you for being organized and creative :-)

  20. It really is a super quilt. I love that you included the analysis with your husband!

  21. Oh my goodness, I'm having this EXACT SAME conversation with my husband, except about a book I'm editing. It has worked me mentally like I've never experienced, I've been paid nothing at all but have spent hundreds of hours on it (and if/when I am paid eventually, it will not be even half the market rate for editing/ghost writing), and I have no interest in working with this person again unless the stipulations of the project change substantially.

    But at the same time, I can't say that I regret the past 6 months and I'm damn proud of the work I've produced!

    You should be too! That quilt is awesome and definitely belongs on the wall! Happy holidays!

  22. Hi Pretti! I was wondering what you were up to, as I hadn't seen a post in a bit. Well, now I certainly know. This is so well designed and laid out. I can only imagine the number of times each individual piece was moved, moved back, and then switched around again. You really have a true talent and design eye, in my opinion. And my only comment about the difficulty of the class and pattern is that if it were easy, everyone would make one. Yours is unique and beautiful just like your baby. I love the octagon quilting design pattern! I can honestly say I have never thought to go down that shape path! Another great choice, and I'm going to PIN your nice closeup shot so I can recall it in the future. Happy Happy Wednesday to you. ~smile~ Roseanne

  23. Honestly, it is beautiful. I saw many quilts in a linky and this is the one that drew me in. I love how the centre glows. You should be very proud.

  24. Wow, I had no idea how involved a quilt like this would be. I see Wanda's quilts on her blog, and she seems to crank them out like crazy--your post has given me a new appreciation for the process. Yeah, your seams don't all match just so, but the colorwash layout is very forgiving, I think. As for me, you've just convinced me to stick to ombre fabrics for that faded look!

  25. Congratulations on an exceptional piece of art. The farther away you can get from it the more it glows from within.

  26. I love your post! You made me smile so much. I have considered making a color wash quilt, but keep putting if off. Could it be that I already have too many WIPS to begin something new? Or is it that I am intimidated? Well, you give us all food for thought. Your quilt is gorgeous and I wouldn't have considered the back breaking work that is involved. Thanks for the humorous, yes honest assessment. I can tell you that the quilt is beautiful. For all that it took out of you, take some time postpartum to enjoy it before next embarking on anything huge!

  27. Preeti, this is a masterpiece! Truly gorgeous!! So glad you persevered and the result is amazing!!

  28. It's stunning and I don't think any of us can see the wonkiness. We can see it glow however, in all it's awesome beauty. I feel your pain and frustration however and I'm sure I would have felt the same way. I'm glad you had some folks who could share their stash with you.

  29. It really is beautiful, and if anyone's looking critically at your seams, they're missing the point and being a bit of a tragic, aren't they? Honestly, no-one looks at a first baby and makes a list of everything that's not perfect about her. Instead, we're looking at this quilt and marvelling at what your labour has brought forth. I've never taken a class and probably never will for a variety of reasons, but this one sounds as if it has taught you things about colour, value and construction which will stick with you and prove useful in the future. Like giving birth, you've been stretched, and it can be painful! Congratulations on persisting, finishing and sharing. You do good work :-)

  30. It sounds like with all the fabric you've purchased, you have plenty to do another quilt. Or five! As for getting a boatload of money for them, the jury's out on that. If I were you, I'd just stick with this original quilt - that way it's special, it's all yours, and nobody else can enjoy the fruits of your labor. Splendid work!

  31. I think the quilt is breathtakingly beautiful,
    and you should be proud of it and yourself. I have a question, though. Why did you have to use the webbing?

    1. The webbing method was recommended by Wanda. That is how she puts together her tops. It ensures that all squares stay in place.

  32. wow! Such a huge process. You made an incredible quilt. Nicely done. Thank you for describing the process, what a lot of work.

  33. Preeti, I also think your colorwash quilt is breath-takingly beautiful! I loved hearing about your process, and can really understand how challenging it was. Congratulations on an amazing finish!

  34. True opinion here and not just saying this, your quilt is outstanding. It looks JUST LIKE the ones Wanda makes! Since the colors are supposed to blend, who cares if the corner seams don't match up? I wouldn't. When I look at that all I see is glorious color (which is what Wanda is known for). I think you knocked it out of the ballpark. Good for you for tackling something new, sticking with it, even when it frustated you, and creating a masterpiece. Thanks for the video link to the webbing. I had never heard of that before. I learned something new today!

  35. It's amazing. I love how you quilted it. And I love reading all your conversations with Paul.

  36. Oh, Preeti, this is absolutely breathtaking--and I think worth all the money you paid (although the quilt is priceless) and the frustration (turned to triumph). I love the shape of the glowing light and the little twinkles here and there from some of the designs in the fabrics. You seem to have learned so much from the process, and I'm sure we are benefiting, too, from what you learned as we read your description of your process. I hadn't thought of it until I saw some of your earlier posts just how many different fabrics a quilt like this needs. The webbing does sound challenging, but I can sort of see why it's a chosen technique for this kind of quilt. I think in a colorwash quilt, slightly off seams might not be an issue--the flow of the colors and values is the main thing. And the quilting--I love how it ripples out from the middle. You birthed a beautiful baby. Remember, babies need to be admired and cuddled and cooed over. A lot. I hope you have a special place planned for her so you can show her off to everyone. And as, always, your conversations with Paul are priceless!

  37. I can appreciate your frustration. Learning new things and new ways are uncomfortable. It pushes past settling and just going with the flow. I always told my art students that the word "work" in artwork is just that. You persevered and finished and learned more than you know. Every piece we do is not perfect. Gives us a reason get up and work again on something every day. I totally recommend Wanda's course and teaching for specific reasons. I gave specifics on my blog, not to take space in yours. Webbing has saved my construction sanity.

  38. Preeti, your colorwash quilt is a stunning piece of art. I think I learned a lot just by reading your post (for example, I know I will never have the chops to make one). But since when is the value of our quilts (and by extension, our selves) based on how closely seams match up? Only expert quilters would even notice any mismatches. I certainly wouldn’t have if you hadn’t pointed out your webbing struggles. So relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor (pun intended), for your baby IS perfect!!

  39. You made a very beautiful "baby" :) And I think the quilting thread, you picked, if perfect. It blends very well with all the different light colors but does not jump out from the dark ones. I guess you will be like any mom: Now you can remember the pain but if we ask in a few month, it was totally worth it and not at all bad. You will be even more proud of your baby :)

    PS: Love your name - once again. Can I hire you to name mine :p

  40. Oh, Preeti, it did turn out really beautiful. Clearly you were ready for this class! I do understand your mixed feelings, though. You did learn many things, besides how to make this quilt: a)webbing is not for you! b)maybe dark colors aren't, either c)maybe classes like this aren't your thing, either. All of those seem like valuable lessons! Now go enjoy your baby (and start planning for the next one?) :)

    1. One more thing-- try out the invisible thread on those practice squares! You might like it!

  41. You only learn through challenging yourself. If you hadn't learned something then it would have been a waste of money. You will have this knowledge for ever so good for you, your quilt is fantastic.

  42. A beautiful quilt, Preeti. I'd look at it this way: you paid for a grad school class rather than several short seminars. The subject matter moved along through the process rather than repeating many steps. I took a Master quilting class years ago from Catherine Anthony (Libby Lehman's mother.) Gasped about the price but had a wonderful time and learned things that still influence my quilting today 30 years later.

    I also overbought fabric and spent years using it up. Hmm.

    As for the webbing... I thought I'd invented that. It's the way I sew blocks and I even made a tutorial. Ah, well. Nothing new... again.

    I love the conversations you share between you and your husband.

  43. this is just stunning, Preeti! I enjoyed reading about your process, and all of the lessons you learned. Only you know for sure, but I would say that the gorgeous result was definitely worth all of the frustration.

    :) Kelly

  44. She is truly a beautiful baby. YOUR creation. If you'd wanted a quilt exactly like Wanda would make, you could have skipped the class and bought one of hers. The total cost would have been about the same, but in making your own colorwash you (and Paul) can enjoy both the beauty the world sees in your quilt, and the knowledge of your own time and talent and aches and awe and LOVE instilled in your creation. Brava!
    susanprincess at att dot net, one of your many admirers.

  45. I am so thrilled your new baby Colowash named Mixed Feelings is so gorgeous. Just think how many other quilters would not even attempt what you completed(?)!!
    About 2009 I retired as did hubby. I decided quilting would be my hobby. Or rather I I have chosen to collect material for my hobby as I HATE to cut into it. The first time I attempted to cut into material to try EPP quilting I could not cut it. The box was put away for six years. About three or four years ago I started purchasing the EPP acrylic patterns (Monthly subscriptions). I had at first purchased the paper pieces. I cannot see through the paper. I am able to see through the acrylic. I see beautiful material begging me not to cut into it!
    There are three fabric and quilt shops in the Evansville area. I have checked with each to see if they know of a quilt guild in the area. I truly believe if I had someone actually showing me how to chose those perfect sections to cut for EPP I might be able to do it. I am just stymied.
    You are brilliant, your new baby was worth it. I am so sorry they all come with birthing pains. My next - first- had me having birthing pains before the first cut!
    I am still waiting for your first book to be published. I am positive it will be entertaining!

  46. The class was too expensive for me, and I can understand having to declare the pieces finished. I can imagine myself changing things, and with each changing, needing to change something else. I've done plenty of that with normal blocks, and this type of quilt would magnify that issue.

    It turned out to be a gorgeous quilt! I can see your reservations with the difficulty level. I think you have great skills maybe you didn't know, since you managed to finish the quilt so beautifully. You learned everything you needed to finish the quilt.

    Maybe this is one of those quilts that need to be made in the background, so you can take the time to contemplate all the decisions little by little over different lighting situations and different moods. Also as to the sewing part, they do make a fusible grid, you fuse the pieces to it, and then sew straight down.

  47. Preeti, your quilt is gorgeous! You nailed the color placement, and I love your quilting. I use the web sewing method a lot and really think it saves time. Plus, I'm less likely to get a block out of order. Wonderful finish! Beautiful baby. :)

  48. Excellent! I love your review, very fair and heartfelt. But you learned so much about color and value that can translate to all quilting and design. And there is not a better teacher than Wanda for that.
    I do agree about the webbing....it is difficult to get at first, but does get easier. Of course, I cheat and use a fusible interfacing for my squares when I do water color/ colorwash quilts.
    And you really learned the secret to this technique is variety in fabrics....lots of fabrics. You now have a treasure trove of info to go forth and sew.

  49. seriously, when I look at it critically I can find those points that don't exactly match. Of course to that I say "so what! big deal!" because the quilt is lovely and your color blending is pretty darned amazing for a first colorwash. Now I wish I had taken that course when it was offered.
    I need to learn the webbing technique. And also practice color and value in fabric. In paint, that is pretty easy for me, but fabric is different - or seems so to me.

    1. and if you had not mentioned the "points not matching" - I wouldn't have noticed, most likely.

  50. I always enjoy the way you share the process! Your color design is perfect. I would not have noticed the slight issue with points. The quilting is wonderful. This is an heirloom piece-beautiful and one of a kind. I was shocked at the financial investment. I was also surprised to hear you say you are a new quilter. I've admired many of our quilts. Enjoy this quilt- display it proudly. mary

  51. You know - you totally make my day!! I love this quilt - it radiates color! its beautiful... but you are a "spoiled american" now - I laughed so hard..... your the best Preeti!!! Oh and the quilting on it was perfect!

  52. This is the most honest post I've ever read. Thank you for sharing the real struggles. You've got a masterpiece here so, if it was me, it would definitely be worth it. I think the stress of not perfect seams is completely muted by the movement of the colors. I've only used invisible thread once. I had no trouble with it but it's plastic and you can feel it in your finish. I won't use it again. I love Aurifil 2600 and buy it on that huge spool. It blends with everything and disappears. Great quilting decision here, too. A total win! Congratulations!

  53. I think the baby proves the value of the class. You learned a lot and you loved it enough to find the best quilting motif to highlight its beauty. If it didn't touch something in you it wouldn't have mattered - the quilting would have been like lipstick on a pig. You have created your masterpiece to date.

  54. I love the fact that you made your Colorwash "baby" your own with a more affordable fabric selection and a creative quilting solution!! I love the fact that you were so candid about the class and the entire process. Thank you for sharing that AND your beautiful little one with us!

  55. Preeti, your baby is stunning! You should be very proud! Was choosing the fabric for binding difficult? You have chosen the perfect one. Thank your for sharing your process along with the struggles I enjoyed reading every word.

    1. Thank you, Paige. No, it wasn't difficult. Wanda had suggested using purple for binding.

  56. My honest opinion is that your baby is beautiful! I don't know if it's the most beautiful in the world, but for me, it looks so perfect. Love the lighter spot, and all your colored corners. The quilting is perfect too, I love this idea of octagon, and I may even stole it from you ;)
    Thanks for sharing your process, sounds hard, but you can be very proud of the result.

  57. It is lovely! I wouldn't worry about mismatched seams, my quilts have heaps of mismatched seams and sewn off points, and they are lovely nonetheless. Of course, I am biased. Think of the analogy with the baby. Your baby may be perfect, for about a second after it is born. Then, all too soon, it becomes clear that your child is just another imperfect human being, much like you are. But you love it to bits, despite all the "faults" and despite the hurt (which continues after labour, trust me :-)). So I would say to love this baby without reserve, and take the lessons learned and forget the cost. You asked for an honest opinion: lovely quilt, absolutely stunning, not sure about the quilting (I would have preferred a conservative grid), but then it's your baby, not mine :-).

  58. I think it is gorgeous. I have always wanted to make one but i figured it would have to live on the design wall for quite a while and i like working on several things at once. i printed out the picture of yours and i'm sure i will give it a try soon. thanks for being my inspiration.

  59. I think your quilt is amazing and I think you are amazing. You accomplished this just like a pro!

    Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  60. Truly a beautiful quilt! And it certainly requires quite the stash in order to pull it off - congrats to you for acquiring the necessary FQ's to make it work.

  61. A well written honest post, thankyou Pretti! I can assure you, any mismatched seams won't be seen from afar. Your chosen fabrics are perfect to create that gentle colour merging, not an easy thing to accomplish. What's so great here is that you tried something new, and my goodness what a wonderful result!

  62. Your quilt is beautiful. I've been quilting a long time and have a stash, but I do not think I have what it takes to make a watercolor quilt. After your description, I'm not sure I want to do anything but enjoy other people's babies. :) You did an absolutely beautiful job.

  63. I love everything! I only wish you'd let me know that you needed fabrics. (I may have a few I could have spared. I'm a 40-year stasher.)
    The name is just fun. Stop beating yourself up about the cost (monetarily and physically) and enjoy the quilt. This one, I hope, is yours. Love it!

  64. Congratulations, that is a beautiful quilt! One thing I learnt (in a teaching course) is that if it isn't hard to do, one is not learning! What you have learnt will stay with you.

  65. I LOVE it when quilters detail their frustrations. Keepin it real.
    I have followed Wanda for quite awhile and am familiar with her colorwash quilts. I also picked up two books (thrift) on the subject. I haven't as of yet actually began making one of these quilts. I did a fabric pull of the recommended florals, etc. I know I am not a fan of pieces of fabric any smaller than 2-1/2". Maybe 2019 will be my year of the Colorwash, we'll see ...

  66. It's a gorgeous quilt! You worked through all that frustration, experimented with new skills and came out the other side a more experienced quilter. I hope you felt fantastic after that journey.

  67. Hi, Preeti! I just stopped in on whim to see what you've made lately. Always, always eye candy for me. Wowee, this Colorwash baby is a beauty. I cannot fathom the patience to work through it. You've done valiantly to persevere through the labor. I wish I'd know you needed scraps--I have more than enough that I'm trying to part with. Your sense of color is nothing like a newbie's, nor is your skill. Don't underestimate yourself. And I agree--wouldn't be worth selling, or --for me--even being commissioned. (The frustration would be compounded by a deadline and someone else's expectations.) At any rate, you've gleaned the reward of a hard job . Kudoes, my friend.

    Speaking of hard labor, my daughter-in-law, had a very difficult one on Nov 19, but she gave birth to twins--a boy and a girl--who are the absolute LOVES OF MY LIFE! Nothing compares. Oh, my, the joy of my heart just to see their faces, and then my soul swells when I hold them, to know that God heard and answered our prayers after 4 long years. I could go on and on....

    Happy 2019, my friend.

  68. Gorgeous! and I love the running commentary.

  69. I took a colorwash class like this back in the 90s. It only cost me $20.00 and a few fat quarters of fabric. We cut the squares and then traded with other class members. I traded and arranged and rearranged to get the colors just right starting with the lightest in the upper left corner and gradually getting darker. I took them down about half way through and added more to make it larger. I measured a few squares and some were way off with the measurement. I took it all down and threw the squares in a bag in the cupboard. They are still hiding there. I am so glad you continued and finished your quilt. It really is beautiful!

  70. Preeti, each time I see your colorwash quilt, I love it. Now reading your post, I'm equally impressed. It really is just beautiful. I pondered over that class offering, but the cost was prohibitive, and it scared me - haha. I'd love to make a colorwash someday. Proud of you for taking the class, sticking with it, and being honest about the process. That is a quilt you should always keep, admire, and feel proud about finishing.

  71. Well now, Miss Preeti, what’s left to say? I applaud your efforts, your honesty, your writing skill, and most importantly, your finished quilt. When we spoke in December, I hoped you’d persevere, and the results are astounding!

  72. I just started this class. I had never really thought about making a colorwash quilt and I didn't know about Wanda. I kinda fell on it a couple days before the deadline and they told me I would learn something about color. After about a day and a half of anguishing I signed up. Well, I have a huge stash and I always thought I had way too many bright large scale prints but this thing is messing with me. I just hope my end product is half as adorable as yours.

  73. I know you posted this years ago but I was searching for quilt inspiration and ran across your blog. This quilt is absolutely breathtaking and you should be very proud!

  74. What a beautiful quilt. You did a wonderful job explaining the process. I am interested in what you used and how you made your project board. I am interested in making a new one. Many Thanks!
