
Saturday, July 23, 2022

Catching up

It has been a very busy year for me. According to Paul, all the busy-ness is self-created and self-inflicted. He is mostly correct and even if he was not, I am not going to argue with him. He is the only quilt model I have in these pandemic times.  Cannot afford to irritate him. 

Paul: Really, how busy have you been?
Me: So busy that I have not made a single zippered bag this year.
Paul(in mock horror): NO. 
Me: Even before I finish this thing, I have the next one ready to go, with no time to play in between. 

Therefore the RSC blocks had fallen behind. But I am caught up now. 

Meet my June RSC blocks. 

Dark Blue for June

Paul: Neat!
Me: Thanks
Paul: How will you put these together?
Me: If I knew that, it wouldn't be called Improv Piecing. Would it?
Paul: So you don't know?
Me: Totally clueless. Pizza tonight?
Paul: Sure!!!

I really don't wish to dwell upon June. Cause you know that is old news (especially since Angela has already announced the color for August). 

So let me show the purple fabrics and blocks for July.

Starting Point

Chain Piecing

Strip Sets

Finally Blocks!!!

PHEW!!! I am caught up, finally. Sharing with Angela's Linky Party. Surprisingly, Angela too is "Catching up".  Wild coincidence!!!


My pattern Topsy Turvy was published in the Make Modern magazine, Issue 47.


And get the subscription. It is totally worth it.

It started here - just playing with scraps till something emerged.  The overwhelming response I received from you prompted me to formalize it into a pattern.  Here are a few more pictures. 




There are a few other projects that I cannot show at this time.  Here is a glimpse of the backings, as they were stuffed into a bag to be mailed. 

Island Batik - Sunset, Bumblebee and Lemongrass


Positivity 2022 Update

When Bernie and I decided to set up the Positivity QAL last year, we did not know what to expect. I had thought that if we got ten quilts that would be respectable. But we received more than 20. We were giddy with happiness.  Naturally, we decided to do it again this year. We even got more sponsors and more prizes. Similar to 2021, I set up a lazy schedule from Memorial Day to Labor Day. 

We had the Finished Flimsy Linky Party last Sunday and there were less than 10 link-ups in total. Thank you so much to all of you who are participating in the QAL. Honestly, I was expecting more and I am a bit saddened by the lack of response. On the upside, almost everyone who linked up with a completed flimsy will be getting a prize!!! Check out Bernie's blog on 7/24/22 for the prize announcement.

So if you have not yet participated but would like to win one of these awesome prizes (for the completed quilt reaching Mercyful Quilts), you can still join in. Although a free pattern/instructions have been provided, you can use any pattern of your choice. You still have four weeks to complete the quilt. See the detailed schedule.

I will baste my flimsy this weekend. Quilting next week.


Of course there are other projects in the works. Here is what I can show you.

I will be using all colors of the rainbow to make the August project for Island Batik.  It is a mini quilt!

Fabrics for Island Batik's August Project

In September, we have the Island Batik challenge and bloghop, featuring the Spring 2021 collections and Tools provided by Studio 180 Designs. 

Ready to sew HSTs

Using Tucker Trimmer to square HSTs

If your summer is lazy and relaxed with lots of ice cream, I am happy for you.  If your summer is a rollercoaster of one thing after another, hold my hand tight. I am right there with you :-)

I will be sharing with all my favorite linky parties. See full list on the sidebar.


  1. congratulations on making it into a magazine - that is a lovely pattern. I think you are probably much busier this year because of being an Island Batik ambassador.

  2. Oh Preeti-- you are so busy being creative and getting all of the great ideas out of your head and into the fabric. That's a great kind of busy! And if Paul is irritated, I will gladly model for you. (As long as I can hide behind the quilt.) Looking forward to the September quilt in those great colors. Congratulations on your new publication, too!

  3. Congrats on your PURPLE progress, your quilt pattern being published, and a pretty donation quilt that is one step closer to completion!

  4. You are always doing amazing things, Preeti! It's true that sometimes the to-do list gets overwhelming, mostly because we want to do. it. all!! I'm sorry I haven't joined in with Positivity this year - I just couldn't take on another project. But I am working on a smaller quilt that I will send off to a children's oncology unit in NC, so that will bring comfort to a little someone who needs it!

  5. Island Batik is keeping you busy, so is all the other things. Would you want it any other way? Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. Not ONE zippered bag?! Just teasing! You have been busy with a number of commitments, but being featured in a magazine is definitely some positive encouragement. Congrats! I'm sorry so few people are participating in the quilt along. Maybe with so many restrictions being lifted, time has shifted for them? I'm excited to do it, but still (even after all these years) intimidated some by my longarm, so better go find my big girl panties and get on with it!

  7. Love your RSC blocks. Missed them! And glad about that little behind the scene peek that shows us how you make them. I always wondered if they are single patches. Also don't be too sad about the positivity quilt along. I see a lot of people catching up on family, friends and vacation time(s) this summer - because of the covid years everyone is happy to finally enjoy this option again. xoxo

  8. My hubby says pretty much the same thing as your Paul when talking about being so busy. I think we like being busy, LOL. Congrats on getting published, very nice quilt.

  9. My husband also says my schedule is self inflicted. But he is the one that signed us up to host a huge event! I am planning to get a lot of sewing time in this coming week. Congratulations on your pattern in the magazine!

  10. Blue and purple both--you are all caught up, girl!!! They're beautiful!!!

  11. I agree with Melanie's comment above. This summer has people traveling and getting out a bit. Mercy Hospital so grateful to you for hosting this event - Plus, I suspect we will get a few quilts after the event finishes. Your purple blocks are delicious - I like the photos showing how you got them together.

  12. Your blue and purple blocks are delish! I get it about "catching up" as I was in a similar position. I do love your blocks and Gertie keeps whispering in my ear. . . .oh. . .but, there are so many started projects that need to be finished so they can be used! --TerryK

  13. Hi Preeti! My mojo went away sometime in June, but that's so old news. Miraculously, it reappeared last week and I didn't shoo it away. Instead, I said hey, welcome back! And I jumped into action. The resulting consequence will be revealed next week. A happy coincidence is that Positivity2022 will reap the rewards. Good thing Labor Day is a few weeks away. That will give me time for bindings! LOVE those fabrics for August. Ooh-la-la! {{Hugs}} a whole bunch! ~smile~ Roseanne

  14. Presto I love your QAL with Bernie but I just didn’t have the time to pull it off right now. I need projects that go on for several months since I am inundated. On top of that I recently fell and broke a bone in my shoulder. No way I can quilt something large. That said- I’m always happy to read your blog posts and wanted very much to participate. I can make a great quilt top but the quilting part is rough for me. Next year I’ll make it a must!! Congrats on the published quilt pattern. It’s wonderful!! I’m so happy for you!! You bring so many smiles to us all- paul is a lucky guy!!

  15. Oops autocorrect annoys me. Should have said Preeti no t presto!! Funny typo!

  16. What a beautiful pattern & quilt! Congratulations on the publication. Big pat on the back from over here! Sorry I didn't get my flimsy done in time for prizes but I went on retreat and didn't want to haul a big quilt with me. I will have it finished up for the Grand Finale! *smile*

  17. Preeti, this was yet another time that I couldn't keep up. Thank you for your ongoing efforts, encouragement, and inspiration! (I think that Make Modern is only available electronically, a format that's a challenge for me. I think a factor is that I equate online reading with speed--that I can't stop and ponder the way I do with print.)

  18. My quilt top is inching towards completion. I only have 6 more blocks to make. I will finish by the deadline...You can count on me!

    Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  19. Love the purple fabrics, especially your neutral with little stars. So exciting that you're getting published in magazines! Keep up the great work! And I can't wait to see what you make with the rainbow fabrics. I am a sucker for anything with all the colors.

  20. Great pattern and congrats on publishing. I've long been a fan of Studio 180 rulers and have way more than I actually use regularly. But the Tucker Trimmer is one of my favorites and it gets used frequently.

  21. It has been a busy summer for you. The pattern is fabulous in Make Modern - really love all the colors and that hint of color in the binding. I am sorry not to active in the QAL - just getting my "sea legs" back for sewing after the darn broken ankle.

  22. Your improv strips to squares look good. It will be fun to see how you put them together. You are always so busy with many projects. And you get them done and mailed. Congratulations.

  23. I love the Topsy Turvy quilt! Such a vibrant, happy piece. Congrats on the publication. I, too, am behind on the RSC challenge - just finishing up blue. Oh well, I am in good company. I am not fast enough to participate in the Positivity Quilt events or I certainly would.

  24. Lovely eye candy this week! That improv piecing is pretty. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  25. your June and July Catch up blocks are awesome!!!
    And yep - Summer got away from me - on the plus side I quilted 3 quilts from QuiltDiva and they have already arrived to Mercyful quilts... yay!!

  26. Topsy Turvy is a gorgeous quilt. I need to buy a copy of that magazine really soon. Those Island Batiks are really looking good also.
