
Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Island Batik Marvelous Mini Challenge

Island Batik's August Challenge is Marvelous Minis.

The guidelines are simple. 

Any technique, any pattern and size between 12" square and 24" square.

With such broad and open ended requirements, my mind went in many different directions... 

Improv Piecing because that is my favorite technique

Playing with Scraps

Rainbow theme because I could not pick just one color

Island Batik Rainbow

A Landscape Mini using gradations because they are just so beautiful


International Sisters because it made me slightly famous(scroll down)

But I kept coming back to the recent Supreme Court decision leaving us 

with fewer freedoms now than 49 years ago. 

That while the world moves ahead, America slips into the middle ages, 

is indeed a marvel.

What color am I?

Petite Sisters

What can we do? 

We fight for our rights, just like before, just like similar fights in other parts of the world. 

We persist. We persevere. We shall prevail.

Staying under 24"

"Nevertheless she persisted" is the slogan of choice, for obvious reasons. 

But I wanted to make sure it was more inclusive than just women. 

To include the queer community, I chose "Nevertheless, we persist".

I firmly believe that we are together in this fight for bodily autonomy.

Persist, we must

Coming together

Here is the finish!!!

The mini quilt with three sisters, all wearing green.

Finished 21" by 19"

Applique Letter Detail

For the slogan, I used Arial Bold Font in 225 point size. 

Yellow letters seemed to pale on a white background. 

So I used a permanent fabric ink marker to outline the yellow letters. It helps.

What do you think?

I used Island Batik White Solid for background and binding.

Aurifil Thread 50wt was used for piecing and 40 wt for quilting.

Quilting Thread

The batting is Hobbs Cotton.

I used Schmetz Needle 70/12 for piecing and 80/12 for quilting, using a walking foot.

Quilting Detail

These three sisters are a reminder that our battles for bodily autonomy unite us 
even if we have different complexions or come from different backgrounds.  
Together we will persist.

I will be sharing with all my favorite linky parties. See full list on the sidebar.


  1. I love it! And thanks for the link about green - I didn't know that. You do such a great job of expressing yourself with quilts.

  2. A beautiful piece, Preeti, in every possible way. I didn’t know that green was such a symbolic color, but it makes perfect sense to me. My Sisters had a recent conference and notified me that they want to be permanently assembled by year end. I’d better make sure that there is some green dress representation there!

  3. beautiful quilt and love the piece - I had not made a sister's quilt but it is on my growing list of ones to make

  4. Love this! Your quilts are always beautifully executed, and also a timely commentary on current events. Great job!

  5. Lovely mini and so inspiring! Now to figure out what I'm doing for mine... Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  6. Beautiful sentiment - and beautiful mini quilt.

  7. I adore this quilt! It is beautiful and so deeply meaningful!

  8. Wonderful! I so enjoy the quilts you make. Thanks.

  9. Great mini, Preeti! I love everything about this…the simplicity, the gorgeous fabric choices and the sentiment!

  10. Absolutely love this and the message!! Thank you! Been going to make a sister's quilt now I have to!! I love the way you did the saying ... I need this!!

  11. Spectacular in every way! Super impressed with the precision cutting of all those letters, too.

  12. A worthy mini for a worthy cause! xo

  13. Your mini really is marvelous, Preeti! I love your Petite Sisters and of course, their message, too. I didn't know about the significance of the green - thanks for the link!

  14. Very thoughtful and meaningful, as ever, Preeti. I do so love your Sisters, and the sentiment, and their maker herself, and I salute you in solidarity to boot.

  15. It is wonderful to watch how your brain works to come up with such a beautiful piece! Thank you for linking up with Finished ( or not) Friday

  16. Very well thought out piece Preeti. You met the challenge well!

  17. I'm moved again by your eloquence and the Sisters. I didn't know of the green scarves .Thank you for sharing again.May we all take heed of our sliding backwards into gender slavery aka: white men rule

  18. Beautiful mini, I love everything about it, the Sisters, the message and the piece of art.
    My Sisters are sleeping for now, waiting for my studio to be ready after the move 😊, they will wake up soon!

  19. Small quilt with a big message. Brilliant to outline the yellow letters. I hadn't noticed it until you mentioned it. Interesting choice to quilt both directions on the bottom and only one direction on the top. Stay cool!

  20. Such a big message packed in that little quilt. Love it!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  21. Powerful wee quilt Preeti. It's so lovely to see the Sisters there in it too, as they really did unite a world of quilters when you put it out there.

  22. Another great quilt with such an important message. Thank you for the link to the green info. I did not know that. Have a lovely day.

  23. Thank you for the link about green! I'm wondering though if it would more inclusive to include a "brother" in there, since many of them also believe that abortion rights impact us all and support that right?

  24. This is wonderful, PLEASE write a pattern! Thanks for the info about the color green. Thank you for sharing your talent and loving heart with all the sisters.
