
Saturday, August 13, 2022


I have completed my Positivity 2.0 Quilt. I have named him Naman. It is a Sanskrit word meaning salutations.

On the banks of Potomac

Walking Foot Quilting


The end of life is generally marked with grief, a sense of loss and even confusion. Although Naman is intended as a comfort quilt for the terminally ill and their family, it is my hope that it will be a salutation to the life lived and memories made.

Good use of the Picnic Table :-)

I used an Island Batik Layer Cake (Whimsical Wings) and Island Batik White Solid for the top and Island Batik Solid Light Gray for the Backing. 

Whimsical Wings by Island Batik

The batting is Hobbs Thermore. I used a purple variegated thread for quilting, from Connecting Threads. Speaking of Connecting Threads, did you know that wide backing is 25% off :-O

Purple Variegated Thread

As we come to the end of the Positivity QAL, I appreciate all of you who participated in this worthy cause. I am overjoyed by the sponsors' generous contributions. And special thanks to Bernie - there is no Mercyful Quilts initiative without you.

Remember the Completed Quilt Linky Party is on Sunday, August 21, 2022 on Bernie's Blog.

Early next week, I will be mailing Naman to Patty, after I hug him one last time.  He is a handsome finish!

A backdrop of Black-Eyed Susans

Speaking of Finishes, I have a not-so-new-to-me finish which I can finally share with you. I completed Stars and Swirls in March and shared a sneak peek here. I decided to take a few quick outdoor shots before mailing it to Annie's Publishing. Gosh, was it windy?

Hairy Me, Almost Horizontal Quilt

Naughty Wind, Patient Paul

Getting better

Stars & Swirls is my first in-print pattern published in Annie's Catalog. It uses the Sunset Plains collection by Kathy Engle, expected in stores in September. But you can get the Merry Quilted Christmas magazine with 11 Festive projects right now. 

My copy :-)

Picture from Merry Quilted Christmas Magazine by Annie's Quilting

This is the best we got

And one more picture showing mostly Paul and some quilt :-D

Love you, so much!

Speaking of Paul, I am sharing the transcript of an actual conversation. But first take a look at the picture, for context.

Mouthwatering Picture!!!

Paul (eyes sparkling): Ooh what comfort food are you making?
Me: Well, it is a big heavy book...
Paul (still excited): Yes, glossy paper and lots of recipes.

Blocks for the Island Batik September Project

Me: That is why I was using it to press my blocks flat.
Paul (crestfallen): You are a horrible tease.
Me: I am so sorry. May I take you out on a date, my love?

Paul agreed :-) And here we are at our favorite Mexican restaurant. 

Date Night :-)

Paul got Carne Asada and I ordered Chicken Quesadillas with a side of refried beans. Since Paul was driving, I allowed myself to celebrate with a margarita. 

Celebrate what, you wonder.  Well, I managed to completed my orange blocks for August's RSC, in time... possible because Orange is my favorite color :-) 

August is Orange




Wonder what color is September? Medium Blue or Bright Green. 

Paul: Positivity Quilt ready to mail, RSC blocks completed and your first in-print publication. Sounds like there may be a bit of a lull...

Me: Ha, not even close. After I finish two quilts for two separate magazines, I will be tackling the Island Batik September Challenge and Blog Hop Quilt, featuring the Deb Tucker's Studio 180 Design Tools.

Work in Progress

Fabrics for a new Quilt!

What are you working on?

I will be sharing with all my favorite linky parties including Angela's So Scrappy Party. See full list on the sidebar.  


  1. The orange flowers are gorgeous. I LOVE orange in quilts too. Your blocks look great. They are defiinitely something to celebrate. ~~Kathy S.

  2. Where to start? First, congrats on a well-deserved publication! I love your finished Positivity quilt. The colors are so refreshing. What a great line by Kathy Engle.

  3. Hi Preeti! Congrats on your quilt being in Annie's Merry Quilted Christmas. How exciting! You know, I wouldn't have noticed the secondary pattern if you hadn't mentioned it. How fun that is! I'll have to look for this issue. Positivity turned out fabulous. I just finished quilting our quilt to donate. I need to check to see if I have the correct address to ship off a few quilts to such a wonderful cause. Happy Saturday to you! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Congratulations on the publication! Your finished quilts are so pretty, because you choose such beautiful colors. Great job! - - - Sara F

  5. Your "second layer of chocolate" comment has made me long so much for a box of chocs.

    Congratulations on the publication and the finishes!


  6. I'm so glad you went out to celebrate all the wonderful things you have going on. Naman is a beautiful quilt, and I'm sure your extra cuddles and love you put into it will be felt by its recipient(s). I am working on moving into my new sewing studio and could use a nap, but it's also exciting to see all my fabric friends again!

  7. You are a busy lady, with lovely accomplishments to show for it! Positivity 2.0 is beautiful, and so is Stars and Swirls. So glad you and Paul got a yummy dinner at your favorite restaurant, too!

  8. congratulations on the magazine and quilt finishes I love the way you did your quilting - that looks like you had a good date night too!

  9. Naman is beautiful and I'm sure will be so appreciated. I'm still quilting Twistie. YIKES! Linky party in about a week? I'm outta here. Hahaha!

  10. You are a woman after my own heart - I love reading cookbooks, and they do make excellent block flatteners. My poor husband gets his hopes up too ... I do bake for him sometimes but usually quilting is the priority. Fewer calories ... ;-)

  11. How exciting, being asked to make quilts for magazines. And Naman is indeed every handsome quilt, may he bring comfort and warmth to someone who needs it.

  12. Your positivity quilt came out wonderfully, and yes, these quilts mean so much to hospice patients and their families. There few physical things you can give a hospice patient-they are beyond that. But something they can treasure, that was made with love and that they can pass along as a remembrance is a blessing.

    And I do love that secondary pattern!

  13. Congratulations on your Naman magazine publication. I didn't see the 2nd pattern at first so was a lovely surprise. I smiled at seeing all the windy photo's, just waiting for the right moment to take a snap :)

  14. A big congratulations on having your quilt featured in a magazine...that is quite an accomplishment. Looks like getting a photo in windy conditions was too. All so lovely. Thanks for sharing that happy photo of the two of you enjoying a meal out...quesadillas are a favourite of mine.

  15. Congratulations on having your quilt published! Thank you for the QAL. . .goes the time went quickly! I enjoyed following along.--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  16. Love Naman....and it will be such a gift to the family who has lost a loved one. Funny how windy it ALWAYS is for a photo shoot! Congrats on getting into Annies! and congrats on finishing your orange RSC blocks. Dinner looks yum and there is always a reason to celebrate in my book.

  17. Love the colors in your Positivity 2.0 quilt -- Naman. Congrats on the publication.

  18. Gorgeous quilts, Preeti, and congrats on getting your ORANGE blocks done for the RSC!!

  19. LOVE "Naman", and for those who think of death is a liminal transaction, it is a salutation in both directions (or as the Beatles said: "You say hello, I say goodbye.") And I feel for Paul, after teasing him with comfort food....but chicken quesadillas also will make up for a lot of sins, in my book.

  20. That is a lot of great news in one post and definitely worthy of a celebration. xo

  21. You certainly have a lot going on! Congratulations on the pattern publication. I love your Positivity quilt, such gorgeous colors! Looking forward to seeing your upcoming projects too.

  22. Your Positivity quilt is sure to bring love to its recipient. Lovely! Congrats on the pattern. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  23. Goodness!!! this is a full full post!!! I am with Paul - I thought there would be some comfort food shots in the post haha!!! Love your Naman quilt - and that is a perfect name and sentiment. Congrats on your new pattern!! ( and the upcoming ones)

  24. Your quilt is stunning! I am so impressed with the colors and the crafting skills that went in to this finished beauty. Thanks for sharing. And as an aside, dinner looks yummy.

  25. Congratulations on so many finishes. Such lovely color combinations will attract readers and comfort hospice patients. You are so kind. We had Mexican food on our last date night, too... a place we've gone to since college, oh, so many years ago.

  26. You have such a way with words Preeti. I loved this: ".... it is my hope that it will be a salutation to the life lived and memories made." Beautiful. Paul is deserving of that nice Mexican dinner date night. What must your neighbors think when they see him out there standing on a chair with a quilt blowing everywhere on a windy day?? :-)

  27. So much fun, finishes , publication, date nite but no pies!! Thanks for the post , it was a great uplift for my morning!

  28. Love seeing all your quilty finishes, and congrats on the published pattern! I missed the Positivity link-up because after all my being ahead with the blocks earlier in the summer, I fell behind in actually sewing them together into the top. But I did that over the past couple days and will get it all done soon!

  29. Congratulations on being published! The Quilter's World / Annie publications have improved under the editorial direction of Carolyn Beam (who used to work for Quilters Newsletter and Quiltmaker).
