
Tuesday, December 31, 2024

I've Been Better

Recently a former co-worker-turned-friend called me and asked the standard opening question - How are you? Unable to hide my sadness, because I had received yet another rejection email, I replied - I've been better.

I've been better

2024 was a horrible, terrible, very bad year for many reasons. Paul's mom passed. I lost my job. We were in a car crash. And those are just personal reasons. I cannot even begin to fathom the angst of the planet.

In a year so dark, it is easy to pinpoint the two bright spots:

1. Our long-awaited trip to Hawaii.

In Hawaii

2. My very first Improvisational Piecing Workshop. I was truly happy that day and I received excellent feedback.

Improv Class

Quilting wise, there were certainly some memorable moments, listed here in no particular order.

1. Diva was not only published in Make Modern's Issue 58, she also made the cover!  You can purchase a PDF copy of Diva in my Etsy Shop.

Grey Skies, Bright Quilt

2. Pesto Mushrooms was made for a 6-year old boy who loves the color Green and is fascinated with Mushrooms. I enjoyed making it and I am told the recipient is having fun with it. Mission Accomplished!


Happy Recipient!

3. Blush - A labor of love, I am thrilled with this finish.

Thank you, Bob

Thank you, Paul

4. Good Tidings was published in Annie's Christmas Pattern Book. I hope that the serene beauty of this quilt brings good tidings in the new year.

5. Aurelia was published in Make Modern's Issue 56 and is also available as a standalone pattern in my Etsy Shop. I am in love with Aurelia. Not my usual colors, but Aurelia has a regal and majestic vibe to her. Check out the Aurelia pattern on Etsy for a different colorway.

Blues and Purples

6. Bluey Boy - Initially difficult to manage (or potty train), Bluey Boy is my pet (pun intended) project of the year. Thanks to Funky Friends Factory and Island Batik for this adorable challenge. I had a great time with this photoshoot.

Walking on the banks of the Potomac

Such a Good Boy

Best Pet Ever!

7. Praying to Goddess Lakshmi - Ending this list with prayers to the Goddess for prosperity and well-being in the new year.

Marvelous Mini

The job search has been stressful and frustrating.  I am grateful for the love and unconditional support of my friends. You have kept me sane when I was going crazy and kept me together when I was falling apart.

With Mari in Raleigh for Quiltcon

Jennifer and Emily

Leah and Emily

With Roli - High school friends reunited after 30+ years

Manveen - You are my rock!

With Ruby and Savi in India

With Joyce on Mothers Day

I have no idea what 2025 will bring. I fervently pray for peace - both within and in the world. 

Celebrate safely. I will be back soon with new quilts and patterns too.

Sharing with all my favorite linky parties (see full list on the sidebar) and Meadow Mist Designs' Best of 2024 Linky Party.


  1. I wish you and yours both health and happiness in 2025--
    Happy New Year hugs, Julierose ;)))

  2. I'm sorry to hear about your job. You sure had a creative and wonderfully successful year in the quilt world!! Blush is such a subtle, pretty quilt. Best wishes in 2025, Preeti!!!

  3. Wishing a better year ahead for you.

  4. I wonder if I missed some of your post or if you hadn't mentioned that you lost your job and the car accident - I'm so sorry to this. I assume you and Paul are alright from the accident. I remember you mentioning that his mother had died. And loosing your job on top of all that - I do hope this coming year you will find a new job and the year will be better.

  5. That is a lot of pain and stress to deal with, and added to the climate we're in, you are right to not be all right. All the while you've been giving us beauty. Hugs to you, dear Preeti, may joy come to you this new year.

  6. Like you, I’ll be happy to see 2024 in the rear view mirror. I do remember that Paul lost his mom, but didn’t know that you’d lost your job or been in an auto accident. My heartfelt condolences and (as one of my friends would say, LOL), “big squishy hugs to you”. xoxo

  7. Thank you for sharing your 2024 reflections. I wish you the very best of 2025, and hopefully things get better soon. Your work is amazing! I absolutely love seeing all the beautiful quilts you made and congrats on becoming th cover of Make Modern. I remembered seeing the quilt cover and admiring how beautiful the quilt is. Hugs, Amira

  8. Some how even though I read all of your blogs (or thought I did), I missed the job loss and the car accident. So Sorry to hear about both
    May peace, health, and happiness be your's and Paul"s this new year. And BTW, I love the conversations you have with Paul. :-)

  9. Even though I don't quilt anymore, I still follow your blog. I enjoy keeping up with your art! I'm sorry for your tough times. Best wishes in 2025. I hope it brings you gainful employment and, yes, peace.

  10. Lovely to have such a great network of friends to support you. I do hope that 2025 will be a much better year for you although how you are going to top all those lovely quilts I don't know! xx

  11. I wish you healing and much joy this year as well as a fabulous new job! You are such a talented quilter and designer. I love all your featured projects but Blush is particularly captivating especially with the reflection of it in the water. And your pet project is adorable and a lot of work I’m sure. Happy New Year!

  12. I was so sad to read that despite of your beautiful creations and good friends 2024 was a bad year (and I share your sadness because my mother died in september)... I wish you and your family the best for this new year !
    Gros bisous de France

  13. I didn't know you had lost your job, so sorry, I know how stressful that can be. I hope you find something soon. Also sorry about Paul's mom. Wishing you the all the best in 2025. Happy New Year.

  14. I pray that 2025 is a gentle year (I know, I have big fears, too). Sending you love and peace. I always love getting to see your quilts.

  15. Though you had a bad year, you accomplished a lot, Preeti...because you kept yourself moving, despite the sadness. I pray 2025 will bring you the job of your dreams, a year of quilty goodness, and a healthy, safe, and happy new year!

  16. I'm sending prayers for peace and serenity out to you and all the world today, too, Preeti. I'm so sorry to hear about your job and the car crash. On top of losing Paul's mom, I can see why you've been better. Friends and creative making always help. Take care - hugs!

  17. Unfortunately, most of us have had very bad years. You possess perseverance (on display on the regular) that's the key to getting back on an even keel. I'M confident you'll get back there! Best wishes ❤️ for a happier New Year for you and Paul!

  18. We had a rough year in 2024 as well and I was not keeping up with any of the blogs I usually enjoy following. So sorry to hear that Paul’s mom passed and that your former employers — who clearly are idiots for letting someone as hardworking, talented and smart as you get away — have stressed you out with an unexpected shove towards new adventures. I know you know this already, but sometimes we need to hear it again from those who love us: It’s their loss even more than yours, they did not deserve you, your gifts were underutilized and under-appreciated in that old job, and despite the growing pains of an unplanned transition in your employment status I am certain that where you are headed, wherever that may be, will be better than where you left. Also, rejection letters always suck but they also hurt more when you are already feeling rejected by your previous employer. I hope that 2025 will be a stronger and brighter year for both of us, and I want you to remind yourself that YOU bring so much JOY to everyone who reads your blog, takes your workshop or makes any of your beautiful patterns. The laughter alone is priceless— Kit Kat poop for your fabric dog?!! I shot coffee out of my nose and it’s all your fault. Love you, girlfriend! Happy New Year to you and Paul.

  19. What a tough year. Some beautiful quilts to brighten through all the dark times. Great work as always. Wishing you a better 2025!

  20. Here's hoping that 2025 is a better year for you. You are such a creative person and clearly hardworking - how else would you get so many quilts made?! Know that the right opportunity is there just waiting for you and it will come! Looking forward to seeing what you create in 2025! ❤️

  21. Oh, Preeti, my heart goes out to you. I did not realize that 2024 was such a tough year for you personally. I had not kept up with blogs, so I immediately sat down and read all of your posts from the past year. What struck me was the colorful perkiness of all your projects and photography. While you were hurting, you fed the quilting world with your inspirational posts and loving spirit, and I count that as a bright spot for you. I do wish you a better year ahead, and I hope you find just what you need (or what needs you) in your job search. I just read on another social media post that when anxieties get to be too much, taking walks and working creatively with your hands is healing. I expect we will all be taking a lot of walks this year and creating up a storm.

  22. I am sending great karma your way so that 2025 will be a spectacular year. Here's to manifesting what you want!!!! XXOO

  23. I've had a rough year as well, and I'm so sorry to just learn that you had an accident and lost your job and your mil! I pray that the new year will bring you peace, love and happiness. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  24. Oh my - I love that you were so honest with your friend tho - if we don't let people know we are hurting they don't know how to help. Sending you lots of Encouraging vibes - and lots of Peace. I wish you well on the job hunt - so very frustrating!!! but also - I love your positivity that you throw out in the world - and am excited to see what new quilt ideas you come up with - Hugs my friend

  25. Preeti, I'm sorry you've suffered so much misfortune this past year. Condolences on the loss of Paul's mom. It's remarkable that you've created so many wonderful quilts while under more stress than anyone deserves. May 2025 sparkle brightly for you and Paul. Your friends in cyberspace are certainly pulling for you.

  26. I was stunned to hear you lost your job. I must have missed that post and I am very sorry about that. Your quilts are beautiful and I was happy you made it back to India. Reconnecting with friends & family from the past is highly rated. I'm sure Paul has been very supportive. So glad you have him to lean on.

  27. You are not alone in having a hard year. I am joining you in prayer for peace. <3 I would love to see you join my weekly Sew & Tell party. :) Happy New Year.

  28. Add my best wishes for the upcoming year. My mom, always the optimist, would say. This too will pass! She was usually right. Keep creating, it’s good medicine. And support from friends and families is the best. Virtual Hugs to you both!

  29. Rejection is never fun. You put your heart and soul into project, then courageously send it out only to have it not be accepted. What you do well, is dust yourself off and continue. There is a reason you were accepted as an Island Batik ambassador. You embody the diplomacy, reaching out to others and development of friends and allies required. Your work ethic and generosity is exemplary. Life will always be a rocky road, but have many stunning vistas along the way. Here's to a 2025, another chance to embrace life and all it has to offer.

  30. You will be glad to have 2024 in the rear view mirror. I hope that 2025 is much better for you. Your quilts are beautiful and here's to continued success this year with your creative life. Gail at the Cozy Quilter.

  31. I am so impressed with all the beauty you have created this year in the midst of heartache. Job searching is horrible, a constant roller coaster of hope and disappointment. I am sure you will break through. And you will have your wonderful friends to help you. Hang in there!

  32. So sorry you had to struggle with so many things. Sending you a big hug. And all the best wishes for a better 2025! xo

  33. Some years life is just not kind. But you created such wonderfully bright and beautiful quilts in spite of all the not fun stuff. Wishing you have a much better 2025. Good luck with the job search. Looking forward to seeing what your creative juices come up with for this year.

  34. I love seeing the beautiful quilts and the smiling faces. I am sorry about the job hunt. My son tried to switch careers during the last year and it was a long struggle. I hope yours does not take as long and you get a good lead for that perfect job soon!

  35. I'm so sorry that you have lost your job, on top of all the other. Hang in there. The right job will come along. Wishing you a much better 2025. Seeing all of your beautiful quilts in one post - a real highlight for me.

  36. Hi Preeti, I'm so sorry to hear that 2024 was a bad year for you. It was a successful one on the quilting front. I wish you all the best in 2025 - a great job and inner peace. I can only pray with you that things will be better for our world. Take care and thanks for linking up!

  37. Wondering how you are doing. Wishing you a healthy and happy New Year.

  38. Wishing you all the best as you recover from the losses sustained in 2024, Preeti. You had a tough year, but your quilting certainly provided some bright spots with those fantastic projects, patterns, and more!

  39. This is such a wonder to see all your gorgeous 2024 projects! I'm so sorry about the bad year (lost your job? car crash? I hope you are ok), and I'm sure you will have the opportunity to teach other workshops and write many inspiring patterns.
    Thank you for sharing your creative world!
