Monday, April 8, 2024

Bluey Boy - Funky Friends Factory Challenge

It was a beautiful day and I took Bluey Boy for a walk. 

Bluey posing for the camera

The April challenge is sponsored by Funky Friends Factory, who provided each of the Island Batik ambassadors a free pattern of their choice.  

It was a difficult choice because all of these patterns are so cute. I chose the Digger/Dixie Dachshund. The difference in two options was the tail. I could choose a short upright tail or a longer downward one.

I chose the short tail version, because it would be easier to photograph. Besides I can just picture the cute little tail wagging for me :-)

Let's start at the beginning. I chose Aqua Blender for the body and a dark blue contrasting fabric for tails, ears and footpads.

The head and the ears

Although the pattern may seem intimidating, Pauline provides step by step detailed instructions with pictures for every step. 

The tail

Coming together

I used Schmetz Microtex 80/12 needle in my machine. Lots of pins were a must to keep little pieces in their proper place. 

Pins and Needles

It was joyful to see the little guy come together, bit by bit. 

Button eyes

I used charcoal buttons for eyes. I added the nose in advance, deviating from the pattern.
I used Crafter's Choice Polyfil to stuff this baby. If practice makes you perfect, I am only one step away from completely imperfect. Because I've done this only once before when I made Gertie Gecko

Almost there!

And here he is - meet Bluey Boy!

The tail!!!

Imperfectly Perfect

My stitching is far from neat and the project is not perfect. 
But Bluey is an entirely different story. He is absolutely perfect and I love him.

I immediately took a few pictures.

Bluey at the door

Guarding the Door or Asking to go out?

Next morning, it was time for a proper photoshoot.  Paul served as not only the photographer but also the Creative Director behind these pictures. 

Using Island Batik Ribbon as a leash

Well Done!

Bluey examining the output

Ok, you have done the deed. Are you done sniffing? Good. No need to taste it.
The leash and the poop (Twix) were Paul's ideas. But that is where he drew the line. 
Bluey is my dog and I had to clean up after him.

Yes, I clean up after my dog

Do you see his ear flapping in the breeze? Oh my goodness, so stinking cute :-D

Who is a good boy?

Such a good dog! I am so proud of you, Bluey Boy!

Good Bluey Boy!

This was such a fun project. Thanks to Funky Friends Factory, Bluey has brought me joy and I would have never attempted it if it wasn't for the challenge. I highly recommend that you consider making a toy from Funky Friends Factory.

I will be sharing with all my favorite linky parties. See full list on the sidebar. 


Angela has announced the Rainbow Scrap Challenge color for April - Yellow. Looks like nature agrees.

Forsythias in Bloom

Here are my yellow scraps, all Island Batik. I will be working on my Hexie blocks. 

Island Batik Scraps :-)

I will be sharing with Angela's Linky Party on Saturday. But you don't have to wait to share your thoughts with me. 


  1. What a fun post. Bluey is super cute! I love how you've made the leed out of IB tape.

  2. Bluey is cute as can be, Preeti! What a fun project! We had dachshunds when I was growing up - they were sweet little dogs. Not as sweet as Bluey, though!

  3. What a fun post, and I am in love with Bluey! All those Funky Friends look adorable!!

  4. here - I love everything about this post! I’m a huge dog lover, I have two dogs of my own and spend a lot of my time volunteering with dogs, especially working to find good homes for shelter dogs who’ve been socialized and trained by a group o prisoners at a medium security prison located in our community. Using Twix as dog poop is hysterical, and so great! It’s important to show the reality of having a dog: keeping it on a leash and picking up after it when it poops! Good for you! One of my friends made a fantastic pictorial quilt showing the face of one of my dogs. She did him in blues, even though he’s a black and tan dog, so your little Bluey made me think of my quilt. I’d show you if I knew how to include a photo in my comment. I’ve never learned how to make pictorial quilts (and probably never will because the learning curve will be too steep, I’m not that patient) so I was very surprised and thankful to get the quilt my talented friend made me. Lastly, I also love your yellow fabrics. One of the quilts I’d like to make soon is a monochromatic yellow quilt, so every time I see great saturated yellow fabric I want to buy it- even though I already have more than enough for several quilts as it is. 🤦🏻‍♀️

  5. Funky Bluey is very cute and your hubs did a great job of coordinating the pictures. Happy stitching!

  6. I love the puppies poop (twix)

  7. So cute! Those yellows are awesome.

  8. Bluey is amazingly trained for such a brand new puppy!!!! That is so cute - and your photo ideas had me cracking up!!!

  9. I too love Bluey and tell Paul he did a phenomenal job on the photo shoot. So accurate in details with dog walking. What fun!

  10. Bluey is super cute and a well trained puppy; such good leash manners already! Looks like you have the perfect yellow scraps for RSC, too.

  11. Your picture story about Bluey Boy made me fall in love with him! He has personality! I need more time so I can make all these cuties!

  12. Ah, Bluey needs a friend. He's cute and no shedding hair, no barking, no food or food dishes, and clean up looked rather easy.
    Ah, and the yellow scraps. Good choice on this yet-again gray April day. Well done!

  13. You are SEW funny, Preeti!! Thanks for walking us through the process of your Funky Friends project. Bluey is adorable!

  14. Love your Bluey photo shoot! Paul has some fun ideas. Since it was his idea, he should be on clean up duty.

  15. You're so funny, and this post made me laughing for minutes. Such a nice dog you've got Preeti.

  16. I suspect Paul is just as much in love with Bluey as you are! What cute photos and so imaginative. Love that leash, and the um "output". Very creative. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  17. I am sure it was a lot of work, but he turned out very cute! And love your photo story xo

  18. He is adorable!!!!

  19. Hi Preeti, what a cute boy! Great post lol

  20. Sweet adorable little Bluey Boy! You're right, he's perfect.

  21. Brilliant! Twix? Who would have thought…Love the kiss at the end.

  22. Bluey is absolutely adorable!!!Terryk@OnGoingProjects

  23. How fun to watch Bluey enjoying the outdoor ;) Well done Paul for the creative and fun script! And of course bravo to you for making such a lovely little doggy!!

  24. I absolutely loved this post! You made my morning!❤️ Great job on Bluey!

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