The Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania are huge and absolutely beautiful, but still a few hours from me.
Longwood Gardens, Pennsylvania
Water Lilies
The Cherry Blossoms in Washington DC are more accessible and I don't mind the long train ride although I will avoid the nightmarish parking in downtown DC.
From 2008. My first time :-)
So beautiful
Due to their popularity and the huge crowds (then), everyone was photobombing someone else's picture. The best pictures were taken skywards.
My favorite picture, 2008
The buds are pink but the blooms are almost white, with the faintest hint of blush.
Boating in the Tidal basin, 2018
The trouble with cherry blossoms is that they are so short-lived. One week at best and then all the petals compete to become a carpet.
With Kim, in the train to see the blossoms, 2018
Felt like winter, 2018
So I made careful plans. Checked and re-checked the "Bloom Watch" calendar for the peak bloom dates. Coordinated with friends to meet and walk and take it all in on that one fateful Saturday in April. I was looking forward to the picturesque walks around the Tidal Basin.
But then $#{% happened. The National Park Service, in accordance with CDC guidelines, implemented temporary site closures in response to the Covid-19 outbreak. I pouted and I sulked.
My hopes were dashed. My plans destroyed and my Spring Broken.
In frustration I turned to fabric. Thinking of pink buds and white blooms, I started cutting and sewing.
Cutting and Re-cutting
Design Wall
Paul: Is this going somewhere or are you just destroying fabric?
Me: Leave me alone.
Paul: Just checking if you are ok.
Me: Not yet.
Getting somewhere?
After loads of cutting and sewing and arranging and reversing, something is bound to emerge? Right?
At least, my poutiness had subsided.
Oh yes
AND, we are there!!!
Paul: Not bad.
Me: Um Hmmm.
Paul: Feel better?
Me: Yes.
I had a finished flimsy and I liked it. It was my destroyed plans for the Cherry Blossoms that prompted the making of this quilt. I have therefore named it Spring Broken.
Not bad, indeed
This is working :-)
Red and Pink? Why not?
OK, we are there. It worked. The pouting was productive.
I felt like I had captured the blooms (in a deconstructed way) and I wanted to add the effect of water with quilting. I turned to Rebecca. She said YES :-)
I got the quilted sandwich back, added the pink striped binding and forbade Rebecca to share the pictures of the finished quilt (the front at least). The wait is now over.
Meet Spring Broken.
Paul, the model
On the banks of Potomac
Pieced Backing
Breezy Day, Muddy Banks
Brightness = Happiness
Striped Pink Binding
Here are some close-ups to show off Rebecca's quilting.
Spring Broken finished at 46" by 48" and I am very happy with her :-)
Spring Broken - 46" by 48"
Spring and Tidal Pool themes continue on the backing.
There are quilters (fiber artists to be precise) who will appliqué and embroider and embellish to create a piece of art that will rival the natural beauty of the cherry blossoms. But deconstructed Spring looks a whole lot different. That is my story and I am sticking to it :-D
And just a couple more...
Hullo My Lovely
You make me Happy :-)
I will be linking with all my favorite linky parties. See full list on the sidebar.
Are you having a good spring? Did you enjoy the Spring Break? Or was it Spring Broken? I'd love to hear your thoughts - pouty or not.
Welcome to Day One of the Island Batik's May 2021 Blog Hop - Make it Modern.
My assignment was to use the Farm Fresh Half Yard Bundle to make a modern project. 20 gorgeous colors!!! Oh. My. Goodness!!!
The fabrics
The inspiration, perhaps!
I felt like a dog walker with a dozen high energy puppies out for a walk. I was pulled in so many different directions - each more enticing than the other. In the end I made stopped at three quilts.
1. I had an idea - Effervescence.
I decided to use a black background to show off the warm and vibrant fabrics. I chose the yellows/oranges/reds/pinks while setting aside the greens.
Raw Materials
Once the flimsy was complete, it looked like neither Effervescence nor Sedimentation.
Ready to Baste
It was a Bonfire. The quilting pattern was a response to that realization. I quilted flames using my walking foot and the Aurifil Thread.
Walking Foot Quilting
For the binding, I chose the same warm colors and the black but it was placed in such a way so as to merge with the bonfire feel. The thread colors were coordinated accordingly.
Modern Quilt Finish
36" by 45"
Juicy Pumpkins - Yummy Fabrics
Thread Changed with Binding Color
The warm and bright colors do pop on a black background. The flames quilting add to the effect, methinks. Since I have Bridgerton on my mind (yes, still) I have named it "Burning for You" :-D
Here are a few more pictures
Thank you Paul, I Burn for You!!!
Hot Colors
Flames of Passion :-p
On the banks of Potomac...
2. I wanted to use a traditional quilt block in a modern way. I chose a simple rail fence block to show off the beauty of the fabrics in the collection.
Farm Fresh by Island Batik
May be
Not feeling it
I wanted the effect of changing values from one end to the other but there were many discards before the layout was finalized.
Finished at 45" square
I know that we quilters want to get really close to see the fabric and the quilting details but this one looks magical from a distance.
Ooh baby, yes!
This quilt reminds me of the time right after Paul and I got married. He was working the 12-hour long night shift. When I got up in the morning, he was at work. When I returned from work, he was home but fast asleep. And when it was time for him to get up and go to work, I was ready to fall asleep. I kissed him good day (at work) and he kissed me goodnight, promising to make it up to each other over the weekend.
We barely saw each other during the work week, moving in opposite directions.
On the banks of the Potomac River
Paul is a doll
The breeze was a brat!!!
Inspired by our circadian rhythms at that time, I have named it Cross Currents. Walking foot quilting and solid grey binding. Cross Currents finished at 45" by 45".
Here are a few more pictures, yes close-ups for you :-)
Walking Foot Quilting
Sunny Yellow & Bright Orange
Pinks too!!!
A perfect day :-)
3. By now I had enough scraps from "Burning for You" and "Cross Currents" that I felt like I could play and I did. Using the Island Batik solid black and solid white, I framed the leftover squares. And then added another round of juicy bright fabric.
Playing with Scraps
Possible Layout?
I could have kept making more blocks and there can be endless possibilities for a fun layout. But eventually, everyone must grow up, take responsibility and finish.
Basting the Beauty :-)
I did too but in a playful way :-) Topsy Turvy finished at 46" by 51".
Topsy Turvy, 46" by 51"
The background is Yolk. I used walking foot for quilting and used Yolk for binding. But randomly added some color to the binding - a nod to my playfulness :-)
Binding detail
Yolk Background, Binding Pop!
Loving it!!!
Squares & Rectangles
Used binding cut-offs :-)
Mixing up lights and darks
And yes, Paul patiently held up each quilt, while battling the breeze. I may have to promote him from holder-upper to model.
Oh she glows :-)
Thank you Paul :-)
Hello Beautiful!
Three modern quilts showing passion, promise and playfulness. I'd say mission accomplished. But I am dying to hear your thoughts.
Disclosure: The fabrics, thread, batting and needles were generously supplied by the following companies:
I will be sharing with all my favorite linky parties. See full list on the sidebar. Make sure to visit all the Island Batiks Ambassadors and their respective dates/stops on the Blog Hop.
To celebrate the start of Quilt Modern! Blog Hop, Island Batik is giving away a 2.5″ Strip Pack and a 10″ Stack of the complete Island Batik Forecast collection by Ebony Love of Lovebug Studios! Visit the Island Batik blog to enter.