Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Happy Hump Day

Paul: What does your week look like, babe?
Me: Very busy.
Paul: How so?
Me: Well, I have dinner plans on Monday, guild meeting on Tuesday, Yoga class on Thursday, massage on Friday and I am going to Baltimore on Saturday to see Mari.
Paul: So nothing on Wednesday?
Me: Nothing yet.
Paul (mischievously): It is hump day.
Me: It can be.

Quiltwise, Colorwash Flimsy is finished.  I will write a complete blogpost when the quilt is finished.  Sharing with all my favorite linky parties, see full list on the sidebar.

Colorwash Flimsy

Do you know that Connecting Threads is having a fabulous sale throughout the week?
And today you get a free rotary cutter when you make a purchase of $65.

Happy Hump Day, y'all.

This blogpost contains affiliate links.


  1. Beautiful blending! YUM!!

  2. I've been waiting for this post. Can't wait for the finished quilt! I don't know how you make it glow. The colorwash is perfect.

  3. This quilt is Amazing!!! So perfect. Happy Hump Day! ;)

  4. I just love you! Love your newest quilt "Colorwash Flimsy." Just awash in beautiful color and filled with love - just like its maker!
    I envy you the massage on Friday!!!!!! and the trip on Sat sounds like fun.
    Hope you and Paul both have a Happy Hump Day!

  5. It is lovely. I, too, love the yellow glow.

  6. Way to go, you. My color wash is still pinned to the design wall waiting to be taken down and stitched (next week or the week after). Good luck with your busy-ness!

  7. Your quilt is beautiful. I can't wait to read more details about it. And your schedule sounds like fun/busy!

  8. Lovely! And enjoy all your fun things this week xo

  9. Preeti, I am so impressed with how you have challenged yourself and with your stunning results. I don’t think I would ever attempt this!

  10. Hi Pretti! I'm a little late to the party, so to speak. I hope you and Paul both enjoyed Hump Day. I loved those commercials with Caleb the camel. Your flimsy is beautiful - I look forward to hearing all about it. Give Mari an extra {{hug}}. It looks like you might be felting? Enjoy and safe travels. Happy Thursday to you! ~smile~ Roseanne

  11. Love your colourwash! Looks like you have a good week ahead.

  12. Beautiful blending of color on the quilt. I'm not sure I could make that but I love it. Hope you had a fun hump day.

  13. What beautiful colour placement, I can imagine it sent you doolally for a while! Well worth it though :)

  14. Well, it turned out great, like we all knew it would! Certainly worth all the stress. See you soon!

  15. I think my hump day was today. One of those days when somebody in a supermarket queue tried to start an argument, then a car flew down my road as I was reversing out. Glad to get to bed tonight!

  16. Oh you naughty girl. Hump day indeed. Hope it was fun. Your colorwash is wonderful.

  17. Colorwash turned out beautifully!

  18. It looks great. Can't wait to see it quilted.

  19. I followed your decision making process on this one over on Instagram, and love the result! Never having attempted a colorwash quilt, but really wanting to - I can tell it is challenging!

  20. You really nailed this one! I love how all the colors interact with one another! Can't wait to see how you quilt it and write a blog post!

  21. That bright color wash is stunning. On to the quilting!

  22. I love this flimsy. I have been thinking about making a quilt something like this as I find there are many people in my life dealing with depression and I like the light that comes out of the darkness in the quilt.

  23. A lovely colourwash quilt top, I love how it glows.

  24. Didn't you have a fun week before Thanksgiving. ;)
    This quilt is already beautiful. Can't wait to see it all quilted up and read its quilt story!

  25. Nice! Well worth all the agonizing over placement!
