Wednesday, May 22, 2019


I have a finish.
New Finish
Glimpses of Blue

Rolled Up
But first the back story.
This was the second year that I was the Block of the Month (BOM) coordinator for my quilt guild.
The concept of the BOM is simple. I share a tutorial for a quilt block (from the internet, a classic block or something that I whip up).

Two strips 2.5" by WOF

Stitched along the length

Open Seams

Cut in half 

Sew again, press seams open

Cut in half again

Cut each half into half

Rearrange and sew

Folks make that block. Every block gets them one entry in the BOM raffle
One person wins all the blocks.

Two blocks finish at 8" by 10"

This was the BOM for February 2019.
I so enjoyed making these two blocks that I made a whole quilt.

Playing with Strips
On the Design wall


Zig Zag Quilting - Walking Foot (always)

Binding in process
And here it is - meet Oasis!!!
Oasis finished at about 64" by 70", which is the right size for a Mercyful Quilt.

Blues on Green
Sewing up 2.5" strips is fast and fun.  After all the strips were sewn and all the blocks were cut, they were arranged on the design wall and I began playing with the layout.

I arranged them in such a way that the lighter ones were at the top, medium hues in the middle going to the navy and dark blocks at the bottom.  This created a sort of ombre effect.

Ombre Effect
Now if I had decided on the ombre effect BEFORE I made the blocks, the result would have been much more striking. Ah well, may be next time.  For now, I will settle for this gentle suggestion of Ombre Effect.  What do you think?

Paul: What happened to the hot pink and yellow block?
Me: That was for the guild. The winner took it.
Paul: And what happens to this quilt?
Me: It is going to Bernie.
Paul: Who is Bernie?
Me: My quilting, blogging buddy on the west coast who is friends with Patty
Paul: Who is Patty?
Me: Patty works at the Mercy hospital and she needs quilts
Paul: For?
Me: To comfort the terminally ill patients
Paul: Oh
Me: The family will keep the quilt in memory of the person
Paul : That is sweet of you
Me: Well, thank you, Paul.
Paul: Do you need me to hold it?
Me: Nope. Rekha already modeled it for me
Paul: Who is Rekha?
Me: She is my co-worker/quilt model.
Paul: And what am I?
Me: You are a holder-upper :-p
Paul: That sounds menial
Me: Since Rekha is leaving, I can promote you to a quilt model
Paul: Ooh a quilt model. Do I get any benefits or perks?
Me: Maybe after your 6-quilt probation period.
Paul: BRAT!!! 

Rekha the model

Rekha has found another job and she will no longer be able to model for me. At least not on regular basis. I am sure we will get together every now and then at weekends.
So we took a few extra pictures. And had a farewell picnic with more pictures.

She will be missed

We wish her well

The card

Saying good bye to Rekha was not easy.

But it is so much harder to say good bye to a dear family member who is leaving for their final journey, as is the case with the recipients of Mercyful quilts.

Celebrating the time spent together and reliving the memories can be an oasis of comfort in the desert of loss. Hence the name - Oasis.

Pieced Backing 
The backing is a big irregular four-patch, using last of the giant tulips fabrics that came to me from Mary. So generous of her. I am happy just being one small part of the giving universe.

All the Blues - Singing Together

Here are a few more pictures. I need to drink in these blues a bit longer before I say good-bye to Oasis and send her westwards to Bernie.

I will be linking with all my favorite linky parties. See full list on the sidebar.
As usual, I'd love to hear your thoughts.  Your comments are my oasis too :-)


  1. Oasis is gorgeous. As is your sentiment to donate the quilt. Happy days.

  2. love your quilt - that would make a wonderful scrappy quilt out of many colors or a variety of one

  3. Hi Pretti! I am sorry to see Rekha as I have enjoyed her modeling experiences. She is a true professional, and Paul will be hard pressed to step easily into her shoes. I do know he is determined to move up, and you can guide him. Your Mercyful quilt is quite lovely. I know the recipient and their family will certainly feel all the love and good wishes that are stitched into each piece of this beauty. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. This is so cute! I could really bust through some scraps with this pattern! I love that you quilted rectangles instead of squares too -- so different and creative!

  5. Oh, I love this quilt, having made similar quilts like this. In fact, I have three of them waiting to be quilted. I love the idea of making one in just blues. Tell Paul, my Master Quiltholder doesn't find this job very much fun, in fact, I've done it once and it's hard on the arms.

  6. Perfect Mercyful quilt! Just what is needed, something cool and calming in the midst of chaos and sadness. I'm sure it will be well loved. Can't wait to see the poses of Paul-the-quilt-model.

  7. Oh Preeti!! Thank you so much! This is calm and peaceful - just perfect. I love this line you wrote: "Celebrating the time spent together and reliving the memories can be an oasis of comfort in the desert of loss." Just beautiful. You are so sweet to make another quilt for Mercy Hospital. The team there is constantly amazed at the gorgeous quilts everyone donates and this one is going to make them so happy. They tell me how bittersweet it is because the recipients of the quilts are in awe of the gift so it makes the team happy to give one out but at the same time, the recipient is enduring such sadness. Quite a lot of emotion flows with each one.

  8. Great quilt. I love reading your exchanges with Paul. LOL

  9. Another wonderful post with a gorgeous quilt and great story line. Good luck to Paul as he moves up to Quilt Model.

  10. Your quilts are lovely, and this one is no exception, but your stories always transcend them. Thanks for yet another beautiful one. I like the ombré and am glad you didn’t think of it ahead of time because then it might have been too planned. I hope you and your friend from work will be able to keep in touch. Meanwhile, we are looking forward to the promotion of Paul to quilt model.

  11. I love reading the stories that you write with every quilt posting :)

  12. This is a beautiful quilt, and I'm sure the recipient's family will treasure it. My brother received a lovely donated quilt when he was in a hospice for 8 days last October. Bernie is right that it is bittersweet, but I hope my sister-in-law will be able to use it in the spirit for which it was intended, as you say, reliving the memories despite the desert of loss.
    ~Diana K

  13. It’s just lovely, Preeti, and will be a real comfort to its recipient. You are very thoughtful.

  14. What a beautiful quilt, Preeti. I'm sure it will be a calming oasis for a family going through a tough time.

  15. Lovely, Preeti. I have some sewing time this weekend and I put this on the list! All this talk of singing blues and he sadness of parting made me remember Sita Sings the Blues....did you ever see it? Very charming, if you need to kill an hour or so!

  16. I agree that a planned ombre would be too obvious. This looks perfectly right :) Also another example that quilts can be simple in patchwork and quilting and yet amazing. I love the Blues On Green picture - it let's the colors shine and sing. xo

  17. Oasis is beautiful quilt! I love the gentle ombre look.

  18. A beautiful quilt, just goes to show that not every quilt has to be over the top in an intense pattern to be beautiful. Simple blocks can be just as well.

  19. You have created another heart-felt, beautiful quilt described with such eloquence! Preeti, you are so marvelous and gracious with giving of your time, expertise and obvious love. Plus your writings make my world happy! Thank you, thank you. I hope some day to meet you in person.
    Paul will make a great model with some encouragement. (lol)

  20. Lovely colors on this one - definitely a great finish!

  21. Beautiful finish. Simple patterns like this one wit lots of variety are my favorite type of quilt to make. Thanks for inspiring me.

  22. The quilt is called a 2 x 4 Quilt, first shown by Filminthefrige blog tutorial. It has been done in 3 1/2" and also 2 1/2" strips. I have made one in each size. Great scrapbuster. Lovely colors in yours.

  23. Love the quilt and your colors. Thanks for sharing.

  24. Beautiful quilt! and what a wonderful way for a fmaily member to have a hug! I think Paul should be promoted to Quilt SUPER Model - ha ha haha

  25. Lovely quilt! I really like how you arranged the color saturation from light to dark. Too bad Rekha is leaving, she's a lovely model. Thanks for sharing the tutorial.

  26. Congrats! on another great quilt finish (AND to Paul on his promotion to quilt model, too!)

  27. That's a great block for 2.5 inch strips, and it looks like the resulting quilt made a lovely gift for your work friend! I have a jelly roll that might just be called into service for that one!

  28. Lovely quilt, and for a beautiful cause.
    I guess we are all looking forward to the promotion of Paul to quilt model (can't wait!!) ;)

  29. Such a great finish in my favourite colour, and for such a good cause. :-)

  30. Beautiful quilt for a wonderful cause. I really like the quilting you did on it.

  31. It's hard to go wrong with blue. Such a beautiful and restful quilt! Congrats on another finish. I love your quilty conversations with Paul. My Guy and I have similar conversations. Have a great Memorial weekend.

  32. You have made great choices for that quilt, it is irresistible! And It looks soooo easy to piece...but I have to be careful with the colors. An ombre effect would surely look great!

  33. Such a soothing, comforting quilt. Thanks for sharing the story, too!

  34. Beautiful! Love the gentle ombre effect!

  35. Thanks for a great block. I may put it to use very soon. (which may actually mean next year, but I digress.) Paul should make a great model -- but will he need a manicure to have lovely hands showing the quilts? tee hee...

  36. This quilt is stunning! So sweet of you to donate it. Nice that you are promoting Paul!

  37. This is such a beautiful and serene quilt. I once made one in similar colors for a friend with terminal cancer. I’m going to use this pattern to make a quilt for Bernie, even though the H2H drive is over. I didn’t have any to donate that were near her size requirements this year, but this will fit the bill perfectly going forward. Thanks for sharing your beautiful make!!

  38. It is a lovely quilt and was donated to such a good cause. Congratulations to Paul on his promotion, too. Have you noticed how often the word "brat" is used in your conversations with Paul?

  39. I love the blue quilt! I am amazed at how you machine quilt these large quilts on your domestic machine and would like to ask if you spray baste or pin baste? Also, a tutorial would be much appreciated. --Kim J

  40. Your quilt is a stunner! What a lovely gift you have made. I love the conversation with Paul! :-)

  41. "six quilt probation period"? WHAT? And do these conversations really happen or are they just for our fun? SO FUN! Promote him to SUPER quilt model!
