The year was 2005. I was working as a junior planner in Fort Lauderdale. Broward County was conducting a public hearing on a proposed light rail line connecting the western part of the county to downtown Fort Lauderdale.
The beginning
Before Touch-up
After Touch-up (Head, Flower & Shoe completed)
Growing Trees
Roofs under Construction
Colorful Tiles!!!
Housing Project
I remember arriving at the venue about 4:00PM, setting up easels showing the area maps, flip boards and markers, and sign in sheets with several pens. The event began at 6:00PM with a formal presentation from the Florida Department of Transportation official. This was followed by questions from the audience. I remember a particularly angry guy who almost spat out - What happens to my property value?
Puppy Toss
One Home (+Tree) at a Time |
As planners, we regularly study about the economic impact of streetcars and rail lines on adjacent communities. So I knew the answer, but junior planners do not speak (they take notes). A senior planner responded - "Unless your property is smack dab next to the rail line, the value of your property is likely to increase." The angry guy was unconvinced. He had already made up his mind - he hated the light rail and it was not welcome in his neighborhood.
Building Community
Holy Cow!!! |
It got me thinking about the value of property. You see it is a very American concept.
Beauty and the Breeze
Finished Quilt Size - 67" by 75"
Of course all properties in all countries have value but this obsession with "what happens to my property value" was an unfamiliar concept. I need a place to live, a place for my possessions, a place to recover, a place to hide from the world's prying eyes, a place to be myself, a place of complete peace and zero judgement. I place infinite value on this place - my home.
Lazy Dog Pose?
All Size Cats
Santa & Reindeer |
Homes for Everyone
Red Backing, Green Binding
Of course, it has a dollar value too. So what? If the dollar value changes from $200K to $400K, do I sell it and find someplace cheaper? If the value falls to $100K, do I buy a second house because at half price it is just not enough? I do not sing and dance when the value increases and I do not go into despair when it plummets.
Labelled |
Young Fish and Old Dinosaur |
Yes, we pay attention when we build a house or buy a property. Similarly the price tag is of utmost importance when a property is put on the market. But not in between. In between, it is just my home.
Star Fish and Movie Star (Olaf)
Regardless of the prevailing price tag of my house, my day-to-day interactions with my living quarters are unchanged. Shoes in this corner, handbag in that. An aroma of curry wafts from the kitchen, greasy pots in the sink, a dirty cup on the counter and a few turmeric stains on the stove. Cracked floor tiles covered with an area rug; there may be cobwebs in the fireplace but the mantelpiece in the living room has fresh flowers.
Freshly Made
One pillow on the floor but the other has a round depression where my head fits perfectly. The bed is unmade and the sheets are crumpled but there is a Preeti-shaped dip in the mattress that is oh-so-welcoming. There is hair in the drain, streak marks on the mirror, an almost empty bottle of lotion on the shelf, and a dusty weighing scale in the bathroom. I love you my home. You take me as I am. I take you as you are.
Love you my Home (and my quilt)
If you follow the news (and who can blame you if you don't), you may have heard that the Senate left for recess with no Covid relief in sight. Small business owners, workers and families are desperate for support (think rent and mortgage payments) while the current administration abandoned them.
"The Republican Senate can move incredibly fast when they think something is important. They just don't think Covid relief was important." - Leah Greenberg, Indivisible.
I agree with Ms. Greenberg.
Trees in Bloom |
Hullo Charlie Brown
Playfully Yours
Octopus Rules
On one hand, I feel blessed that I do not have to worry about losing my home and on the other hand I feel ashamed and helpless for all those who are struggling to keep a roof over their heads in these trying times.
It is not like one can move in with friends and family till the relief check arrives.
So Vote.
Your Vote is your voice. Make it heard.
Did you see my Puppy?
I can be crabby in my house
Picnic Ready
Bright & Happy
Your Vote can be a celebration of our democracy. Your Vote can be a referendum on the current state of affairs. Your Vote could be a bouquet to the incoming administration or a brickbat to the outgoing one. Your Vote is your resistance, your dissent, a map of things to come and yet it is useless unless you exercise it. Please do. Your Vote has value but only if you cast your ballot.
Sunny Morning
Meet me by the Fountain |
If you have a mail-in ballot, it may be too late to mail it. Use an authorized drop-box.
Vote early if you can. We did.
We are in this together
Get your flu shot and please wear a mask. And if you have thoughts about property values, value of your Vote or the values (light and dark colors) in my quilt, do let me know.
Your comments are your votes on my work and I do value them so very much. I will be sharing with all my favorite linky parties, see full list on the sidebar.