Thursday, July 19, 2018

100+ Quilts and a Giveaway

Have you seen the movie The Jane Austen Book Club?
The movie is about five women (and one man) who form a book club, with each member leading a discussion on one of the six books by Jane Austen. How their lives reflect Austen's stories and their characters relate to Austen's characters, forms the  narrative of the movie.

Work in progress

There is this one scene in the movie where Prudie (played by Emily Blunt) is pouring her heart out to Bernadette (played by Kathy Baker) talking about the temptation in her life.

"He looks at me as if he is the spoon and I am the bowl of ice-cream."

Best. Line. Ever.

Speaking of temptations, have you seen the new 70% sale on Connecting Threads?

Connecting Threads Sale ends 7/23/18

So I just splurged on fabric.
And I am not even feeling guilty. Because, unlike ice-cream, the fabric won't go to my hips :-p

Whether you want fabric or ice-cream or both (why choose), this giveaway is for you.
Why, you ask.  Well, I completed 100 (went over actually) quilts and this calls for a celebration = GIVEAWAY!!!

2 FQ Bundles - 6 solids from Kona

There are six prizes!!!
Two FQ bundles - six solids from Kona (picture above)
Two FQ bundles - four cool prints, four warm prints (picture below)
Two scrap bags - one cool and one warm (picture further below)

2 FQ Bundles - Warm and Cool

Super simple rules.
1. Leave a comment on this blogpost, telling me what is tempting you at this time - food or fabric :-)
2. You may leave an additional comment if you follow my blog

Assorted Scraps - Pinks/Reds

Assorted Scraps - Blue/Green

You are welcome to these scraps because I just completed another Scrap Vortex flimsy.  Thanks to the nudge from Julie ;-)
Will write the blogpost after the quilt is complete and finish taking pictures.

Scrap Vortex Flimsy - Basted

Forgive the Squirrel distraction. So going back to the giveaway. Here is a funny conversation about how I realized I had exceeded 100 quilts.

Muggle: So how many quilts do you make in a year?
Me: I'd say a dozen in a year, sometimes more. A quilt per month is a decent average.
Muggle: So if you'd quilt for the next 30 years at the rate of say 10 quilts a year, you could make enough quilts to keep a small village warm.
Me: Sounds right. Don't forget the quilts I have already made. I may be able to keep a large village warm :-D
Muggle: How many have you already made?
Me: Let's see. 11+16+28+16+20+13.
Muggle: That is 104.
Me: I crossed 100 quilts???
Muggle: You did not know?
Me: Duh, I am busy making, not counting.

At this point, I excused myself and began writing this blogpost and assembling the bundles for the giveaway. It is your turn now.

To celebrate 100+ quilts,  I'd love a tall cake (or ice-cream sundae) made up entirely of your comments :-)

Pieced Backing for the Scrap Vortex above

If you are a no-reply blogger, please include your email.  The winners will be announced on August 1, 2018.  I will be linking with all my favorite linky parties, see sidebar for the full list.

This blogpost contains affiliate links.


  1. Seeing your Scrap Vortex quilt reminds me that I've wanted to make one for a long time. They always turn out beautiful! Lately, I have been tempted more by food. Trying to lose weight (38 lbs. so far!) and watching people eat ice cream during the summer is not easy! Ice cream, juicy burgers and French fries...equals lots of temptation! duchick at gmail dot com

  2. I am a happy Bloglovin' follower of yours, Preeti! duchick at gmail dot com

  3. I just stumbled onto your blog and I am so happy. I read your post about your mom's quilt and it struck a chord in me. Thank you for being so open and transparent. It is really a blessing. Congratulations on 100+ quilts! I am just starting and have completed eleven. :)

  4. Congratulations! WOW 6 years to make 100 quilts? I wonder how many I've made? Love your prizes.... I'd be honored to have some of your fabric choices. Here's to your next 100 quilts! And, keeping a small or large village warm.

  5. Your story made me laugh! But boy, 100+ quilts, that a number! Congratulations! This summer I'm tempting by chocolate ice cream, can't help it... But you are right fabrics are better, they don't go on hips ;))

  6. Congratulations on all those quilts!!

  7. Following on Bloglovin and looking forward to the next 100 quilts!

  8. Preeti,
    Congratulations on your 100! That is a big number but what's really impressive is that every one of them is so beautiful and well thought out.
    Fabric is my top temptation these days and you are not helping any with the Connecting threads link!

  9. Congrats on all those fabulous quilts! I am always tempted by fabric, especially if there is a sale. And lately the fresh peaches have been wonderful so I want peach cobbler with ice cream daily.

  10. Over 100 quilts! Hooray for you! Tempting: fabric always! Sweets are a close second. Any kind. Yesterday I made sugar cookies.

  11. Congrats on all those quilts ! WOW! You are a hard worker, I feel pretty lazy in this hot, humid weather ! Now, in the summer sales my temptation is buying more fabric !! Dangerous !!

  12. Congratulations on reaching 100+ quilts! I'm not surprised at all! I'm always tempted by chocolate of any kind, but also fabric. In fact, I'm tempted to go sew right now rather than continue working on getting my house ready for company coming this weekend!

  13. And I love those Christmas tree blocks. Can't wait to get started on one for myself~ I guess fabric is what is calling me... I just ate lunch ...heheeh

  14. What a super accomplishment! I always enjoy reading your blog and seeing your beautifully created quilts. Can food AND fabric be calling me??? Congratulations!

  15. Hi Pretti! WOWEE - 100 quilts plus is fabulous. I have never thought to count how many I've made. I can honestly say it does not surprise me for as long as I've followed your blog you have shared more than one finish per month. I have been staying away from the 70% off sale - up until now that is. HAHA! Happy Thursday! ~smile~ Roseanne

  16. Such a wonderful achievement, 100 quilts and counting! Just wondering, how many have you kept, and how many have you gifted? It's winter in my part of the world, so I am tempted by home cooked warming winter soups. I love to have a tasty soup simmering away in my crock pot, slow cooker. And to be honest, I'm always tempted by chocolate!

  17. I am always tempted by fabric. My goal is to make 100 quilts like you 🙂

  18. Wow! 100 quilts plus!!! Wow! Wow! Wow! Congrats girlfriend! What temps me? Coffee ice cream! I'm addicted to it! lol However, I am trying to get Bonnie Hunter's Blue Skies pieced together, so I'm tempted to sew at least a little something together every time I walk past my sewing room.

  19. That newest Scrap Vortex seems to have appeared overnight! You have been a BUSY squirrel (giggle). No need to enter me in the giveaway - but I am tempted by COLOR and POSSIBILITY.

  20. Fabric and chocolate are my downfall! Hard to resist either!

  21. I follow you via email. 100 quilts is quite an accomplishment! Congratulations! Love the scrap vortex. I must try one!

  22. Oh Preeti! How you crack me up!! I am dying to do a scrap vortex quilt but am scared to start!! I am tempted by food and fabric every second of the day!!! Do you think I have a problem?!?! ;)

  23. Wow, 100?!? I've made 9 so far, but I have plans in my head for at least a hundred more :-). I am tempted by food and fabric both, but fabric is easier to resist, because a full sewing cupboard means I have to sew first before I can buy more fabric. Maybe I should think of that when I want to stuff more food into an already full tummy? I really hope I win something, but might not be able to answer before August 17th if I do. Will you hang on to my prize for me? (I am confident I will win, I can feel it!)

  24. Food or fabric? Maybe the 5 lbs I put on since the cruise tells me one thing I don't want to know. I have 8 scrap vortex blocks done so far. And it looks like it is not making a dent in the scrap bag at all. I wonder why it takes so much fabric to buy at the fabric store, but scraps never seem to get used up! But hey, I could always want more! Those solids are amazing, I am so into Modern these days. Thanks for the giveaway!

  25. follow on bloglovin, that's lots of quilts

  26. Well, given the fact that while I'm reading this, I've only had a protein bar, scone and small bowl of popcorn for food today, I'm craving food right now. Like, protein maybe (not another protein bar). Usually I crave both food and fabric, fabric getting the first priority of course! Ha! I think both food and fabric go to my hips, unfortunately. Heehee.

  27. I follow you on Instagram (you can run, but you can't hide) :-D

  28. Tempting me this week are Bing Cherries. They are on sale, so I purchased some Monday and returned today for more. Rinse them and leave them on the counter within easy reach to nibble on.

  29. I google your blog to follow you. I keep a list of blogs to google everyday to see what is new. Keeps me busy in the morning when I get up.

  30. Congratulations on 100+quilts...fabric for me as I have food allergies and need to be mindful of what I eat 😊😊. Although it is 8am here in Australia and breakfast is calling.

  31. I was given your book to read lately and have followed your blog since then.

  32. Fabric is more tempting. It is like crayons, need more colors box of 8 NO! box of 64 YES! More fabric to play with YES! Put me in fir the solids.

  33. Following your blog. Put me in fir the solids.

  34. Wow! You go girl! Fabric is tempting’s been a while since I worked on a quilt, too busy enjoying the summer! Thank you for the giveaway, I’d be happy with any of your fabric choices. 👍😊

  35. I follow your blog too! Love your posts, thank you for doing what you do 👍

  36. Ha! I had my scraps dumped out all over the floor today. It never occurred to me to start a SV quilt! Guess I was too focused! Yours is lovely! Congratulations on exceeding 100 quilts! That’s an admirable milestone. Your give away is very generous, but please don’t include me this time! XO

  37. Congratulations on reaching and exceding this milestone! I will be fortunate if I reach that in my lifetime. You are an inspiration. Keep doing what you are doing!

  38. Fabric is tempting me. Every time I look at the fabric I have I say I have plenty. Then I see these sales and realize there is lots of colors/fabrics I do not have that I would like. I quickly clicked off the Connecting Threads sale as what I wanted was piling up.

    tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  39. While fabric is always a temptation, right now what I am totally trying to ignore is the delicious vanilla cupcake from Cupcake Royale that we brought home from Seattle yesterday. It is calling me. I'm trying to save it for breakfast...

  40. And since I follow you via Bloglovin, I am going to tell you here that YOUR 100 QUILTS ARE AWESOME! It's so much fun and inspiring when your colorful, beautiful quilts grace my computer screen! Here's to you and warming a whole village!

  41. I really enjoy your posts, chuckling now! The quilts are always fun too. I'm no where near a hundred, but there is always hope!

  42. I'm not a blogger so I will leave you my email address.

  43. Congrats on 100 plus!!! That's really a lot of quilts. Hope the next 100 are as pretty and varied as your first 100. (I gave into temptation and placed an order with Connecting Threads earlier this week. Retirement is coming, so adding basics is a good way to bulk up for when I can't afford fabric any more).

  44. Congratulations on this big milestone. Many people enjoy your quilty love. I am tempted by fabric, especially minky. ��

  45. I'm nowhere near making 100 quilts but I've bought enough fabric to make 100 quilts (a lot donated to my Project Linus group or I'd be unable to get into my house) so that shows one of my biggest temptations! The other, naturally, is food, in as many varieties as the fabric. Yes, I'd love to win your prize, even with no food involved.
    susanprincess at att dot net

  46. I love the story. I have been quilting a long time. I wouldn't even begin to guess how many I have made. I know I donate at least 25 a year times a lot of years. That's a lot of time, energy, money and love. Oh yes and thread.

  47. I follow on Bloglovin. Those trees are great. I live in the woods.

  48. wow 100 quilts really is a milestone. Cheese is the best way to tempt me or raspberries. Yes, I'd love to win your prize.

  49. Congrats on the 100 quilts! Food and fabric both tempt me all the time, but since I just ate breakfast I think I hear fabric calling my name!

  50. Yes I do follow you on blog lovin.

  51. Leave me out of your giveaway (because you know I have enough fabric already!) but I just have to say "applause, applause!" Here's to 100 more quilts!

  52. Ice cream right now would be good. :-)

  53. Hiya Preeti!
    I am always tempted by fabrics!
    Congrats on your over 100 quilts already made!
    Thanks & Quilty Huggs!

  54. Hiya Preeti again!
    I am a fairly new follower of your lovely blog(found you earlier last year, and happy that I did)!
    The pinks and red scraps package would be used up quickly at my home if I were lucky enough to win it...LOL! I'm working on the Glitter pattern, with EPP. It's in Jen Kingwell's book " Quilt Lovely".
    Thanks & Quilty Huggs!

  55. WOW!! COngrats to you! and right? I am too busy making to count!!

  56. An ice cream sundae sounds good about now. 100 quilts, that is a lot. Congrats!

  57. Wow!!! 100 quilts...fantastic! Fabric is my obsession and I'm not afraid to admit it...ha...was going to say, except to my husband, but there's no getting around it, he knows. the quote ;)

  58. wow i am in awe at all the quilts you have made! here in south texas everyone is tempted at this time of year of all things cool. foods, drinks, and places. places like alaska, canada, san diego

  59. I love cold foods when it is hot weather, but try not to eat too much ice cream. Cold watermelon is a good substitute. Another thing I like is a frozen drink...

  60. Congratulations! 100 quilts is amazing. I'm tempted by both fabric and food. But food this exact amount as I'm eating cake and thinking about ice cream. ☺

  61. I follow on Bloglovin and on Instagram.

  62. Congratulations on making (over) a 100 quilts! I'm tempted by both but really try to control both. I love a good scrappy quilt like your Vortex quilt which helps me use up my stash.

  63. 100!!! I have no idea how many I have made (do they have to be actually finished?) but it is nowhere near that number. My favourite cold food, I love yoghurt and cucumber raita as an accompaniment to hot food. The first time I had it, in Corfu in 1979 I thought, yuck, who mixes yoghurt, cucumber and garlic? Now I am a bit more mature!

  64. I follow your blog, so that gives me an extra entry. I love Jane Austen, my thesis was on her. I think I have read the book, but I definitely haven't seen the film.

  65. My heart does a happy little skip when I get an e-mail telling me you've got a new post. Thank you for the wonderful quilts and more wonderful posts. They are so meaningful.

  66. ooo Congrats on the 100 plus quilts. I admit I have not counted mine and have no idea how many I have made.

  67. I always enjoy your posts. Today I am ice cream with a bit of fabric on the side. Tomorrow will be something else. I love the backing on your Vortex. Can't wait to see your next 100.

  68. Congratulations on exceeding 100! You are very prolific. I didn't know about the Connecting Threads sale. I went to the website and $50 of fabric jumped into my cart!! =O

  69. I have already had homemade ice cream today so fabric it is. Congratulations on your achievement. Love to see what you have posted.

  70. Congrats! on surpassing your 100 quilt milestone. Currently, Whit's Frozen Custard is tempting me daily. Fortunately (for my hips), I have been able to resist (most days!) Thanks for offering a celebration giveaway. Wishing you a hundred MORE quilts!!

  71. Congrats on making 100+ quilts! That is a huge milestone! Thanks for the celebratory giveaway, hope I win some fabric ;)

  72. Congratulations on the first 100. I bet the second 100 will come faster :)

    Love that backing! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  73. Love your numbers story. As you say, it's not about the numbers it's about the making.

  74. Following now. So tempted with the Scrap Vortex. Love it.

  75. Tempted by cake right now. Rich, milk chocolate with cream cheese icing!!! Hmm, wonder if I have all the ingredients to make one from scratch? Yippee for your milestone!!

  76. Over 100 quilts is a huge accomplishment - congratulations! Ice cream is my thing. Specifically, chocolate covered strawberry milkshakes. YUM! :)

  77. I was just thinking a few days about how we met over a quilt in a diner. You have been quite prolific at the machine since then. I am being tempted by fabric lately.

    Just a bit of news: our daughter got married on June 30, and our son and his wife are expecting twins in December! God is gracious!

  78. Wow, over 100 quilts, that is a true milestone. I haven't ever counted up all the quilts I've made, but it is also a lot--of very happy hours spent with fabric, needle, and thread! Fabric always tempts me. I am currently drooling over jelly rolls choices for some quilts my Cousin wants me to make his granddaughters for Christmas. Sigh of bliss!

  79. Talk about a squirrel! While reading your post (and enjoying those luscious fabrics) I started wondering how many I've made. It's impossible to figure it out. But I am now too curious to leave it alone.
    So, what am I supposed to do? Choose between fabric or food, I think. So my answer is it depends on the fabric and on the food. You have to come down here to Louisiana so I can show you how we eat. Everything. Is. Delicious.

  80. I just found your blog and am loving it. I especially enjoy the conversation you have with the squirrel .
    I'm trying to find enough 4" scape pieces to make a lap quilt for a grandson. I have only been back to sewing and quilting for 18 months after a 7 year hiatus. I'd love any of your give away and thank you for doing this.

  81. Congratulations on 100+ quilts! I'm way too easily distracted by both fabric and food. Life is too short to choose! Coming here from Linky Tuesday.

  82. New follower!

  83. Yes I follow you and so enjoy all your creative talents and ideas
    and beautiful squirrely things you make..

  84. Goodness thought I had made a lot of quilts but 100 plus is a dream.
    Ok Fabric will win always over food - just love at looking at - touching all the wonderful choices we are blessed with - thinking of
    the next thing I would like to make... Congratulations on over 100 plus quilts..

  85. I just found your blog through Cooking Up Quilts. I am about to have ice cream to help you celebrate. Congrats!

  86. COngrats on 100. I just completed my 2nd one Long way to go forme~

  87. Great big congratulations on your 100+ quilts! That is quite an accomplishment! Now I really want to make a Scrap Vortex quilt - and I already have so many flimsies (as you well know!) I am very attracted to the cool fat quarter bundle you are giving away. The cupcake fabric is calling my name. Shush .... be very quiet and you will hear it too! LOL!

  88. What a fun giveaway! You are a busy quilter!! Keep it up.

  89. Hope I'm not too late to enter! I had fabric tempting me this morning and pizza tempting me tonight!

  90. I am wanting some ice cream! My cousin came to visit last week and brought me some of my favorite, White Chocolate, Raspberry
    chocolate chip, and it is yummy.
    paweis at yahoo dot com

  91. I follow your blog and really enjoy reading all the posts.
    paweis at yahoo dot com

  92. I haven't counted how many quilts I've made in 6 years but I think I may be about 80. I give them away as gifts or as donations. I love how that backing just jumped out to you for that baby quilt. Recently I made a top from left over batiks and in the middle of the night realized I could use it as a backing instead for a different batik top. DUH. How fun. I would love those beautiful fabrics but confess ice cream is my favorite food-every night. Thanks Preeti for being so generous. mary

  93. Oooh — #100! Lucky me. It’s way too hot to eat anything but ice cream. We’re running 100+ here in eastern Washington. So, instead I will spend the day with the ac & a couple fans blowing and play with fabric. Maybe another top for Project Linus will be created. How do you manage to get your scrap vortex tops created so quickly. I find myself spending far too much time pondering scrap choices and what piece should I use next.....

  94. Congratulations on your 100+ quilts and your encouraging cheerfulness. I love the bright happy colors in your vortex quilt and many others. I’m inspired to search thru my stash and put mine to good use. Your have good ideas and lessons to share.
