I was going to write a short description with a few pictures from Quiltcon. Or so I thought.
But Quiltcon exceeded all my expectations and it therefore deserves a full post of its own.
Sunday at Quiltcon
I dropped off the completed flimsies at the collection point next to registration. The blocks were overflowing from the table, when I handed her my contribution.
Woman 1 - How are they going to take everything back?
Woman 2 - It is a good problem to have.
I silently wished there wasn't a need for these blocks/quilts.
Let the eye candy begin. I have included the artist's description following each quilt.
Deportation by Jackie Benedetti |
Detail |
This is Bob. Bob won the Viewers Choice Award, which confirms my belief that at heart we are all kids :-)
Bob by Patti Coppock |
Sedona Sunrise by Erin Andrews |
Unfinished by Kathy York |
Detail |
New Mexico Crosses by Terrie H Mangat |
Detail |
Tuberose by Anneliese Johnson |
Mell and I have very different styles. She is most definitely a modern quilter. My style is more traditional - Traditional Modernism at best. But there were a few quilts that we both agreed upon. The next quilt with improv triangles and color wash effect is one of them.
Triangle Color Study III by Nicholas Ball |
Detail |
The following quilt won a ribbon. I can see why.
Like a Girl by Niagara Modern Quilt Guils |
Detail |
Homes for the Homeless - Community First Village by Kelly Hogan |
There was a section devoted to Youth Quilts. Here are my favorites from that.
No explanation required |
Made me cry |
Twist by Maria Shell |
And here is
Jayne's quilt. Sold!!!
Making Waves by Jayne Willis |
Damned by Skye Rayburn |
Usually I would be hard pressed to pick one favorite in a quilt show that had so many spectacular beauties. Also it is hard to imagine that I would pick a quilt that had no color. But this is that quilt. It made me so happy, I have been going around and showing it to complete muggles and reliving the experience of reading it the very first time. I love this one!!! Kudos to you Tulsa Modern Quilt Guild.
For best experience, read aloud from left to right, one line at a time.
As far as techniques go, this is the one that I want to learn. I had the opportunity to meet the designer Audrey Esarey. She won two ribbons but this is not one of them. You can see her winning quilts on the
MQG website.
Retro Radial by Audrey Esarey |
I was not familiar with Lizzo's music or this song, but I fixed that as soon as I returned. And I can totally relate to this quilt - music or not.
I Heart Lizzo by Alison chambers |
Can you Get Inside by Isabel Munoz |
Resonance by Cassandra Beaver |
Nothing I Desire by Patti Coppock |
Typographic Abstraction by Jessica Wheelahan |
I was happy (but not surprised) to see
Cindy's quilt. She is in my guild.
Kaleidoscope by Cindy Grisdela |
This was a spectacular beauty that left both Mell and me awestruck!!! And yet not a ribbon in sight. Hmmm...
Zenith by Cassandra Beaver |
We ended the day supremely exhausted but insanely happy.
People of Quiltcon
I met Alison Glass and showed off my finisher's pin from the
Trinket QAL. She was kind enough to pose for a selfie.
With Alison Glass |
I met
Vasudha of Storied Quilts and talked about future quilty ideas. I invited her to DC and she offered to host me for the Quilt Market.
With Vasudha |
Mell and I were admiring a quilt and trying to figure out the piecing.
Mell - It is partial seams
Me - Yes, but it is not partial seams in a block. It is the whole quilt. She had to sew one huge jagged edge of fabric to the next huge jagged edge of fabric.
That is when Victoria Findlay Wolfe surprised us, came from behind and said - Totally crazy, isn't it.
We chatted for a bit and I called her a glutton for punishment. She wholehearted agreed and then I took this picture of her.
Victoria Findlay Wolfe |
I met
Anja but forgot to take picture.
The best part of the day was when a kind looking woman approached me and asked me if I was Preeti of Sew Preeti Quilts. Yes, I replied.
Someone actually recognized me from the blog!!! Boy, I have arrived.
It was a mild high. OK, it was a huge high.
It was
Kathleen. Oh but your picture doesn't do you justice, I remarked. She smiled and accepted the compliment.
We hugged and chatted.
Sightseeing in Austin
Monday morning Mell and I decided to check out the Capital in Austin. Here are few pictures.
Life Size Sculptures |
He was stealing my goat |
I put up a good fight |
I eventually lost but not without a fight :-) Mell was kind enough to go along with my silliness.
Pioneer Woman |
Goofiness |
Spectacular |
When I returned, I became a member of the Modern Quilt Guild. I am sure there are more Quiltcons in my future. I will be sharing with all my favorite linky parties. As usual I'd love to hear your thoughts.