Saturday, April 27, 2024

Feeling Peachy - Blush

Few weeks ago, I had just completed a project for publication. And I had yet to begin my Funky Friends Toy. This in-between-projects time when I was particularly vulnerable, I came across the Pantone Quilt Challenge Announcement and I fell for it. HARD.

Paul: How hard?
Me: So hard that I have an entry in EVERY category.

One thing was certain. I was NOT going to buy any fabric for the challenge. I would only use my stash. It turns out I had plenty of peachy goodness, in the entire spectrum of values, in yardage, precuts and scraps. 




I got to work or I started to play :-D

Peachy all the way

I cut squares and rectangles and made blocks. I arranged and rearranged. 

Ready to sew

On the design wall

I took a walk and saw peachy goodness everywhere.

On my walk

I checked my email and saw peachy yumminess.

Passionfruit Tea

I went shopping and was surrounded by peachy vibes.

Fashion forward kidswear

I woke up peachy. I ate peachy. I slept peachy and even dreamt in peachy hues.

My Salmon is Peachy :-D

Peachful Dreams

As I came close to completing the top, I thought about a suitable name. I should call it "A Peachful Demonstration", I reasoned. It had so many peachy fabrics.

But once I took the pictures, I decided against it. 

Finished Flimsy




I am going with "Blush". What do you think?

Finally, my favorite picture!

She is peachy, alright!!!

Blush measures 60" square. 
I am entering Blush in the "Just the Top" category. 

Make sure you check out all the entries at the Pantone Quilt Challenge 2024 Linky Party hosted by Sarah Ruiz Quilts.

I will also be sharing with all my favorite linky parties. See full list on the sidebar.  


  1. It's all Preeti peachy keen!

  2. That's two done, how many more categories are you entering in?

  3. Your flimsy looks great. Really good colour selection and placement.
    (Karen, Sunburnt Quilts.)

  4. Enjoying your peachy plus creations!

  5. Blush is a perfect name for the quilt. The color fade is really fun. A fun spring quilt.

  6. This is so pretty! You did an amazing job with the fabrics you had on hand!

  7. Wow! You knocked it out of the park AGAIN! What a pretty quilt!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  8. You really did see peach everywhere! And Blush is gorgeous - I love the colorwash effect you achieved with the different shades. Fun to read about your process, too!

  9. Ooooh, Blush, what a perfect name for a pretty peachy top! Your fabrics are wonderful, love the swans, dotted chevrons, graphic fabrics!
    You did great for this entry, bravo!
    Thank you for sharing your lovely and inspirational work!

  10. Blush is perfect. Love the colors and the fade to the borders! So many great fabrics in it too.

  11. Wow! I think Blush is a great name for this quilt top and I look forward to celebrating it as a finish with you when it's complete.

  12. Ohh I like BLUSH!!! You could sit with this one on the porch and sip a blush wine and watch the sun go down!

  13. A Perfectly, Pleasant Peach Party Indeed!

  14. I love this peachy quilt, the design and colors!

  15. I really love Blush, Preeti! Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing with Monday Musings!

  16. Blush is a great name! The colors are wonderful, you are a genius.

  17. Such peacy lusciousness! Love it. Good luck in the challenge. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  18. Love the gradient and the circular but irregular feel of the "blobb". Maybe a bit inspired by some peachy blooms? Fun overall design from a simple block. A skill you seem to have mastered. xo

  19. Beautiful! Love the gradient.
