Saturday, April 27, 2024

Peach on Earth

Although I had completed Blush, I had plenty of strips left over. It was time to play improv. 

Strips and Scraps

Pop of Green

As I pieced strips of varying lengths together, I added a skinny strip of green fabric to add a pop of contrast! What do you think?

Peach, Coral, Gold and Green :-)

Here is the finished quilt. I have named it "Peach on Earth". 

Peach on Earth, 42" by 45"

Giraffes on the Backing

Finishing at 42" by 45", "Peach on Earth" will be making an appearance in the Quilts (Throw or Larger) category. 

Here are a few closeups. 

Walking Foot Quilting

Pink Lions and Peachy Giraffes

White Binding


There was just one more thing. I wanted a picture with a Pink Dogwood in Bloom. I scouted our neighborhood, knocked on doors, asking for permission to take pictures, promising no harm shall befall the blooms. I was lucky. Here are the best three (of 27) shots.

I will be sharing with the Pantone Quilt Challenge 2024 Linky Party hosted by Sarah Ruiz Quilts and Quilting Jetgirl's Favorite Finish for April

I will also be sharing with all my favorite linky parties. See full list on the sidebar.  


  1. It needed the green. Perfect and happy quilt!

  2. I love this !!!!
    I read all of the posts for the peach challenge, and as usual loved them all. But I also learned that all of our eyes see colors differently. Some of your "peach tones" read way different to my eyes and brain.

  3. Great way to use up all the strips. And the backing is a lot of fun.

  4. Love your improv. The green really made it pop and the backing was the perfect touch. Great job. Thanks for sharing.

  5. You made really good use of all those leftovers. The backing fabric is such fun. Congrats on creating your peach portfolio for the challenge.

  6. The dogwood tree is the perfect background for this quilt! Blush is my favorite of the two quilts but this one is lovely also. Happy stitching!

  7. What a great result of using leftovers! The green stripe was the perfect accent. I love what you named it!!!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  8. I love your dogwood photos - so perfect for complimenting Peach on Earth! And that backing is delightful, too. It's been fun to follow your peachy adventures, Preeti!

  9. Such a delightful way to use those leftover strips. And a very very pretty photo shoot.

  10. That little touch of green is perfect - another fabulous Pretti Peachy creation!

  11. I thought the touch of green was perfect, and then the photograph of Peach on Earth with the blooming dogwood photos really sealed it for me. Lovely!

  12. Love your quilt. And the dogwoods are beautiful!

  13. I love this, Preeti! It's really soft and I love the pop of green you added in the improv! Thanks for sharing with Monday Musings!

  14. Such a happy, pretty quilt. Oh, how I love a lovely photo shoot with the flowers. =) Thank you, Preeti, for stopping by my blog today. For some reason your comment didn't go through to my emails, so I'm thanking you here. Xx

  15. Pretty (spring) quilt! Love the green strip, it really makes it pop. Cute backing too. Great way using up those strips. Love your photo shots too, beautiful dogwood flowers (I've never seen one in real).

  16. Love, love, love your peachy fabrics! How fun to add that pop of green. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  17. peach on earth, what a great title. The flowering tree is so pretty

  18. What a great use of those leftover strips and bits, Preeti! I love the dogwood/quilt photos and the matching giraffes, too!

  19. How beautiful with the trees in bloom! And what a great disclaimer: No floweres were harmed during the process lol
