Sunday, August 29, 2021

Random Acts of Cuteness

Our office recently moved to a new location.  There are no lunch places within walking distance but there is a café in the basement. The food is good and the service is great. Naturally, I became a regular :-) Fami works in the cafe and she is usually behind the counter so it was a few weeks before I noticed her pregnant state. To be sure, I asked Frank - Is she expecting a baby. Frank nodded. When I asked, he told me that the baby is due in October. She'll be going on leave soon.

So I did what most of us quilters do. Make something for the baby, and in a hurry.

First stop was burp cloths. 

Flannel Burp Cloths

Set of Four

Terry Cloth on the back

That took an hour, even with the ergonomic design.

Could I make a quick quilt?  Once upon a time, before the great calamity, when I was browsing a thrift store, I came across a cute alphabet animal fabric. As I started reading the animals in alphabetical order, my mind jumped ahead.

Animal Fabric

 "What animal begins with an X?"  "Are they just going to skip X."  "Only 25 letters in the alphabet???" And then I found X-tinct. Very clever indeed!!! 

Used Easter Snoopy fabric as backing. Walking foot quilting following the printed lines. It finished at about 42" by 31". Not quite a quilt but maybe it can serve as a play-mat? 

Cute Koala bear

A turquoise binding completed the look.

Snoopy Rules



It is cute and soft and the baby has lots to see.

Paul, the model

42" by 31"

For the baby, I said, as I handed Fami the bag with the quilted play-mat and the burp cloths.  Her face lit up and she thanked me. "It is perfect for a boy," she exclaimed.  

I hadn't known but the universe always does :-)


Jill is one of my co-workers. One day she came to me with a "random request". 

Jill: And you can tell me to go fly a kite if you are not up for it.
Me: I am listening.
Jill: My nephew turns five next week and he has been asking for toy underwear. 
Me: Underwear made with toy fabrics?
Jill: That he has.
Me: Oh. What then?
Jill: His toys do not have underwear.
Me: Like doll clothes?
Jill: Not quite. Underwear for Miss Piggy, Gerald, Tiger and Bus Bus.

It was the sweetest thing. A 5-year old was concerned that his toys were running around without proper covering.  If we cared for each other half as much we could solve most of world's problems.

It can be done but I need measurements, I asked.  Once I had those I dropped everything to make underwear for Gerald, Miss Piggy, the Tiger and Bus Bus. It became my Dreami (drop everything and make it) for August.

My first try using ugly fabric

Chosen Fabrics

Toy Underwear - Models Needed

These looked cute but I wasn't sure if they would fit the toys.  Fortunately (and for no valid reason other than this) we have a plush frog who happily modeled for me. 

Model Frog - This worked!!!

Thank you Froggie :-)

Very good model :-)

Model with a Smile :-)

The toy underwear were delivered to Jill and I anxiously waited for the verdict. I got a text from Jill and then the pictures followed. 

My heart just melted. 

The remaining fabrics from the toy underwear were quickly turned into zippered pouches which Jill purchased immediately. 



In Space

Stuck in Traffic!

No butt was left uncovered. Crayons, pencils and erasers found a safe haven. And everybody lived happily ever after. 

Sharing with Sandra's Dreami Linky.  Also sharing with all my favorite linky parties.  See full list on the sidebar.

Last Call - The Positivity Linky Party ends at midnight on August 30, 2021.  Prizes announced on Sunday, September 5, 2021.

Friday, August 20, 2021


I have named him Varun, after the Hindu deity of sea and sky and rain. By now Varun has traveled the width of the country and reached Bernie on the west coast.

Varun  - 60" by 80"

Varun - Green Backing

Each plus block finished at 10" square. 48 blocks were arranged 6 by 8 for a finished quilt measuring 60" by 80". Varun is my contribution to the Positivity QAL and is a Mercyful Quilt

Thank you from Mercy Hospital

Mercyful Quilts Update

Wrapped with Kindness (may need tissues)

A Note from Mercy Hospital

Here are the pictures showing the progression from fabrics to flimsy to quilt.

Blues for the Border

Reds for the Main Squares

For the Plus Blocks

I think Varun is one good-looking quilt. Although the reason to make Mercyful Quilts is a somber one, I believe the quilt still needs to be uplifting and life-affirming.

Blue Blocks (see the Christmas lights?)

Red Plus Blocks, Snowballed Corners (Some sparkle is a must)

Finished Flimsy

When I am piecing, I see the fabrics from the wrong side. When I press the blocks/fabrics, the iron covers most of it. It is only when I am quilting that I get to really enjoy the beauty of the fabrics, as the sandwich moves slowly under the needle. 

Walking Foot Quilting

Adding Texture

Red Plaid for Binding

Machine Binding - Swift and Sturdy

All done!!!

As much as I want to get it done, move to binding and then get to the next project, I have willed myself to slow down while quilting. These are handsome fabrics and they look so good together. I should take the time to enjoy them, I tell myself.

On a steep hill

Hello handsome!!!

Best Wishes

Thank you Mauna, my goofy quilt model

One last look...

Go on Varun, Godspeed. Wrap someone in love and provide comfort...I said as I packed him away.

I still have a few triangles left over from snowballing the corners with bright blues. I could just discard these itty bitty pieces. 

Paul: Can you?
Me: Nah!!!

So here is a zippered pouch made from the leftover tiny triangles.  Yeah, I am keeping this :-)

No scrap left behind :-)


Happiness inside!

On September 5, I will pick out the winners (see the prizes) from all those who entered the Finished Quilt Linky Party. I will then ask Bernie to make sure that those quilts have reached her. If not, then I will pick another till we have five winners.

Speaking of Bernie, did you know she is closing her Needle and Foot Etsy store and offering deep discounts on the clearance sale?

Did I buy anything?
You bet I did.

Here is my haul. I may have bought out some of the items. Sorry, not sorry. 
But hurry and you may still find some beauties at prices that are as good as a steal.

Super cuteness!!!

My floral beauties

Gorgeous Ombre Fabric and some remnants!


I have completed my RSC blocks for August. Here are my greenish blues.

Greenish Blue - Light

Greenish Blue - Dark

And here are the bluish greens. 

Bluish Green - Light

Bluish Green - Dark

All my Blue Greens

Sharing with Angela's Linky Party and all my other favorites. See full list on the sidebar.

I look forward to your thoughts - be they positive (about the Positivity QAL) or negative (use of negative space) :-)