Saturday, July 22, 2023

Soha and Frogkisser

Me: I avoid cleaning and organizing.  
Paul: Of course, I clean only when it is absolutely essential. 
Me: I am glad you agree. 
Paul: Let sleeping critters lie
Me: Exactly. When I do clean/organize, I get attacked by squirrels.  

At this moment, Paul lost the thread of conversation.

In anticipation of the second shipment of Island Batik Ambassador boxes, I had to clean house, get rid of some scraps and make room for the new supplies. 

In doing so, I came across some star blocks, that date back to 2015, I think. Who knows? It was so long ago. Seven blocks were made. I dropped everything and whipped up two more and completed the flimsy.

Lost and Found

Meet Soha.  Soha is an Arabic name meaning Star of a hidden constellation. These stars were in hiding for long but now they have found their purpose. 


I received this backing fabric from Julie, when she was destashing.  Love the tightly packed houses. 


I have been tempted to color some of these houses using fabric pens, but that is a separate post/project!

Color me, please!

Soha finished at about 40" square, and will join other quilts (from my quilt guild) going to the Inova Fair Oaks Hospital's Premie Graduation. These quilts accompany the premie babies when they "graduate" from NICU to go home.  

Stars on a Cloudy Day - Oh Yes :-)

Light-hearted star centers radiate color outwards.  All colors except yellow. Yellow does not show up well against a white background and I wanted each of these stars to pop!

Green & Glowing

Radiant Rainbow Colors


I will be sharing with Angela's Linky party.


I made the next quilt for my former boss' handyman's apprentice's two-year old son, named Leo. I was visiting my former boss, when she mentioned the hardworking men in the front yard.  She also mentioned how Claudio, her trusted handyman of many years had taken the young apprentice under his wing. "He has a two-year old son," she added.

Well, then he needs a quilt. Doesn't he?

Do you remember Meanwhile? Scroll down to the second quilt in that post. Since Meanwhile was such a fun modern take on a scrappy concept, I had saved some flannel strips for making a quickie quilt.

Flannel Strips

Right after I completed Soha, I dived into my bag of flannel strips and started sttiching.

Flannel is stretchy, so precision was too lofty an idea to pursue. I just stitched strips and soon enough there was a flimsy.

Frogs Live Long & Prosper!

For the backing I pieced a transportation themed fabric with yellow borders. No-fuss quilting with squiggles and binding with some newsprint fabric left over from Aurora

Planes, Trains & Automobiles


It finished at about 44" by 52" and I have named it Frogkisser. Because I may have kissed (or lovingly caressed) the cute frogs.  No, I don't mind being a Frogkisser because it is a magical ability to turn random scraps into cozy and snuggle-worthy quilts :-D

I kiss Frogs :-)


Love it!!!

Have Quilt, Will Travel

When Frogkisser was gifted to Leo's dad, he beamed with delight and I was just glad that some scraps found their purpose.  I will be sharing with all my favorite linky parties. See full list on the sidebar.

For Leo

Here are my two Dreami (Drop everything and make it) projects.  Will be sharing on Sandra's blog when she posts the next Dreami Linky Party.

I have two more fun quilts ready for prime time and I am dying to show them to you but must wait till July 28 for my turn on the "Covering the World - One Quilt at a Time" event co-sponsored by Accuquilt and Island Batik.


  1. Squirrels distract me too when I attempt to clean my sewing room. Both cute quilts are terrific ways to use up those left over parts and pieces, and doing that is so satisfying I think.

  2. those are two good looking quilts someone will love these

  3. Way to clean up while preparing for your next Island Batik shipment, Preeti!!

  4. I love how you made two quilts from digging around in the quilting playroom and came up with two quilts already designated to good homes. Great job, Preeti! Both quilts are sweet as is the sentiment behind them. You silly, Frogkisser!

  5. Both quilts are adorable, Preeti. I especially love the combination of traditional stars with the more free-spirited ones that have different length points. Great way to "clean house" and spread the quilty love all at the same time!

  6. What a productive clearing out session you had. I love it when I get to gift a quilt in person, and it sounds like Frogkisser was received enthusiastically. :)

  7. No squirrels here in New Zealand to distract me, I can do that all by myself when my mind starts racing with new ideas! That's a lovely snuggly flannel quilt for a little two year old, such a wonderful unexpected gift for the family.

  8. Those are fun and happy quilts with lovely purposes for their use! I think playing with squirrels (or at least watching them, if they're in the yard) to be a fun and happy activity, too - plus very entertaining. So, these two cute squirrelly quilts just fit right in!

  9. I love the rainbow of stars in Soha, and Frogkisser is very cute and a great way to use up flannel scraps. Great job on the squirrel projects! (I avoid cleaning whenever possible too!)

  10. I have definitely marked my calendar for the Cover the World event! Man, you were busy busy lately! I do have sone flannel hiding away! I’d better go see what they have been up to!

  11. So nice to see that UFO finished. Love those colorful stars. And the Frogkisser Quilt is so nice. You have been busy sharing love in all the right places!

  12. "When I do clean/organize, I get attacked by squirrels." I understand that all too well! The star blocks let to an inspired finish. And what a lovely gift for the young boy.

  13. I'm trying to be better about cleaning/organizing, but as you say, there are so many darn squirrels that jump in my way! LOL Great little quilts, Preeti. I'm sure they will be loved by their recipients!

  14. Love both of your quilts! And just love the conversation with Paul about cleaning, haha!! xx

  15. Absolutely love the star quilt - and the Planes train and Autos!

  16. These are both two fun "squirrels" and so fun that they were made from scraps and leftovers. I am sure they will both bring lots of joy! xo

  17. I love your quilts, and how you found perfect and original names for them! Pretty stars, nice centers, and those frogs are very cute!
    Thank you for sharing these DrEAMI projects, and linking up ;)

  18. These are both so great - I love the way you set those stars - it will be an amazing graduation present for a little one!! lots of love will be felt!! and the blue one - well - I love blues - so i'm just drawn to it!!!
    Cleaning. ugh... not a fun task - but you found great things!

  19. Preeti, I want to be you when I grow up (although I’m pretty sure I’m older than you!). Leo is one lucky boy. My great-nephew just turned 2 and he’s suddenly extremely amused by ‘tooting’ 😉. I think Leo’s going to love his snuggly quilt, especially the strips with the elephant derrières 😆. Love 💕 your ✨ stars quilt for the preemies, you’ll make a lucky family very happy with that bright & cheerful quilt. (Ever since you coloured in a spot on the skirt of one of your ‘International Sisters’ quilt blocks with orange fabric marker, I thought “Oh! I should get myself a set of those!” I may experiment with Sharpies (I have so many), because they’re used for quilt labels so I know they can withstand the wash. I think it’d be a great idea to colour a roofs or two and a few windows!! Thanks for sharing your Dreami’s with us!! 🐿 ~Diana K.

  20. Both of these quilts are inspiring. I can't decide which I like better. Thanks for sharing the inspiration.

  21. I have so many hobbies, squirrels 🐿️ have overtaken the house🤣 beautiful quilts!

  22. Can't wait to see your Covering the World quilt! Meanwhile, I love gazing on Soha and Frogkisser. Great approach to those stretchy flannels for Frogkisser! Soha will make some lucky parents so happy. Thank you for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
